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The Prestreestuck

developed by ducdat0507 countest
rated 4.3 stars, 134 ratings
rated 4.3 stars, 134 ratings

Posted May 12, 2023. Updated May 12, 2023. Played 8542 times for a total of 21204 hours.


Not my proudest creation

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newest comments

creyol July 22, 2024
0comment score: 0

if the last layer in act 0 is space, i can see what you're talking about

otherwise oh god no

creyol July 20, 2024
0comment score: 0

(16 layers remaining)

creyol July 18, 2024
0comment score: 0

guys when do i unlock the light brown layer

unicodes counter July 11, 2024
+3comment score: 3

The Pres(tige)tree(is)stuck

77Incremental77 July 6, 2024
+1comment score: 1

How do you play the game, it's just a black screen, help please

top comments

Entropy counter June 2, 2023
+27comment score: 27

The entire first half of this game is really great. It's well balanced and well-paced, if a little on the slower, idler side for TMT games.

The second half... not so much. It's mostly a rehash of the first with increasingly longer and longer timewalls where you mostly just sit there waiting combined with pointless repetitive upgrades (0.Xx the upgrade above this, again, again, again...) and a lack of automation. It's not terrible but it's just not very fun.

The last layer is basically just a giant timewall. I honestly just don't have too much to say about it, there's nothing there and it just feels unnecessary considering this is the second time now the game has reset all its numbers.

It's a great time, I'd just stop when it starts feeling like a drag.

pissmaster2 December 5, 2023
+12comment score: 12

i dont know anything about homestuck and hope i never do but good game nonetheless

Acod verifier June 27, 2024
+8comment score: 8

it's called prestreestuck because you keep getting stuck while trying to progress

JuneLeijon May 26, 2023
+6comment score: 6

I love this game for no reason in particular!

pixelperfect12 gamedev July 19, 2023
+4comment score: 4

i love the preeuck!

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