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developed by Schrottii gamedev



200 ratings

rated 4.1 stars, 200 ratings.

Posted October 17, 2024. Updated February 17, 2025. Played 29192 times for a total of 64410 hours.


Beloved by a niche community: SC2FMFR is the massive and long incremental/idle/merger game, developed by Schrottii, big enough it eclipsed mod status and turned into an own game. Originally a mod of VeproGames' "Scrap Fanmade", based on the successful mobile merger game "Scrap Clicker 2". All permissions were given by the previous creators.
It contains dozens of currencies and features, 1000 barrels to explore, 275 Achievements, and days of exciting new content. It can be played actively or passively.


latest update

SC2FMFR v3.6.1 v3.6.1 February 17, 2025

-> Patch Notes:

  • Patch notes can now be read in-game! (only current version)
  • Access them from Options (top right)
  • Longer notes can have multiple pages, 30 lines/page

-> Performance:

  • Improved FPS limit option to be more efficient and be closer to the goal FPS
  • Heavily optimized calculations of the Achievement list (better performance)
  • Improved barrel star rendering, and it supports notations now

-> Supernova:

  • If all upgrades of a dust type are locked, no dust can be refunded anymore
  • Dust refund when some are locked is now more accurate
  • (Design) Made background square longer to include emblem amount

-> Mythus:

  • Increased Mythus effect from 20 to 50 barrels per level
  • This will cause some players to get a progress boost
  • Added a notification when Mythus can be upgraded (appears when a new highest barrel is reached)

-> Other:

  • Added the ability to remove friends from the friend list
  • All three Shrine upgrades now show their level progress until maxed
  • Added a notification when the crafting cooldown is over
  • Changing the width limit setting now needs to be confirmed. If not, it gets reset after 10 seconds. This is to prevent softlocking on certain devices.
  • The Hyper Buy LVL and % buttons are now always visible if the level/percentage aren't at the default value, to prevent complications after a supernova (where the tree upgrade is lost)
  • Fragments scene: moved Dark Fragment upgrades lower for aesthetic purposes
  • Increased max. width for Achievement descriptions
  • More Tokens yay Achievement: clarified that the Tree Upgrade is needed
  • Fixed rounding issue affecting certain low-quantity currencies
  • Fixed hyperbuy factory cooldown ignoring exploit
  • Fixed third Merge Quest time issue
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newest comments

BrokenCreativity March 3, 2025
+1comment score: 1

@bck356 Thank you, life saver!

Mystiic March 2, 2025
+1comment score: 1

@bck356 How do I find lines 37-39? I don't know much about DevTools but I found movingitems.js along with a bunch of other .js in the index but couldn't find a way to edit movingitems.js by itself

plasma4 countest March 2, 2025
+1comment score: 1

- Minor bug: I'm somehow missing the "6-pack" triple magnet value achievement even though I've far surpassed 2x value; am I misunderstanding it?
- Minor bug: when selecting a barrel and an automatic better barrels occurs, you keep that lower tier barrel. (Is this an achievement thing? I'm not sure, but that would be cool actually.)
- Weird UI and interaction problem I think: cooldown for some reason stopped at 0.0 and wouldn't update for the scrap factory when energy zeroes out without any indicator; confused me and I thought there was some sort of weird bug. Indicate, perhaps? Cooldowns just behave kinda weird (possibly due to me having hyper-buy on?)-check edge cases ty :)
- Could you make it so that for automation, the icon to turn on/off that automation task visually changes; this would make it much clearer and it wouldn't be too hard, right?
Also specify that barrel mastery is in the barrels tab in the skill tree, I didn't think to look there haha.
- Small UI number issue: wrench boost to scrap based on wrenches' new value is incorrect due to wrench count decreasing; would it be reasonable to add a special calculation to factor that in?

Skullord March 1, 2025
+1comment score: 1

@bck356 Damn, I never would have thought of something like that. Learned a new trick. Thanks!

plasma4 countest February 28, 2025
+2comment score: 2

First up, this really is a good game, keep up the amazing content! I see it's getting pretty consistent updates and that's great. However, I do have a lot to say, so get ready! :)

Now that I've played this game for a while, here's my thoughts:
- You might've already known this, but you can click the tops of barrels that aren't in the top row to merge with the barrel in the row above; quite helpful and gets better as automerge becomes more effective! Please keep this; it's a lifesaver and an interesting one at that. Maybe even make this a feature and disable it (idk)

