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comments for The Almighty Crafter

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mlr223 countest August 16, 2024
+10comment score: 10

Good game but there are a few bugs:
- I can not buy iron and gold upgrade 2
- The price increase of the 2 titanium upgrade does not show (the price increases but you always see the base price and not the current one)
- I can buy the Diamonds Tools multiple times (not sure if that's a bug but you can't buy again the other upgrades so I'm not sure)
- The No Timewall choice in the crafting knowledge tab only activates after the current convertion has come to an end
- I can not activate the Experienced Crafter choice
- Crafting Power, Crafting Knowledge and Crafting Knowledge gain do not save if you reset the page

The game also lacks a save export and import feature and a scrolling one so you need to zoom out to see and buy some upgrades but it was enjoyable if a bit short, I will continue to play after new content is added.

developer response: I am fixing all of them update coming today.. and gonna add 1 feature just to make the game a little bit harder.

Lustre August 16, 2024
+5comment score: 5

A lot of broken stuff, already covered in the comments here, I might come back later when it's all fixed.

Biroulik August 16, 2024
+4comment score: 4

so, uhm, I was initially about to comment on how click-intensive it seemed, but now I just seem to have broken the game, as I can't get any iron or gold miners

mlr223 countest August 16, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Other bugs:
- Emerald upgrade 2 broke just now.
- Titanium passive and per click gain have been reset but not the upgrades prices.

DiesWhenKilled August 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Upon refreshing all upgrades except the first two were relocked, saying i need to reach level 1?

developer response: maybe cuz saving takes 30 seconds so.. yh don't forget to save it manually as well in the options tab

blurr1974 August 16, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Not getting any exp despite having three items crafted (pickaxe, axe and iron pickaxe.)

developer response: an Update is coming in a hour or so.. it should fix it

GrevlingNinja August 20, 2024
+3comment score: 3

After buying automation age, the furnace and crafting knowledge stops working. Playing on pc btw.

developer response: I am fixing that update should come in like maybe 2 or 3 days or even less just be patient

Sea2Sky counter August 16, 2024
+3comment score: 3

You should be able to press on a button to make the crafting go faster, waiting for iron and gold to smelt is hell

developer response: hmm good idea! I'll add prob a update coming in a few hours ;)

DiesWhenKilled August 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I bought the Age of Automation upgrade and immediately lost all automatic production. Clicking still works.

developer response: I am fixing that I know it already

Biroulik August 16, 2024
+2comment score: 2

the hard reset doesn't seem to be working, and I'm stuck with level 0 and upgrades already unlocked but with 0 xp

developer response: I am fixing it and a update will come in a few hours :)

tristan countest August 16, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I think it's kinda weird how I can see so many materials at the start; you'd think I'd only have wood in the beginning and have to work my way up to titanium

developer response: It is what it is. I mean it isn't a lot only 5 materials.

aneasyusername countest August 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

also, i clicked on the middle of the level 4 box when i was on level 2 and i unlocked diamond tools, so fix it so that you cant buy locked upgrades

developer response: oh I didn't knew that was a thing lol thanks for telling me :D

Sanas gamedev August 15, 2024
+2comment score: 2

My screen is too small to see the full game, making gold ore and diamonds unobtainable.

developer response: I am making an update right now it should come tommorow if you are patient enough?

aneasyusername countest August 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

i swear im not crazy but im very sure the boost on the furnace instead slows it down

developer response: Converting boost the one 1.5x does boost it confermed and tested by me

Maplefrog7 August 20, 2024
+2comment score: 2

ironic that age of automation breaks automation

developer response: I am fixing it..

Ninousle August 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

How to convert in sticks ?..

developer response: click on the white box and type the amount you want

Bingus August 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

the portal upgrade doesnt work ive bought it like 5 times without effect

developer response: hmm.. okay I'll see what I missed

Francisc0 August 16, 2024
+2comment score: 2

i can't get sticks, how

developer response: you have to set it in the little box thingy like type how much you want I hope this helps :)

Sea2Sky counter August 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

two things, thanks for making the furnace not a waiting hell, but now it's just a clicking simulator on crafting power.. I'm also not sure what crafting knowledge does lol

developer response: Okay so.. I am going to add a tutorial to the game cuz.. yh you see the reasons and gonna add a automation tab.. so it might take some time cuz also some new content stuff

Termt August 16, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Some upgrades just need you to have a certain amount of crafting power, some upgrades actually cost crafting power. I couldn't tell which was which.
God knows what crafting knowledge is for, probably planned features.
The color of the wood resource is a little too dark for me personally. Black on dark brown doesn't offer a lot of contrast.

developer response: Okay so today a update will come I'll fix those stuff don't worry just be patient this is a new game you know.. Just know it will be fixed :)