comments for Dronord
sort: go backMy research won't go over 100KB and I'm guessing it's a bug. I like the game so far so will definitely keep a look out for it's future updates
Good game with great potential. Would be better if there were more customization options like muting sounds.
developer response: Now you should be able to mute sounds.
My research is capped at 100 KB. I have every research that I can purchase. Maybe my save is messed up from a previous version?
developer response: It's a bug I will fix in next update.
Pretty fun so far for what it is! Definitely has potential. In terms of feedback, id say there are a few visual things where text is hard to read but other than that it feels good and balanced so far.
the "extreme research capacity" upgrade seems to be bugged. Not sure if the placeholder icon indicates that this is intentional. Is the grind toward 10,000 drones the endgame?
Interesting idea, and almost blind accessible. If you could make the buttons work when clicked with the keyboard, like when pressing space on them, that would be great! Excited to see where this goes!
The "unlock more upgrades" research appears to have... not unlocked any more upgrades. I assume they would have been something to do with the factory, since currently everything but the infinite upgrades are maxed and I have found nothing to increase factory. Can't reach the 1MB achievement since the next cap research requires more cap than I have, and the 250 drones achievement appears to be bugged (unless it's factory drones only?) Everything else is placeholders. Manual creation of drones to reach the Swarm might be doable, but all the rest of achievements and researches are "placeholders", so I assume the "endgame" is really around the factory unlock.
developer response: Yes the endgame is currently around the factory unlock. I am sorry that there isn't much in the game currently, I will work on more content in the future (probably soon) as this game is just like a passion project. I've noticed that it's a bug and one of the researches doesn't increase the research capacity. I had an idea for the "Unlock more upgrades" to unlock more of the one time upgrades in "Upgrades" but there were some issues.
Definitely one of the better incrementals on this site that I've played in a while. Can't wait for the next update.
This is really good so far. I hope that the first update will be a bit more substantial because there is very little content at the moment.
Extreme Research Capacity is broken, I already tried refreshing and hard resetting. Nothing.
0.001 pg?
how small am i??
The UI does not scale properly and has no option for scrolling, so unless I specifically hit fullscreen in galaxy I am unable to purchase the Command Interface and progress further. issue shows up in galaxy, even having hit 'expand' and via direct link
developer response: I have realized that. In the next update there will be a scrollbar. I have the update mostly done, but there are some things that need to be fixed.
very little to do hope future updates adds more content as is the game play is very uninteresting and a bit too simple to be engaging. the various sub systems don't seem to link to each other in a manner I would say makes it feel like completed loop. It's honestly not that good.
same my mine button won't work properly too
developer response: Should work now. (probably)
I really like this. Could you allow for different fonts or color schemes? If not, would you make the font or color of research easier to read?
Can't hold down to mine
developer response: It works for me, I also went on an incognito tab and it works. What browser are you using? It could be due to your browser or other (extensions). I am using Chrome.
Looks promising, but way too simple at the moment. Only one type of resource with no further progress (right now at least), and needs to be more complex to tie people down.
Also, please change dark blue colour in the research tab (at least for numerical values) because it's barely distinguishable on black background.
Other than that, it could be a solid 4 - 4.2* game with more content.
needs a mute button for mining
developer response: There's a mute button now.
Also hit some snafus. The game isn't scrollable I guess? So when it told me to "fix the ability to make drones" or whatever, I couldn't even get to the button to "repair" it, as it was off-screen until i resized the window to be uncomfortably large.
developer response: Now there's a scrollbar.
Had some minor issues at first, where I had to release and then re-click to mine more manually, and once I got past 1/s it locked up and wouldn't let me make more. Refreshing fixed that, though.
The pop would sometimes play every time I switched to the "Mine" tab, and I didn't see a way to mute or lower that sound aside from muting the tab (which I guess works)
Otherwise, I'm certainly a sucker for the setting, and the way you've done the drones, being unscaled!
Looking forward to more updates to see how things'll go, and how well they'll play!
developer response: That should be fixed now.