Moving on to critiques:
- I understand the idea of making clickables (magnets, beams, etc.) randomly spawn across the screen horizontally; however, this is kinda annoying. It'd be cool if you could just cap out the section they can spawn to the 480 pixel minimum, or at least make horizontal movement (like aerobeams) pixel-based, not percent-based. Please change this! It's an active disadvantage to give this game more of your screen space which is kinda silly. You can also resize the clouds that way.
- Honestly, wrenches need to be unlocked sooner. Since by themselves, they ENCOURAGE active play, i think it would be better to have them unlocked at like 6000 merges (just halve the achievement-related stuff too). In fact, I'd say that I wanted to be active MORE after unlocking wrenches (idk if this is intended but i feel like forcing the user to merge 12,000 times is annoying.)
- I didn't realize you could drag around the screen to collect the items on there until I was well past my thousandth barrel; would be nice if magnets could have a text clarifying this.
- Merge quests are difficult to access-perhaps move them to the main menu? It's especially a hassle early-game where you have to remember the specific number (later on you can do it automatically tho, spoilers)
- No Storm! text gets in the way after like the second time. Kinda annoying; please add option to turn it off in Angel beams!
- Can you add options to increase text scaling? It's kind of small in certain situations.
- Tires falling off the screen is kind of annoying. Perhaps like make them bounce back or something?
- What if magnet mergables could be attracted to your finger/cursor with a special upgrade later on?
- Fix dark scrap bug about "+0% boost to golden scrap" haha, should be +100%; possibly an issue with wrong variable?
- I got a really weird but where I unlocked the scrapyard but the skill tree said it was locked for some reason? Kinda confused on that one; I might've reloaded but it did save.

I still feel like the game is great! It's honestly quite addicting after mergables come in, but I feel like yeah, some sort of automation is required (at least around my point in progression); perhaps like there's golden wrenches with a small chance of unlocking that you can set up to claim mergables when falling off-screen.

(Also, I was wondering if there was a GitHub for this game or something; I feel like I'd kinda like to mod it at some point in the future.)

top comments

Tooiy counter October 17, 2024
+40comment score: 40

man i love scrap

DiesWhenKilled October 21, 2024
+34comment score: 34

I think I hate this game? I was enjoying myself, until Quests - I hated getting merge tokens. Then I unlocked the second dimension, and I hated grinding for Dark Scrap (and Dark Fragments, wow). Then I got to beams, and I despised getting beams. After that I stopped unlocking things that I hated, but then I got supernova, and the game asked me to get Merge Tokens, Beams, and Dark resources all over again, except this time with a boost that seemed too small to me (even though, objectively, it was a substantial increase). I realised that I sort of resented the fact that I had to get them in large quantities to begin with, the first time around, so I gave up.

Even the things I didn't hate (tires, bricks, etc.) took way too long to get up to a good rate of progress. Tires, especially, were quite frustrating due to the price increase for the whole row with each individual purchase, which, while I'm sure makes sense for the games' progression in the long term, feels awful in the moment, and is quite frustrating at first.

I can recommend the game to most people, I think, but I'll conclude with this - if you, hypothetiocal new player reading this, find each new avenue of progress less appealing than the last, as I did, then listen to your instincts. While it does not necessarily get worse, it definitely doesn't get any better (that was my experience, at least). Obviously, if you're having fun, then keep having fun - the game is clearly striking a chord within you. But if you're like me, and you find yourself putting your nose to the grindstone, hoping for a progression layer that will make the previous ones less of a chore, then stop. Not this time, friend. Not this game.

developer response: Totally fair review. Quests have always been the most unpopular part of the game, but things like Super EZ or all the later token boosts make it much easier. Beams were very grindy for a long time, but in the most recent update (right before I released it on galaxy), tree upgrades that cost Beams were made significantly cheaper. I can look into the costs of the Beam upgrades themselves as well. And for Supernova, maybe you did it a bit early? Like most prestige layers, you don't want to prestige immediately after unlocking it - I think the recommended amount is thousands of dusts. With that you can get around x4 Beams, x5 Tokens, x10 Magnets - whatever you want - you can reset and re-assign the Dust upgrades at any time. Respect for making it to the end of the game.

dahdumbguy October 23, 2024
+24comment score: 24

holy- a scrap clicker 2 fangame on pc that doesnt require merging 10million times a day manually and that actually introduces new mechanics rather than just new ways to make a number go up?!?!?! this is a historical event.
the insane elitism in the sc2 community around "merging techniques" is just straight up degenerate and i can see why the devs never expanded the actual gameplay so this is such a huge quality jump from the original lmfao

Crimson406 October 18, 2024
+20comment score: 20

There's an unlock for doing 12,000 manual merges???? I'm not dealing with that dude

developer response: 12k isn't much when in the original game people do 1 million in a week haha but you don't need to do it, the currency you unlock there explicitly boosts an active playstyle

MickyFoley October 17, 2024
+13comment score: 13

Hm. Currently, not that long into the game, but 500 Golden Scrap for 2x Scrap = 500% for 200%. Am I missing the point? Is it double each time and will be worthwhile sometime in future?

developer response: Fair question. The price/effect ratio of that upgrade is different later on (higher costs). What makes the upgrade useful is that the scrap boosts from GS and from that upgrade are multiplicative with each other. If you have 5500 GS and spend 500 on 2x Scrap from the upgrade you only lose 10% Scrap boost from GS, but gain 2x from the upgrade. So optimally you want to only spend a fraction of your GS on it (whenever the boost you gain is higher than what you lose)

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