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PS: Glorious Generators!


developed by

developed by pixelperfect12 gamedev



94 ratings

rated 4.3 stars, 94 ratings.

Posted December 15, 2024. Updated December 15, 2024. Played 9248 times for a total of 12402 hours.


A short(ish) TMT mod where every layer generates its own currency. Second "sapling" of the Prestigious Saplings series. (Incomplete, part 2 coming soon)
Sequel to PS: Miniscule Multipliers!

latest update

I Forgot To Change The Version Number v1.01 December 16, 2024

  • Fixed several typos in the Charger and Amplifier layers
  • Fixed Achievement Power not working properly
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newest comments

CandySunset27 March 16, 2025
+2comment score: 2

Hi! I've already beaten the game and am playing again. Do you know when the next update release is going to be?

developer response: part 2 should release by the end of this month

pugmode March 7, 2025
+1comment score: 1

peak game!

Ryusajin February 22, 2025
+1comment score: 1

A suggestion to replace the amplifier reset button that many people have problems with (I had no issue personally, but I can understand why some get confused):
Reformat the "Time since last Amplifier reset" into something like, Max voltage is x (some function of income and time, based on the old version?), and voltage generation slows down exponentially as you approach that number. That way when you spend Voltage you regain the ability to generate it, without the need for a reset, and staying somewhat distinct from charge.

Thanks for the game, looking forward to part 2.

developer response: pretty nice concept, although the main problem with this is the fact that calculating the proper max voltage requires calculus knowledge i have not obtained yet :(
(this is because calculating max voltage requires calculating total voltage generated over an infinite amount of time which requires calculating the definite integral of the voltage decay function from 0 to infinity, which i do not know how to convert into an exact formula, especially when break_eternity.js is being used)

MaZe_Quania February 14, 2025
+1comment score: 1

im fully stuck after 22 achievements

developer response: try forcing an amplifier reset, many others have experienced problems with amplifiers at this stage since the reset button is somewhat unintuitive

stel346 February 7, 2025
0comment score: 0

sort of bug in the late stage of the game after unlocking the fourth row of amplifier upgrades I thought I was softlocked as all the upgrades were too expensive and currency wasn't going up. Pressing "Force amplifier reset" allowed me to get the 5e10v for the first upgrade. Not sure if it's a bug but it's very unintuitive if it's intended.

developer response: it is intended, not sure how to fix it without completely reworking the amplifier mechanic though
since people dont really seem to like this button for some reason i'm willing to find a way to replace it with something more intuitive, if i could find where to start

top comments

Acamaeda December 16, 2024
+20comment score: 20

This is pretty good, but would benefit a lot from using canBuyMax as a QOL thing.

developer response: i was planning on adding canBuyMax but due to problems caused by exponent changes a lot more generators would be earned on reset than usual leading to balancing issues
i'll figure out a way to implement it when part 2 is out though!!!

yhvr owner December 15, 2024
+13comment score: 13

Vira: while the game ID counter is currently at 492, there are less than 492 games on the site. see for an up-to-date count

Disasterpiece58 December 20, 2024
+6comment score: 6

AC/DC lol

developer response: That One Rock Band

BinahFox December 18, 2024
+4comment score: 4

Playing this on phone is a torture due to lack of autobuy. This simply killed the enjoyment.

thePalindrome December 16, 2024
+3comment score: 3

Oh, and the "Maintenance instead of THIS?" Achievement seems to trigger on 11 amplifiers, while batteries unlock at 10!
I have the feeling at one point batteries required 11, but since that's been changed, you might want to fix that one, too :P

developer response: thanks!!! yeah batteries used to be unlocked at 11 amplifiers but after some rebalancing changes i changed it to 10

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