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comments for Squareixion

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Crimson406 July 28, 2024
+58comment score: 58

PRO TIP: There ARE hotkeys. The only indication of their existence is in the patch notes(!?!?), and it's bound to the number keys (1 for first prestige layer, 2 for second, etc.)
The game would definitely benefit from earlier automation unlock and actually telling the player that hotkeys exist.

pissmaster gamedev July 28, 2024
+44comment score: 44

horribly grindy, even using holding enter

CoolRadGamer countest July 29, 2024
+32comment score: 32

oh this was originally a roblox game (no wonder its so grindy) i agree with what the others guys are saying more automation pretty please (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

alexJ July 28, 2024
+27comment score: 27

its just kind of boring ive been doing the same thing for like 30 mins rn and nothing new has happened

incraldanerd counter August 27, 2024
+22comment score: 22

man, can you please remove that flashy fade into the gameplay from the title screen? some of us would REALLY just like to get straight into the game.

maddawg5450 July 28, 2024
+13comment score: 13

My previous comment was addressed earlier and the automation in the second layer has become really nice. Of course I've known about the hotkeys as well, but I was addressing it from the PoV of someone who DIDN'T read things before they started and ended up missing it... or a million other ways it's possible to miss that information.

Agreed with @Crimson406 that there needs to be at least a short window of introduction that explains the point of the game and the hotkeys. I'm also unsure as to how grindy you (Dev) want the game to be, but I can say that only having marginal gains across each upgrade makes them feel rather lacking or unrewarding for the time spent. Automation and QoL features are really great to add in to each new layer if that grinding is going to be consistent. I have yet to reach past layer 3 now, but, as I mentioned above, the automation was addressed very quickly and that makes me excited. Thanks Troxi!

zul August 27, 2024
+9comment score: 9

i first thought that getting stage 125 for giant squares was impossible. then i thought that getting 10S collapses was impossible. then i thought that 1e100 stage collapse was impossible. then i thought that any rebuild rank was impossible. then i thought that rebuild rank 140 was impossible. now i think that rebuild rank 170 is impossible. nothing is impossible, it just takes a lot and a lot and a lot of time. Ω

Neffdigity August 9, 2024
+8comment score: 8

There definitely needs to be more milestones between 10,500 galaxies and 10S collapses to make the game less of a drag, and there really REALLY should be more milestones between that one and the 1e100 stage one. Otherwise this portion of the game is super boring and a grindy drag. Having more upgrades would at least give the illusion that the game is progressing faster and make this part more fun. Also upgrades that are bought using black holes should be a thing too. Would again, make the game a lot more fun during this portion.

Termt July 29, 2024
+7comment score: 7

I can not remember the last time I played a clicker where I didn't just find it grating. I still can't, nothing's changed there.
The mini square unlock is massively MASSIVELY underwhelming. Oh jolly, a minimal boost to the previous two layers. The 2nd prestige layer's currency increase being almost entirely dependant on a 1st layer's upgrade, not caring for enemy level at all, was also rather disappointing.
There is no way I'm continuing to the next layer/unlock with the game in its current state. I have an autoclicker, I know I can hold enter. It's not worth it. because I still need to do all the resets manually, and the currency increase from the mini square unlock is far too true to its name because the bonus is SO mini that it practically doesn't matter.

BlueMagma August 24, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Progress towards fifth layer unlock is glacial, and that's being generous. Need to gain 50 orders of magnitude, and after 30 mins only got one out of that fifty. First few layers weren't too bad, but I guess I'll stop here.

unpogged August 11, 2024
+6comment score: 6

there are two sections to this game: the part where upgrades aren't automated and the part where upgrades are

nutshell August 27, 2024
+6comment score: 6

the new game update include press 5 two times per second for 2 hours. Cant i just gain 50% of universes and wait 2 hour timewall. why do i have to be active the whole time

sese_mueller August 1, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Interesting game, but too grindy with a hard luck-based barrier at Stage 102k.

MurderMouse July 31, 2024
+6comment score: 6

The scroll underneath the prestige thing is too small and annoying to have to click on. Hmmmm....

TNT September 18, 2024
+5comment score: 5

what is the name on roblox?

Neffdigity August 4, 2024
+5comment score: 5

@sese_mueller for the luck based portion once you get to around stage 102k you can use the enter glitch to get past that barrier. Just hold down enter and you'll start spamming cubes, and when you hit a lvl 9 cube, it will shoot you up to stage 105k. You wont have to worry about accidentally downgrading either because a message will pop up to let you know you unlocked the next thing which would prevent you from accidentally rolling a worse cube as you'd have to stop holding enter to click the message box.

awWhy July 29, 2024
+5comment score: 5

For others who have small monitor, second reset tier appears on right without any indications of it. I got to 100b points before accidently pressed 2 and coudn't understand why everything resetted

TacticalFail August 3, 2024
+5comment score: 5

Neon Square is legitimately frustrating given it doesn't lock in your highest value. The RNG part would be okay if it did lock in if it hits something higher, but the fact that it doesn't makes it intensely frustrating and basically a wall as it's the only way to progress when unlocked.

nutshell August 8, 2024
+4comment score: 4

some of these layers are grindy as heck and boring as heck. Late layer 3 was just pressing 3 buttons for 2 hours, Late layer 4 is just pressing 3 buttons for 2 hours. But there's a layer 5??

Lerny August 26, 2024
+4comment score: 4
