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comments for Prestige Chain: Reincarnated

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Termt October 2, 2024
+24comment score: 24

I HAVE to disagree with how this game is tagged. Idle and Automation?
Sure, you'll unlock some automation, but a major part of this requires active clicking to make any progress so far. And hoarding currency without buying upgrades is horribly ineffective, you pretty much can't save up for multiple levels at a time.
You get Automation for the A layer on the 4th B reset. Now I'm at e1300 B and I still don't have a shred of automation for the hundreds of buyable levels B requires.
Definitely leaning more towards active than idle with the amount of clicking. It'd be a bit better if the "click & sweep to buy upgrades" also applied to buyables... but no, you just have to click and hold on each one separately.

glaceleaf October 3, 2024
+20comment score: 20

neat concept, cool execution so far! however, there's a REALLY big timewall at . otherwise excited to see where this goes!

Biroulik October 2, 2024
+12comment score: 12

I don't know if it is on purpose or accident, but compared to the rest of the game up to that point which is quite active, there is this huge timewall just before alligator upgrade 19 where you kinda spend an hour over 2-3 beaver buyables, instead of the usual 1-100s between buyables.

rapidemboar October 1, 2024
+11comment score: 11

Turns out the easiest way to make a player waste their own time is to just add a click counter directly on the achievements menu

Termt October 14, 2024
+10comment score: 10

e1710 eagles so far, total of 7253 eagle buyables bought. All manually because there's no autobuyer in sight.
Still convinced the game's tags should be moved to active more so than idle, because progressing while idle is practically not possible.

Termt October 8, 2024
+9comment score: 9

@SinisterSinner its going to get noticeably worse even before you unlock E. Excruciatingly slow progress (compared to almost everything before it) when you reach the 15th Duck milestone (or earlier, didn't keep exact track), and at least stays that way till you reach the 17th milestone.
Maybe for longer, haven't reached the 17th milestone yet.

Vallkisek October 11, 2024
+8comment score: 8

I think the milestones that have several smaller goals within them (D15, 16, 17, 24) are off somehow, progress gets noticeably much slower whenever reaching one of them.

SinisterSinnner October 7, 2024
+6comment score: 6

The ducks time wall is real and very boring between 150k and 1e30. Not sure what would make it better other than just increasing duck production or make another milestone or something.

Maplefrog7 November 3, 2024
+6comment score: 6

the time wall between al-ig-tor and A--ig-tor is insane this in not a idle game it incremental sure but it takes over a day to get there is insane

Imhoden October 10, 2024
+6comment score: 6

The timewall after Duck milestone 15 is too much. Takes days to reach milestone 16, and there's no noticeable speedup after that either.

yhvr owner October 5, 2024
+5comment score: 5

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee: galaxy does not save progress between devices automatically. you can manually save your progress on galaxy to take to another device by exporting a game's save, clicking the cloud saves button below the game, pasting your save in, and then copying it on the new device

BallinBububu October 29, 2024
+4comment score: 4

This game is extremely simple in concept but takes a VERY long time to get through. I have well over 100 hours on this and still have at least one or two layers to go, and it seems like at around e45,000 finches the game starts to get pretty unbalanced and I've had to cheat in some upgrades. If you want an idle game that won't end but doesn't ever get more complicated than clicking the next button, this is the game for you.

Hrukjan October 14, 2024
+4comment score: 4

I managed to softlock myself at 16 Finches with probably 11 Finch resets. Fixed it with player.d.points=player.d.points.add(1e200) should probably get fixed at some point though.

JavonnFrancois October 21, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Few bugs on mobile? Huge huge where you can’t click ANY UPGRADE
Please fix this, then us mobile players can play
I beg you, please.

richardlycn013 October 1, 2024
+3comment score: 3

game is not playable on ipad pro. i have 2 alligators and tap to buy the upgrade and it refuses to buy it.

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee October 6, 2024
+3comment score: 3

this should be named "alphabetical animal prestige chain: reincarnated"

KonopisteKaprTuha February 5, 2025
+3comment score: 3

the amount of time you have to wait at is ridiculous

thetouchoftism November 1, 2024
+3comment score: 3

woohoo i lost all my progress

JavonnFrancois October 21, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Huge bug I mean

Ivanisdabest14 October 6, 2024
+2comment score: 2

yup @yuruto, @Termt is speaking facts
so look carefully at informations