I got stuck at like 61M Sacrifice mults and respeccing eternity upgrades and buying them all again somehow boosted my sac mults production? idk why but ok
Got to the Light reset layer. But it doesn't actually work properly.
The Milestones for Hope and Rage should also make it it so the Heart and Mind are kept as well.
It does not do this.
The entire first half of this game is really great. It's well balanced and well-paced, if a little on the slower, idler side for TMT games.
The second half... not so much. It's mostly a rehash of the first with increasingly longer and longer timewalls where you mostly just sit there waiting combined with pointless repetitive upgrades (0.Xx the upgrade above this, again, again, again...) and a lack of automation. It's not terrible but it's just not very fun.
The last layer is basically just a giant timewall. I honestly just don't have too much to say about it, there's nothing there and it just feels unnecessary considering this is the second time now the game has reset all its numbers.
It's a great time, I'd just stop when it starts feeling like a drag.
newest comments
(if i mean unlock the layers its in space power)
damn, it's been so many years to think anything about homestuck..
I got stuck at like 61M Sacrifice mults and respeccing eternity upgrades and buying them all again somehow boosted my sac mults production? idk why but ok
Got to the Light reset layer. But it doesn't actually work properly.
The Milestones for Hope and Rage should also make it it so the Heart and Mind are kept as well.
It does not do this.
top comments
The entire first half of this game is really great. It's well balanced and well-paced, if a little on the slower, idler side for TMT games.
The second half... not so much. It's mostly a rehash of the first with increasingly longer and longer timewalls where you mostly just sit there waiting combined with pointless repetitive upgrades (0.Xx the upgrade above this, again, again, again...) and a lack of automation. It's not terrible but it's just not very fun.
The last layer is basically just a giant timewall. I honestly just don't have too much to say about it, there's nothing there and it just feels unnecessary considering this is the second time now the game has reset all its numbers.
It's a great time, I'd just stop when it starts feeling like a drag.
i dont know anything about homestuck and hope i never do but good game nonetheless
it's called prestreestuck because you keep getting stuck while trying to progress
I love this game for no reason in particular!
is this an abandoned game?