comments for The Prestreestuck
sort: go backi dont know anything about homestuck and hope i never do but good game nonetheless
it's called prestreestuck because you keep getting stuck while trying to progress
I love this game for no reason in particular!
Not my proudest creation
i can see that
is this an abandoned game?
@gavincapp What, do you really think automation comes from nothing? No. It comes from effort. Today, we can use a lighter to make fire, but in the stone age, we had to get sticks and stones, scrape the stones together, and pray that we got the right stones (i.e. flint and some sort of iron- or rust-based rock).
i love the preeuck!
** i love homesuck **
currently at metaness, when do i unlock the next meta layer?
a bunch of ongoing gags in one
(level 1)
"Yes. Hell yes. Hell fuccing yes. ALL THE LAYERS. ALL OF THEM."
(level 2)
"oh god this is an absolute preposterous amount of layers and tabs"
(level 3)
"oh god oh fu- (flips the fucc out before metasploding)"
The game was fun, but last 2 layers in part 1 were slow(up to 30min timewall). Anyways, I beat the game in github. I'm currently replaying it in this site.
while this game isnt exactly great. its still fun for some reason. i dont know why.
How can I even understand the language..?
am i a masochist for playing this? probably!
Very fun but VERY and I mean VERY grindy but 10/10 ur all amazing!
Act 0: Genesis
(17 layers remaining)
mind and heart upgrades dont keep with higher restarts, which considering i have a chain of "keep milestones" that includes milestones that should cover those, it feels like something is broken, and not in a fun way
i accidentally chose act 1 and now i cant go back pls help me
I love spending 2 hours on a single doom wrath thinking what the fuck, then proceed to exit the challenge, spend 2 mins getting more doom and finish the wrath in a minute
The entire first half of this game is really great. It's well balanced and well-paced, if a little on the slower, idler side for TMT games.
The second half... not so much. It's mostly a rehash of the first with increasingly longer and longer timewalls where you mostly just sit there waiting combined with pointless repetitive upgrades (0.Xx the upgrade above this, again, again, again...) and a lack of automation. It's not terrible but it's just not very fun.
The last layer is basically just a giant timewall. I honestly just don't have too much to say about it, there's nothing there and it just feels unnecessary considering this is the second time now the game has reset all its numbers.
It's a great time, I'd just stop when it starts feeling like a drag.