comments for Military Incremental Complex
sort: go backYou've made a good skeleton. Just finished all the research at time of release, here are some ideas/must-haves I'd like to see:
1) Autobuy materials and autosell products. Currently this is painful even with an autoclicker, though increasing the limits with research helps. Hiring people for this in a similar vein to interns could work well.
2) I like how the products are crafted differently but a pop-up explaining how to craft them on unlocking the new product would go a long way, I blew up many grenades before realising you had to hold the explosives button. (I played on itch, only now do I see you put instructions in the description on galaxy)
3) Actual contracts would be great (in a new tab), e.g. X bullets and Y guns for a set payout
4) The "low amount" red text should be based off your consumption rate, 100 is low if you're consuming at 10/s but it's a useless alert if your consumption is 100/s.
5) Going above and beyond with this, but if you really want to embrace the military aspect you could have a long-term "story" of supplying weapons and maybe even training soldiers for various skirmishes in a fictional war. e.g. "This is Sergeant Major Banks, we need 10k guns and assist with training our 2k new recruits for an upcoming battle with Fantasyland. I hope we can count on your support." (winning this skirmish will unlock mortar)
developer response: Thanks for all the feedback!
1. Autobuy and Autosell are definitely coming, I just haven't implemented them yet.
2. A form of tutorial is also coming eventually, I'm currently planning on little pop-ups like Clippy to explain each system
3. I've been thinking about some kind of contract system! I'm still planning out the best way for it to work, if you have any more ideas please share them.
4. I've had that exact same thought after playtesting more, it's coming :)
5. I've had some thoughts like this, but I haven't had them coalesce into a coherent, fun gameplay system. I am planning on having a lobbying system where one of the things you can do is get the government to start wars to increase demand for your products, but you won't be directly involved in fighting the wars. If you have more thoughts, please share them.
Thanks again for the feedback!
Lol, no save. Waste of time.
developer response: Saving is coming in the next update!
It didn't save
The text is so small I genuinely can't read anything without zooming into 200%
developer response: I've hear this from a few people, that's something I'm working on for the next update!
Seems like it needs more time in the oven. The zoom increase tweak didn't do anything, I had to use itch's fullscreen feature in the bottom left to get things to an acceptable size and even then it's not enough. I think I made it to the end of content so I'm not really worried about it not saving, I'll just wait until this gets an update and come back then.
developer response: Thanks for the feedback! Next big update should be at the end of January
The CRT effect is still pretty awful imo, so everyone that's still having issues or having their eyes hurt should turn it off!
I'll also note that you can automate the "one-step" upgrades (which is a massive downgrade for ammo still) by holding enter to 'hold' it, then clicking another button (like a sell button)
Not a whole lot of notable changes between the previous version, but the better performance and minor rebalancing is pretty good. Still a ways to go to be really good, but it's well on its way, at least!
disabled CRT and it kinda helped but still can't see most things
Accidentally refreshed my page and lost my progress. I don't use Godot that much, but I assume if they let you compile to WASM it shouldn't be too hard to access the browser's local storage?
developer response: Saving is coming in the next big update!
I disabled crt and it is still so hard to read the words, with how blurry it is.
developer response: That's been a common complaint, so I'm working on improving that for the next update :)
I don't know if it's just me, but the game has humongous CPU usage spikes while the screen is visible and causes stuff to lag (I'm talking over 70% CPU usage on an i7-12700K, disabled CRT effect, playing in Chrome). I really hope this could be optimized in future updates.
thank you for making this game. now my lockheed martin stocks will be worth millions.
save does doesn't work
it's a bit heavy computationally (i suspect the money and production animations are the culprit), but not in a way that causes problems for me. pretty fun, i beat it in about an hour.
Its great but needs to be made longer (which i'm sure it will be with future updates)
developer response: I've got lots of plans to expand it :) Glad you liked it so far!
not_omen: open sidebar -> game tweaks -> increase zoom
Didn't initially notice I could set a research to focus, when I did notice things sped up a lot and became a lot less annoying. In fact, it sped up to the point where I skipped grenades because the number of grenades you need to make before automation was too much for me plus guns have a better sell price while also being less annoying to make.
Wishing I could disable the money and production animations because I could feel my crappy laptop slowing down with enough production or when selling in bulk.
Also, as several other people have pointed out already, the text size of stuff is small and hard to read. If I wanted to read anything I had to set the game to fullscreen, disabling the CRT filter thing helped a tiny bit but not enough to easily read things when not in fullscreen.
The production tab is (1) and research is (3), so what's (2)? Or rather, why isn't research (2)?
developer response: Yeah I'm planning on having some form of tutorial to explain all the different systems, cause they aren't all super clear right now.
And I'm also working on the progression cause there isn't much of an incentive to make grenades right now.
Getting the performance to be a lot better is one of the top things on my todo list. It'll probably be a continual process though.
More tabs with more systems are coming ;)
You made a update and the text is still super blurry?
lots of potential but you really need to add saving, like this should be top priority and done within a day, or else the game will never succeed, balancing is quite nice so far, but the game drops from like a 3.7 star game to a 1 star game without saving, ruins the entire point
developer response: Good to hear you do like what's there! Saving is coming in the next big update!
loved this whole thing. music bops, fun to watch, fun progression, engaging production. i liked everything about it except how quickly i finished it. cant wait for updates. idk what everyone else was talking about having problems with stuff but i had no issues whatsoever aside from some lag when i exit fullscreen
developer response: Glad you enjoyed it!
if you can't read anything, disable CRT effect in settings
developer response: Thanks for helping others out!