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comments for SC2FMFR

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Tooiy counter October 17, 2024
+40comment score: 40

man i love scrap

DiesWhenKilled October 21, 2024
+34comment score: 34

I think I hate this game? I was enjoying myself, until Quests - I hated getting merge tokens. Then I unlocked the second dimension, and I hated grinding for Dark Scrap (and Dark Fragments, wow). Then I got to beams, and I despised getting beams. After that I stopped unlocking things that I hated, but then I got supernova, and the game asked me to get Merge Tokens, Beams, and Dark resources all over again, except this time with a boost that seemed too small to me (even though, objectively, it was a substantial increase). I realised that I sort of resented the fact that I had to get them in large quantities to begin with, the first time around, so I gave up.

Even the things I didn't hate (tires, bricks, etc.) took way too long to get up to a good rate of progress. Tires, especially, were quite frustrating due to the price increase for the whole row with each individual purchase, which, while I'm sure makes sense for the games' progression in the long term, feels awful in the moment, and is quite frustrating at first.

I can recommend the game to most people, I think, but I'll conclude with this - if you, hypothetiocal new player reading this, find each new avenue of progress less appealing than the last, as I did, then listen to your instincts. While it does not necessarily get worse, it definitely doesn't get any better (that was my experience, at least). Obviously, if you're having fun, then keep having fun - the game is clearly striking a chord within you. But if you're like me, and you find yourself putting your nose to the grindstone, hoping for a progression layer that will make the previous ones less of a chore, then stop. Not this time, friend. Not this game.

developer response: Totally fair review. Quests have always been the most unpopular part of the game, but things like Super EZ or all the later token boosts make it much easier. Beams were very grindy for a long time, but in the most recent update (right before I released it on galaxy), tree upgrades that cost Beams were made significantly cheaper. I can look into the costs of the Beam upgrades themselves as well. And for Supernova, maybe you did it a bit early? Like most prestige layers, you don't want to prestige immediately after unlocking it - I think the recommended amount is thousands of dusts. With that you can get around x4 Beams, x5 Tokens, x10 Magnets - whatever you want - you can reset and re-assign the Dust upgrades at any time. Respect for making it to the end of the game.

dahdumbguy October 23, 2024
+24comment score: 24

holy- a scrap clicker 2 fangame on pc that doesnt require merging 10million times a day manually and that actually introduces new mechanics rather than just new ways to make a number go up?!?!?! this is a historical event.
the insane elitism in the sc2 community around "merging techniques" is just straight up degenerate and i can see why the devs never expanded the actual gameplay so this is such a huge quality jump from the original lmfao

Crimson406 October 18, 2024
+20comment score: 20

There's an unlock for doing 12,000 manual merges???? I'm not dealing with that dude

developer response: 12k isn't much when in the original game people do 1 million in a week haha but you don't need to do it, the currency you unlock there explicitly boosts an active playstyle

MickyFoley October 17, 2024
+13comment score: 13

Hm. Currently, not that long into the game, but 500 Golden Scrap for 2x Scrap = 500% for 200%. Am I missing the point? Is it double each time and will be worthwhile sometime in future?

developer response: Fair question. The price/effect ratio of that upgrade is different later on (higher costs). What makes the upgrade useful is that the scrap boosts from GS and from that upgrade are multiplicative with each other. If you have 5500 GS and spend 500 on 2x Scrap from the upgrade you only lose 10% Scrap boost from GS, but gain 2x from the upgrade. So optimally you want to only spend a fraction of your GS on it (whenever the boost you gain is higher than what you lose)

aloevera October 17, 2024
+10comment score: 10

ik this i have the game on my phone

yhvr owner October 17, 2024
+10comment score: 10

Not sure if you're already aware, but something strange seems to be up with the FPS cap when it's at 60. On my phone the FPS counter fluctuates between a flat 30fps and a flat 60fps, and on my computer it's a flat 30fps when my monitor is at 60Hz but around 48fps at 144Hz. Very neat game otherwise, really enjoying it :D

developer response: Wow, the owner of the website likes my game! Thanks! :)
I am aware that the FPS limiting can act weird, I'll look into it next time

Entropy counter October 22, 2024
+10comment score: 10

Yeah, I think I'm going to echo previous comments and say that this just isn't fun anymore.

