
75 ratings
rated 4.0 stars, 75 ratings.
Posted December 22, 2024. Updated December 23, 2024. Played 2806 times for a total of 1900 hours.
If there are things broken/not working correctly, try refreshing or do a hardreset. Saves have been reset for new update.
This is a short game that I made for fun. It's in very early development, so I want feedback. I'll update or change features according to feedback. If you have any feedback or ideas, either comment or talk to me directly on discord mango4357
You start as a drone. Most of your systems are corrupted from a crash landing. Your purpose is to mine. You can slowly repair yourself and (gather more information from where you came from and who created you Not in the game currently).
newest comments
Researches highlight even if you don't have enough ore. Also, please make placeholder researches cost more. You don't want players getting placeholder things.
Extreme Research Capacity is broken, I already tried refreshing and hard resetting. Nothing.
so many tabs!!!
the "extreme research capacity" upgrade seems to be bugged. Not sure if the placeholder icon indicates that this is intentional. Is the grind toward 10,000 drones the endgame?
Short game, but I enjoyed what you have done so far. It gives me Universal Paperclip Vibes in a good way.
top comments
Had some minor issues at first, where I had to release and then re-click to mine more manually, and once I got past 1/s it locked up and wouldn't let me make more. Refreshing fixed that, though.
The pop would sometimes play every time I switched to the "Mine" tab, and I didn't see a way to mute or lower that sound aside from muting the tab (which I guess works)
Otherwise, I'm certainly a sucker for the setting, and the way you've done the drones, being unscaled!
Looking forward to more updates to see how things'll go, and how well they'll play!
developer response: That should be fixed now.
My research won't go over 100KB and I'm guessing it's a bug. I like the game so far so will definitely keep a look out for it's future updates
Good game with great potential. Would be better if there were more customization options like muting sounds.
developer response: Now you should be able to mute sounds.
My research is capped at 100 KB. I have every research that I can purchase. Maybe my save is messed up from a previous version?
developer response: It's a bug I will fix in next update.
Pretty fun so far for what it is! Definitely has potential. In terms of feedback, id say there are a few visual things where text is hard to read but other than that it feels good and balanced so far.