The Almighty Crafter

Posted August 13, 2024. Updated August 16, 2024. Played 1082 times for a total of 301 hours.
in this game you are a young crafter who needs power.. but for what use?
latest update
v0.2.1.1 August 16, 2024
- Added boost to converting stuff
- Fixed a bug where converting stuff unlocks before furnace
- Fixed Hard Reset not working
- Added a progress bar
- Changed the Level req for Furnace cuz I realized I was dumb for doing it ;-;
newest comments
this is a message from the creator of this game, after couple of months of not updating I will start working on this once more, and I promise it will be much better
Buying the automation age for some reason gave me negative xp?? now im level 0 again and cant use the smelter or crafting knowledge again, and i cant get the xp back cause pickaxe and axe are already bought and the next upgrade costs smelter materials which i cant make. guess im softlocked
imma put this game off till it gets an export save button and most of the bugs are fixed. Though keep up the good work your doing well so far.
developer response: thank you on this I know there is some bugs.. but the reason I didn't updated for quite a while it's cuz I have other incremental games that are much better than this and ye so I kinda forgot abt it but I'll see when I'll continue on it
the iron up 1 upgrade seems to be completely broken. I clicked it and it gave me 300 iron then I kept clicking it and instead of costing how much it said it only cost weird ammounts like 12 17 28 etc
helloi im teh one who designed teh stuff (specifically the monsters)
top comments
Good game but there are a few bugs:
- I can not buy iron and gold upgrade 2
- The price increase of the 2 titanium upgrade does not show (the price increases but you always see the base price and not the current one)
- I can buy the Diamonds Tools multiple times (not sure if that's a bug but you can't buy again the other upgrades so I'm not sure)
- The No Timewall choice in the crafting knowledge tab only activates after the current convertion has come to an end
- I can not activate the Experienced Crafter choice
- Crafting Power, Crafting Knowledge and Crafting Knowledge gain do not save if you reset the page
The game also lacks a save export and import feature and a scrolling one so you need to zoom out to see and buy some upgrades but it was enjoyable if a bit short, I will continue to play after new content is added.
developer response: I am fixing all of them update coming today.. and gonna add 1 feature just to make the game a little bit harder.
A lot of broken stuff, already covered in the comments here, I might come back later when it's all fixed.
so, uhm, I was initially about to comment on how click-intensive it seemed, but now I just seem to have broken the game, as I can't get any iron or gold miners
You should be able to press on a button to make the crafting go faster, waiting for iron and gold to smelt is hell
developer response: hmm good idea! I'll add prob a update coming in a few hours ;)
Other bugs:
- Emerald upgrade 2 broke just now.
- Titanium passive and per click gain have been reset but not the upgrades prices.