comments for Count to a Googol
sort: go backme when I have to go fullscreen to progress the game:
Not only the UI looks giant, but data also doesn't save.
ui broken on mobile and/or most Web browsers :/
The UI is completely blown out of scale and I can't play at all. Even if I go full-screen at 3840x2160, all I see is part of a giant zero. Not sure what's going on here but you really should use some kind of responsive sizing. Firefox, chrome, edge... all the same result.
This game is basically unplayable. I use 50% zoom just to make sure the game isn’t too large but I can’t click on the zero.
@nothingtoall: there is no "mins" tag, the "hours" tag is intended for games that last hours or less. you can hover over a tag to see its definition
The game only takes like 15 mins to finish and is quite fun
the problem with the ui is because this is an itch game you will have to press the full screen button in the bottom right corner thats on the itch bar to fix the ui
I'm on Firefox and I cannot view the game fully without going fullscreen. Can't even scroll.
i counted to a googol and the things disappeared? i guess i beated it
it is a short game (15min ish), and either mine bugged out or there is no end screen, but it does feel nice to see numbers go up
uh.. so am I supposed to like wait for 100m for the 2nd little square thing? There is most likely something cut off on my mobile screen? I'm at 1m and there's no way I'm getting that much.
1. The game doesn't fit properly in the iframe. Not sure if that's because I'm using vertical tabs + two side panels, but the game should still fit.
2. As far as I can tell, plays like weird AD.
3. I have no idea what the circles mean. Can I click on the blue ones? Is it good to click on the red ones? I don't seem to get a boost either way.
4. The way you display numbers is weird, but it works. It can be hard to tell what numbers I have sometimes, though.
as far as I can tell, blue buttons 2-7 are literally useless. Maybe change that?
the grid number concept is pretty cool i guess
there's no saving [sad emoji]
WTF is this ????
its just a giant zero on the screen
Okay, I made it go completely gray.
The UI definitely needs improvement, the "ascension(?)" circles get covered up by the layer squares pretty quickly. The visual size of this project is too big and needs to be shrunk to fit the screen.
am i wrong that this ends at 10^99 and not 10^100
how to play:
- click big square
- click small square to gain passive number for big square
- click more small square to gain numbers for previous small squares (it's like antimatter dimensions)
- click red circle to reset game to make small squares cheaper
- hold blue circles to get a headstart