comments for Universe Shrinker
sort: go backsince 2022, ronna- and quecta- are actual prefixes, so technically 2 new verse tiers would make sense, but it's just so unnecessary
0 automation. Clicking gets boring after a while. Especially if it is the same button
pretty fun
w universe shrinker
deciverse, centiverse, milliverse, microverse, nanoverse, and so on
davik9384: this is how web browsers work--data does not carry between devices. if you want to easily move your save over, you can paste the exported save into galaxy's cloud save feature from your phone, and then copy it from your computer
I can't get into games like this where they don't produce the producer below. It makes me feel like I'm wasting time without buying gens.
well i did my first heat death.... i wasnt reading stuff and spent my only heat death point on automation... great.
so Jupi's comment is a lie? please make divs fixed,
universe grower: make all particles 1 universe, multiverse, gigaverse away from eachother
Can we please have monospace font as an option? Terminal theme is too dark. Text keeping flickering induces headache:(
the universal fbi is after me
Don't get me wrong I love monotony but this game is genuinely unfun monotony.
Very good game also beautiful color scheme is so pleasing on my eyes
my favorite idle game about numbers that can only go so low
dark or dark (Variation), the hardest question
Resistance is a unique(hot take?) Drawback while shrinking higher-tier verses, if the resistance is 1 it would normally how much it'd shrink if it 2 it square root 3 cube root and blah blah BLAH as if we do the resistance n it would n-root your matter condenser power
Nice, universe shrinker on galaxy