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comments for BAsic

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Mantus November 14, 2024
+11comment score: 11

The boost combo mechanic is interesting, especially the way you can unlock and boost clovers. But the actual boost effects are worthless, because the only way to progress the game is to just hold down enter after clicking. If this is what your players have to do, then (like 100% of games requiring clicking) you should just change the clicking mechanic to continuous income, and let us play the game.

developer response: despite the enter hold trick being somewhat overpowered for this game, i tried my best to design the boosts to discourage holding enter (mega point boost gives a total of x36 point boost, plus you have rank cloverizer's large boost to rank progress). i do realize that i have set the boost length too low and it'll be increased in the next update
oh yeah i do plan on also setting a 1 second cooldown to the point, clover and ascension reset buttons in the next update since there will be continuous income (sorta) included as an automation upgrade
do appreciate the feedback though!!!

update: this may seem a little rude but i 100% promise i am trying my HARDEST to phrase this in the least rude way possible. after reading this comment a couple of times i felt like something about this comment was a little off. now that i understand this comment clearly (it takes me a while to completely interpret feedback) i feel like "the actual boost effects are worthless" statement is somewhat stupid (once again, not trying to be rude). while working on the update i playtested the game from the start to first ascension with the 1 second cooldown and i don't see a problem with balancing. i believe the enter trick doesnt make things faster at all, since as stated before the boost effects themselves are indeed important for progression. yeah, mega point boost is simply just a x36 boost that can somewhat easily be overpowered by the enter hold but then you have cloverizer+ (major clover boost) and rank cloverizer (major rp boost) that are absolutely necessary for progression. you cannot reach rank 10 with the enter hold trick alone and the actual boost effects are NOT worthless.
also judging by the "let us play the game" line it seems like apparently this is making the game unplayable??? still dont really know what you meant by that, despite rereading this comment a thousand times
once again i do NOT intend on being rude, and if this comes off like that i am deeply sorry. i believe that your comment, despite being a bit personally offputting, is equally as valuable as the other comments here. wish you the greatest, and thanks for the feedback once again!!!

unicodes gamedev November 14, 2024
+8comment score: 8

pro tip: click a button and hold enter to spam click it

epicm3 November 15, 2024
+7comment score: 7

ngl it looks like a super early first draft, i can see potential, but i don't really like it, i'd increase the button's size, and.. idk i fells like it's missing somehting.. is it automation? is it being less basic?.. no. i think the basic style of the game is fine. maybe it's that buttons are super long?.. idk.
the boosts thing are cool mechanics, but.. i can click faster than i can open boost, click boost, go back and click 3 times. so. idk.

developer response: been waiting for a few of your comments to roll in to see what to change before working on an content expansion. after reading your comments regarding the lack of automation and somewhat trashy boost mechanics, i would like to thank you guys for your feedback! v1.1 should be coming in about a week, stay tuned...

scopaf countest November 19, 2024
+6comment score: 6

I don't love the main button cooldown, but its not a dealbreaker. I would suggest showing an animation for the cooldown though, or put the cooldown timer on display. That would at least make it feel a little more rewarding if the cooldown is upgraded to be shorter. A linear gradient animation can change the background color of a button so that it fills up like a progress bar. Having a cooldown on the button without a means to reduce the cooldown doesn't feel great.

Boosts being separated entirely into another tab is a little off-putting. It definitely makes sense to have its own tab for activating them and tracking them / reading what they do etc - but since their effects primarily effect other tabs, it feels like you should be able to see those effects in other tabs. Something as simple as like boost that makes points button better -> green border for points button. Chance boost, orange border. Rank boost, rank button gets the border. Having to either count them out or click back over feels like intentional busywork, trying to create features out of non-features.

Anyway - adding a few QOL improvements like these or others mentioned may go a long way. The game is a solid start, and will be cool to see where ya take it.

developer response: will plan on including these (and somewhat reducing the button cooldowns) in the upcoming part 1 of the shard update, thanks for the feedback!!!

surajbajaj November 14, 2024
+6comment score: 6

tbh just a little better ui would be good

plasma4 countest November 14, 2024
+6comment score: 6

For a game called "Basic," I suppose it does just that. :p

epicm3 November 18, 2024
+6comment score: 6

thanks god for the automation and boost thing, but.. i think a 1s cooldown is a lot.. maybe 400ms?.. idk.. but the automation makes the game better. thanks for taking the feedback, best developer. :D.. the boost duration upgrade and.. just buff was a really good idea.

Biroulik November 14, 2024
+4comment score: 4

it's a promising start, although if there are updates it either needs something better for boosts or some automation.

yuruto November 14, 2024
+4comment score: 4

i hope this new game is good

frank_x counter November 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

convenience boost should be ab+mcb (the game says ab+rb instead)

developer response: fixed

Lustre November 14, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Too much clicking, progress doesn't feel very satisfying with that tradeoff.

Ivanisdabest14 November 19, 2024
+3comment score: 3


developer response: i intended on adding the cooldown to prevent cheesing the game by holding enter, but i do realize that the cooldown is a bit too long so in the upcoming update the cooldown will be reduced to 500 or 250 ms.

Akami November 14, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I honestly hate how the click boosts function? you give me 6 clicks, but they make so much effort to cycle, you either need to give me way more clicks or give me some way to automatically select my preferred boost combos. On the note of the boosts what's even the point of having lucky/unlucky boosts? There's absolutely no way unlucky would be used for anything other than that one time you need to open clovers.

Ltlandpa November 15, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Maybe hotkeys for boosts would be nice-- 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively for primary PB, LB, RB, and MCB; shift+1-4 for secondary?

Yahoo_Gamer November 19, 2024
+2comment score: 2

wowee I really was enjoying it until the one sec cooldown happened its not as fun for me now but its still ok :\

developer response: i do plan on reducing the cooldowns of all the buttons in the next update, stay tuned!

open_mind November 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

please consider making a small css adjustment:
.button:hover { cursor: pointer; }
this changes all the button elements to change your cursor to a pointer and overall helps and makes the game feel more responsive.

developer response: just added it, dont really see a difference though but if it looks a little nicer on different platforms you're welcome!

Whitespace November 14, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Clicking is mostly broken (I'm using a Macbook Pro trackpad) but as @unicodes says, highlighting the button with TAB and holding ENTER works.

lingluo November 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

With the 1 sec cooldown in place, I think it's a good idea to remove the boost length mechanism, because it's reptitive to renew the boost. I suggest removing it after ascension (change the upgrade from +8 to inf)

HarryplaysOMG4 November 25, 2024
+1comment score: 1

for the main button cooldown, you could replace it with a system that could detect if the time between clicks are too fast or repetitive, using a list of some sort,
although if you do not you should atleast make cooldown time to 1/world record for cps. just my thoughts, good game anyway

Termt November 20, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Boost combinations should be a separate button. And/or an automatic refresh when you run out (maybe that's in a later ascension tree upgrade? I can only see up to level 4.)
Up to tier 2 ascension the only ones really worth using are just the double basic points and the clover increase ones, far as I can tell. The lucky rank boost, which you'd assume would be good for extra rank from clicking, only provides about a *1.5 bonus compared to just mega point boost. But given how you can buy so many more upgrades by using the mega point boost the lucky rank boost just falls short massively.

developer response: lucky rank is probably the most useless boost combo along with duality since multipliers to rp from clicking are overshadowed by the rp gained from upgrades by the time you reach rank 5, so i do plan on making rp from clicks during the pre-ascension stage somewhat better in the next update.
also, auto boost replenish upgrade appears at ascension tree layer 6. you're welcome