If I had to pick something, it's definitely the fact there are an absurd amount of currencies and almost none of them seem to link together past boosting Scrap or Magnets, and occasionally GS. I'm still expected to sit here for 30 seconds and click a falling beam for a piddly amount of Beams to buy one upgrade to progress slightly more and nothing I've done has changed that. I'm still expected to manually click several hundred times and then sit there at a time wall to finish Quests and nothing I've done has changed that. I'm still expected to click tires, still expected to check on Bricks, still manually buying Sun and manually buying Magnet upgrades and manually setting up and waiting for GS runs and manually breaking barrels for fragments (because the automation on it is incredibly slow) and it actively feels like every progressive thing I unlock is a source of more tedium.

Compounding this is the fact that the UI is borderline nonsensical. I have no idea why any button is placed where it is. Why is Mastery, Bricks, Tires and Quests behind Solar System? Why are unlocks and statistics behind Achievements? Why is the option menu so vertically constrained? It makes the game feel so much more tedious.

I don't know. Playing the game has started to feel like busywork at this point, where I'm juggling 10 different tasks with no automation in sight.

KananR October 21, 2024
+7comment score: 7

@BanBanLvr but then people will get the manual merge unlocks way faster, and it defeats the whole purpose of the game. Even if it were added, it would take lots of trial and error (in code) to get them in sorted order automatically after using it.

AMETHYST-KNIGHT October 24, 2024
+7comment score: 7

played for a bit now and my only real gripe is how long it takes to get any amount of magnets. even buying the upgrade to increase magnet drops just feels lackluster especially with how expensive magnet upgrades are. didnt really feel this problem on the origanl mobile game as magnet storms could be gotten but those don't exist here as far as i can tell.

open_mind October 18, 2024
+7comment score: 7

my finger is going to blow up

Zeforas October 18, 2024
+7comment score: 7

To those wondering : the 12.000 manual merge unlocks, is something to help (mostly) ACTIVE gameplay. If you're planning to stay idle, you don't need to force yourself to do that. Just do a bit every day or so, but don't force yourself for it.

developer response: This is absolutely correct. That unlock is not very useful for idle players. And don't worry that idle might be weaker - the currency was added back then because actively playing was much weaker, and it arguably still is. The game can be almost completely played idle.

chutz747 October 17, 2024
+6comment score: 6

didn't get far yet. But I do like it compared to the original, it is not money grubbing like the original was. I stopped playing the original because every 5 minutes it was an AD.

yhvr owner October 18, 2024
+6comment score: 6

helloman: drag one scrap onto another with your finger

ghajestis counter November 4, 2024
+6comment score: 6

after a while, this game started appealing entirely to my negative traits that cause me to become addicted to stuff. i had to stop playing this game

yhvr owner October 23, 2024
+6comment score: 6

Jop: There's a setting you have to enable, and then you double-tap them

ItsGoTime October 23, 2024
+6comment score: 6

The scroll bar in the beams menu covers up the max number of upgrades. Is there an easy way to fix this?

developer response: Ah, I see. It's kinda fat on wide screens / landscape mode. I will fix it in the next update. Until then, you can use the limit size setting

incraldanerd counter November 9, 2024
+6comment score: 6

yoyle cake!

Entropy counter October 18, 2024
+6comment score: 6

frankly the fact that there's an achievement for doing 12,000 manual merges, that seems to unlock a currency explicit labeled "the worst currency", makes me think there will be a currency based only around manual merges and i actually cannot justify playing any farther if that's the case

i'm at 2,000 manuals and my fingers burn lmao

developer response: the title "the worst currency" is a reference to the original game where the currency of the same name sucks, here it's decent BUT it buffs active gameplay. If you prefer playing idle then do so, and slowly get the 12k merges over time just for the Achievement. The currency you unlock is indeed based around manual merges (you get it that way, and boost exactly that). If you don't want an active playstyle then you don't have to

yhvr owner October 20, 2024
+5comment score: 5

KananR: Why should it? This game predates Merging Legends. The concept of a "merging" game is nothing new