
Posted July 28, 2024. Updated August 25, 2024. Played 12899 times for a total of 17570 hours.
Here you need to kill squares to get stronger and face stronger squares.
latest update
0.5.2 December 16, 2024
- Added new effect for milestone 10.
- The text no longer goes beyond the borders of each upgrade.
- The 64-square was removed and replaced with X-square.
- The rate of damage to squares while holding has been significantly increased.
- The upgrade 7 was removed (because it didn't even work).
- Added epilepsy warning.
- Many other small changes.
newest comments
I've been having fun with this, but the 4th and 5th collapse milestones (6.5qd stage and 100 galaxies) have been incredibly bleak. The fastest way to make stars for the 4th milestone is pressing the same three keys repeatedly, and once you unlock galaxies you just press 4 every 1-2s with the only progress being made the slooowly creeping up bonus from galaxies.
took two days of playtime to finish in two days..
it eats 80% of gpu usage on lowest settings so, gonna have to skip for a while.
(Overflow) is love. (Overflow) is life.
So far e100 stage collapse is my biggest time wall yet. and the worst part is that its an active one, wish me luck
top comments
PRO TIP: There ARE hotkeys. The only indication of their existence is in the patch notes(!?!?), and it's bound to the number keys (1 for first prestige layer, 2 for second, etc.)
The game would definitely benefit from earlier automation unlock and actually telling the player that hotkeys exist.
horribly grindy, even using holding enter
oh this was originally a roblox game (no wonder its so grindy) i agree with what the others guys are saying more automation pretty please (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
its just kind of boring ive been doing the same thing for like 30 mins rn and nothing new has happened
man, can you please remove that flashy fade into the gameplay from the title screen? some of us would REALLY just like to get straight into the game.