Universe Shrinker

103 ratings
rated 4.2 stars, 103 ratings.
Posted June 14, 2024. Updated June 22, 2024. Played 8925 times for a total of 10053 hours.
In this Game, you shrink Universes with the help of shrinkers that divide its size every second. Buy Upgrades, shrink even bigger stuff and discover the Heat Death. Choose between several notations and themes.
newest comments
Pretty decent but definitely needs automation
Me is gain back progress since browser reset (me dumb, i had a lot of universes like 1e100 a sec)
davik9384: this is how web browsers work--data does not carry between devices. if you want to easily move your save over, you can paste the exported save into galaxy's cloud save feature from your phone, and then copy it from your computer
i just lost my proggress when i switched to pc when i was mobile =[ (i had a best of 16 teraverses i need someone to tell me why that happed cause im sad)
Is there anything else? Im at 1e160 Omniverses
top comments
Nice, universe shrinker on galaxy
since 2022, ronna- and quecta- are actual prefixes, so technically 2 new verse tiers would make sense, but it's just so unnecessary
0 automation. Clicking gets boring after a while. Especially if it is the same button
pretty fun
w universe shrinker