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comments for PS: Glorious Generators!

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Acamaeda December 16, 2024
+20comment score: 20

This is pretty good, but would benefit a lot from using canBuyMax as a QOL thing.

developer response: i was planning on adding canBuyMax but due to problems caused by exponent changes a lot more generators would be earned on reset than usual leading to balancing issues
i'll figure out a way to implement it when part 2 is out though!!!

yhvr owner December 15, 2024
+13comment score: 13

Vira: while the game ID counter is currently at 492, there are less than 492 games on the site. see for an up-to-date count

Disasterpiece58 December 20, 2024
+6comment score: 6

AC/DC lol

developer response: That One Rock Band

BinahFox December 18, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Playing this on phone is a torture due to lack of autobuy. This simply killed the enjoyment.

thePalindrome December 16, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Oh, and the "Maintenance instead of THIS?" Achievement seems to trigger on 11 amplifiers, while batteries unlock at 10!
I have the feeling at one point batteries required 11, but since that's been changed, you might want to fix that one, too :P

developer response: thanks!!! yeah batteries used to be unlocked at 11 amplifiers but after some rebalancing changes i changed it to 10

TheDistressed December 19, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Wonderful little game. Can't wait for part 2

bck356 December 17, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Only thing I would have changed would be adding automation for charging the batteries, Otherwise decent bite-sized TMT, I liked it

alalallion January 2, 2025
+3comment score: 3

actually ok and doesnt get boring in 5 minutes!

lingluo December 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Alternator challenges are a pain in the ass to do, especially when I fail them. I think the 3 completion milestone should be earlier, it should be at 1 completion.

thePalindrome December 17, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Ah oof, there was a NaN in my points while buying dynamo upgrades after leaving dynamo maintenance. I don't know TMT well enough to triage further, so hopefully that report is enough!

developer response: turns out that despite having the 3 chargers milestone dynamos still reset DC, so buying upgrades while automatic dynamo resets are happening could lead to negative DC which causes problems with calculating negative logs. thank you so much for pointing out all these bugs for me, i'll need to pay more attention to my code when working on part 2,,,

dvo December 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

I'm enjoying the game but the timing feels very inconsistent (only up to the maintenance section so far). Sometimes challenges are completed in under a minute, sometimes there's a five minute time wall, sometimes you have to wait 20 minutes to get the next charger. I'm not saying everything needs to be the same wait but going from a few challenges completed instantly to a five minute wait is jarring and makes it feel like you aren't supposed to be doing that challenge yet or waiting for that next alternator. Alternator automation should probably come earlier, if you take a risk on trying an alternator challenge or accidentally enter it then it's a slog to rebuild forty-some-odd alternators. I've been save scumming the alternator challenge to avoid the rebuild time

Vira December 15, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Did you know that it's the 492nd game? 8 left

thePalindrome December 16, 2024
+3comment score: 3

The first Amplifier milestone claims it preserves row 1 amplifier upgrades, but it means row 1 alternator upgrades!

Considering that's the first and only issue I've found so far, it seems you've done pretty well with this TMT mod!

developer response: during development i kept on getting alternators and amplifiers mixed up so looks like thats one of the funny mix ups i forgot to fix, thanks for telling me about this!!!

Ivanisdabest14 December 16, 2024
+2comment score: 2

yhvr: wow, there are some games the are getting unverified

Lustre December 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I don't know what happened, but Alternator Maintenance did something to alternators. I exited the challenge and now I don't have access to Alternate Direction and my progress is severely stunted.

developer response: Alternate Direction is only unlocked if the Dynamic Generation dynamo upgrade is bought and alternators are unlocked first
exiting Alternator Maintenance should set alternators' unlockOrder to 1 so try entering and exiting Alternator Maintenance to fix Alternate Direction not showing up, or make sure you have Dynamic Generation bought

danick January 16, 2025
+2comment score: 2

simple enough, doesn't exactly push any boundaries in terms of TMT modding, but regardless a really enjoyable experience thanks to its simplicity.

progression is smooth and consistent. haven't really encountered any big timewalls besides a few extra seconds here and there.

JavonnFrancois December 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

hmm, something isn’t right.
I had 3.1e33 charge with 1 meta generator, now I have 6.4e33 charge with 2.
I haves guesses:
1. Meta generator does have an effect?
2. Achievement power does have an effect?

developer response: neither of them have any implemented effects, you most likely gained an extra charger/amplifier from offline time
edit: ok so while figuring out how to improve the voltage mechanic i found out why this is the case: you most likely pressed the force amplifier reset more times during the 6.4e33 charge meta generator reset run than during the 3.1e33 charge meta generator reset run

Steely December 21, 2024
+2comment score: 2

If you start a second challenge while already in a challenge you will get "stuck" in that first challenge. So, if you aren't able to make it as far as you used to be able to you've probably got stuck in a challenge. Just start and exit the offending challenge to fix it.

awWhy December 18, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Got stuck randomly after unlocking 2 new batteries, turns out its because Amplifiers become weaker unless you press force reset button....

mlr223 countest December 17, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Just checked and each time I autoclick to buy the next generator, I get 2 instead of 1 even when I don't have the required points to buy 2.

developer response: this happens because of goofy exponent changes dependent on current generator amount, since you're clicking at an inhuman rate the game doesnt have enough time to check the generator amount leading to more generators than usual