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Prestige Chain: Reincarnated

developed by pg132
rated 3.5 stars, 53 ratings.
rated 3.5 stars, 53 ratings.

Posted September 30, 2024. Updated October 1, 2024. Played 11231 times for a total of 18617 hours.


The second version of Prestige Chain, centered around nine buyables for each layer. Upgrades cause buyables to give free levels of previous buyables, and number goes up ensues!

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boozledorf December 7, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Any advice on how to complete Tireless a fourth time? I'm well and truly stuck, both falcon growth and tier growth are starting to slog, and I don't want to try all 800 possible combinations of Tier buyables in the hopes that there's some weird new combination that's way better than anything else I've tried.

hectic_scone December 6, 2024
+1comment score: 1

is it just me or is there an insane timewall at

Maplefrog7 November 3, 2024
+3comment score: 3

the time wall between al-ig-tor and A--ig-tor is insane this in not a idle game it incremental sure but it takes over a day to get there is insane

thetouchoftism November 1, 2024
+2comment score: 2

woohoo i lost all my progress

yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee October 29, 2024
+1comment score: 1

i thought i hit an insane timewall at but i didnt see the new challenge

top comments

Termt October 2, 2024
+22comment score: 22

I HAVE to disagree with how this game is tagged. Idle and Automation?
Sure, you'll unlock some automation, but a major part of this requires active clicking to make any progress so far. And hoarding currency without buying upgrades is horribly ineffective, you pretty much can't save up for multiple levels at a time.
You get Automation for the A layer on the 4th B reset. Now I'm at e1300 B and I still don't have a shred of automation for the hundreds of buyable levels B requires.
Definitely leaning more towards active than idle with the amount of clicking. It'd be a bit better if the "click & sweep to buy upgrades" also applied to buyables... but no, you just have to click and hold on each one separately.

glaceleaf October 3, 2024
+17comment score: 17

neat concept, cool execution so far! however, there's a REALLY big timewall at . otherwise excited to see where this goes!

Biroulik October 2, 2024
+12comment score: 12

I don't know if it is on purpose or accident, but compared to the rest of the game up to that point which is quite active, there is this huge timewall just before alligator upgrade 19 where you kinda spend an hour over 2-3 beaver buyables, instead of the usual 1-100s between buyables.

Termt October 14, 2024
+10comment score: 10

e1710 eagles so far, total of 7253 eagle buyables bought. All manually because there's no autobuyer in sight.
Still convinced the game's tags should be moved to active more so than idle, because progressing while idle is practically not possible.

rapidemboar October 1, 2024
+10comment score: 10

Turns out the easiest way to make a player waste their own time is to just add a click counter directly on the achievements menu

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