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comments for HashQuest

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evadinglife August 23, 2024
+10comment score: 10

For those who wonder how to play - select the coin you want to mine with a mouse click over it in the "Coins to mine" window.
Idk how I feel about this. The idea and visual style is nice, but the game is a torture to play - no automation (autofill requires money, has a long cooldown, fills up only a portion = useless), manual clicks to fill the energy, mining is very slow and what is even the point to have a cooldown between shares? Imo it would be better to just be able to setup rigs for each coin, slowly mine all of them at once and sell when one hits a better price or have a way to trade coins for each other like it was suggested in the other comments.
I'm sorry but for me personally it's unplayable atm.

ducdat0507 countest September 9, 2024
+6comment score: 6

I love that NFT feature

I love it when I can paint the entire canvas black and then sell it for one trillion dollars

Termt August 22, 2024
+4comment score: 4

A pretty dull slow start. Upgrades could do with the post-upgrade stats being shown.
Not a fan of the mining cooldown, if the late game needs a cooldown to be implemented then don't make the already egregious start suffer even more from it.

unicodes gamedev August 22, 2024
+4comment score: 4

how do i play the game???

DerGetrollte September 6, 2024
+4comment score: 4

NFT way too op. can just stack multiple colors and get unlimited score ---> Money

nutshell August 22, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I have one coin at 50k, the rest are at 0. if it ever falls or the rug gets pulled, I'll never be able to afford upgrades. I would recommend some backup strategies or maybe mine all coins at once. Maybe you get 100% of one coin, and 10% of all the others. There's a 1/10 chance i succeed so it's all risk and maybe reward. Also, I would recommend removing the cooldown between shares, there's really no point to it and it's just gating all the progression.

Kritzmaker August 24, 2024
+3comment score: 3

W patch, dev.

maxfrost August 22, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Bit slow of a start. After figuring out the interface, somewhat disappointed that I couldn't play the crypto markets against each other (i.e. get some money from mining, then buy other coins and hope they go up in value so I can action on gains elsewhere). Right now it's hope you get lucky, chase after the coins that are performing for now, get middling amounts of cash, which only makes crunching things slightly faster.

Not sure I like the power top-up mechanic. Even when automated, unless you've got a giant pile of currency, you can't idle for very long.

Decent first game. Has some bones, but needs more unfolding mechanics and a balance pass.

CrownedBird August 24, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I like that you can buy coins now. I’ve put my whole life savings on a coin that was literally just worth $0.13, I bought like 250,000 of them. Then I waited roughly 35+ mins till the coin randomly skyrocketed in value up to $100+! I think I skipped a big time wall in upgrades and became a millionaire :D

Promoter8 gamedev September 7, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I have in place already, a system that limits boosted values for NFTe to once per game day. Ig upvote this is you want me to activate this.

Or if you have another idea, leave a message in the sidebar chat thing or the galaxy discord.

developer response: Due to low support for this, I will not be enabling this.

galaxyuser63274 countest August 23, 2024
+2comment score: 2

ok but how do you play

Lustre August 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

In a game like this, you should add some kind of silly minigame to affect the prices somehow. It's annoying having to wait and spam the power button waiting for prices to skyrocket again.

Wrab August 23, 2024
+2comment score: 2

import/export for saves is missing

developer response: I've implemented this feature and pushed an update.

helloman September 6, 2024
+2comment score: 2

one line can do like 10 grand

developer response: This is by design. It's taking a piss at the whole crypto scene.

Stoj August 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Interesting concept. Some terrible design choices.
The cooldown needs to be removed or scaled back. After just a few small upgrades the cooldown is 90% of the wait time meaning any further upgrade is useless.

BlueAngel August 22, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I played for quite a while hoping for a way to decrease or remove the mining cooldown but didn't see anything (unless it's ASIC which I haven't gotten yet even at lvl 22). The minimum market price should definitely go up as you progress or a passive 1% income of your best sell. Something to do while you're waiting for a good market price would be nice too.

frank_x counter August 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

the new patch has massively smoothed out earlygame experience :D
also what is end of content?

NOT_A_ROBOT counter August 24, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I was here right when it was updated, apparently. It's good that the creator listened to feedback, updated the game, and made it more balanced.

Sofiane2u August 25, 2024
+1comment score: 1

can the graph stick to the right not the left? when you dismiss a coin it make a mess, it will allign better if stick to the right

Ewynn August 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

I really like to look at graphs of stocks, there is something nice in random walk process. But gameplay wise the player's decisions are about «do I sell or do I buy?» and there is a problem. The game provides no info about what happened in the past: how much you mined, for what price; how can I secure income if I can't track my transactions? I would say this could be a neat game if it had some functional windows with details about avg prices and current state. Is it -20% or +50%? I do not know