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comments for The Galactic Tree

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Hyppy July 9, 2024
+8comment score: 8

Some of the layer 3 upgrades and milestones seem to be broken. Ones in particular I noticed were the 75 comets milestone (didn't reveal a space upgrade, though the icon started glowing), 999k space distance milestone (didn't affect either comets nor asteroids income). I may be wrong, but it felt like many of the other multiplicative income milestones for various resources weren't working, either.

developer response: yeah, the comets and asteroids layers aren’t finished yet. i had to release the update because it wasn’t playable. thank uou for your feedback and thanks for playing.

Gethain22 July 9, 2024
+6comment score: 6

The Buy Bulk Rockets i feel should come earlier than 19 Rockets.

developer response: alright, i will change this.

Termt July 10, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Also, the rocket price reduction modifiers are borderline worthless given how quickly they move into a huge price scale. 1e90 / by 5 is still 2e89, a negligible difference in games like this.
Which is assuming they even work, because I am 100% convinced the astronaut increases don't work properly.

developer response: i will look in to this. thank you for the feedback and thanks for playing.

Tim_du_78 July 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Please do something about upgrades saving on L3 reset, its just SO ANNOYING buying everything over and over again

developer response: there is a milestone that save astronaut milestones so it also saves rf upgrades and there is another milestone that saves rocket upgrades, so you don't need to buy a lot of upgrades

C00LB0R1S gamedev July 14, 2024
+3comment score: 3

If you already beat asteroids and comets, use the savebank to restart that layer! the layer wasn't made properly in v.0.Pre2.0

Mateon1 July 15, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Seems like there's a bug, after you unlock the 10 000 000 space distance milestone (not even buy the unlocked upgrade), it seems like upgrades affecting comet gain stop working. Went from getting >500k comets per reset to 150 comets. Asteroids still work, though. This makes going for endgame more difficult than it should be

developer response: this isn’t because of the milestone. there is a softcap at 1 million comets because comet gain would be to crazy. this softcap will be changed next update it is because the comets and asteroids layer aren’t finished yet. You can see all the softcaps in the softcap tab to the right

Termt July 9, 2024
+3comment score: 3

The astronaut gain acts rather weirdly with the fairly obvious caps for astronaut gain. A *10 upgrade resulted in a *1.12 increase.
This also makes astronaut gain upgrades from the layer after less impactful, which is a little... unrewarding? aggravating?

developer response: thanks for your feedback, i know about this. astronauts is a weird layer it needs a full rework! thank you for playing!

Anonymous69 July 14, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Understood. Looking forward to tomorrow's update

C00LB0R1S gamedev July 13, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Hello everybody, the update was supossed to come out today, but i need to delay it by one more day. i chose this because a lot of people have way to much comets & asteroids so they basically already beat the layer (somehow). but, this is actually a good decision because there will be a lot more content next update. I hope you understand.

Join the discord for extra info:

tristan countest July 10, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Thanks for responding to my comments! A lot of people don't. And yeah, I can see the softcap now lol. Without it, it definitely would get too crazy. People complain about softcaps without seeing the benefits of softcaps--I personally think it helps if you add a menu that says all the softcaps that are being applied right now, but I personally don't mind.

developer response: no problem man i like interacting with players and using their feedback. the softcaps are really required but they aren't quite right, they are like to strong but if i lower them it gets worse like further in the layer. i'm fairly new to this system so i'll have to do some research to find an other solution. thanks for playing :)

Sanas gamedev July 9, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Suggestion: Add buy max to rockets.

developer response: currently at rocket milestone 19 but i will change it.

DaCoz July 11, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I don't know if this is a glitch, but i have the glow showing upgrade available in tier 3 but when I look there, there is nothing available.

developer response: layer 3 (space, comets & asteroids) aren't finished.

tristan countest July 10, 2024
+2comment score: 2

After reaching the 500,000 Astronauts milestone, I appear to be making less astronauts (before it didn't take long to reach +1,000,000 Astronauts in one click but now it takes a couple minutes to reach +100,000 astronauts in one click). Is this a bug, or was the amount of astronauts I was making before a bug?

developer response: it gets softcapped because astronauts gain is way to crazy. but i'm trying to find an altarnative to this softcap. will be changed in 0.2

CargoHunter July 20, 2024
+2comment score: 2

When I completed my 6th infinity, I received the milestones (and rewards) for both 6 and 7 at the same time. Then when I finished my 7th infinity, I received nothing. Just a bug report

developer response: fixed in the next update!

speedmaster24 countest July 18, 2024
+2comment score: 2

mega endgame achivement is mislabled as e64 when it awards at e66

developer response: changed!

YeeMemer69 counter July 16, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Why are there 2 rocket milestone 16 achievements?

developer response: thats a great question.. idk lol, ill change this

Ivanisdabest14 July 20, 2024
+2comment score: 2

@Sanas it is fixed rn

Hridhaan July 9, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Good game! I know rocket fuel was made...!

developer response: thank you :)

Exvinity July 9, 2024
+2comment score: 2

A pretty alright game, nothing crazy. I like the reasource labels, fuel, rocket, astronaut, space distance, etc!

But, what annoys me the most and will probably tick you off too, is not being able to max buy the rockets and have to buy a single over and over again. It gets especially annoying late game when every reset, you have to buy one rocket over and over again. If the creator can add a max buy for rockets, I’d finish the game, but it’s very repetitive and annoying.

Besides that, everything is balanced, no major time walls, and often adds new content and features. I’d recommend this game.

developer response: hey! thanks for playing and enjoying my game. thank you for the feedback, the bulk buy rocket milestone will be changed to an earlier stage of the game. it's currently at rocket milestone 19

tristan countest July 10, 2024
+2comment score: 2

reply to developer response: Yes the names of the achievements, they feel a bit lazy. No offense, though. I think maybe that comes from them feeling a bit out of place compared to the layer names and upgrade names? Haven't gotten too far in the game yet, though.

developer response: thanks for your feedback, after rereading them i can see why you think this, i completely agree, most of them will be changed in 0.2. thank you for playing!