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comments for The Climb

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speedmaster24 countest January 25, 2025
+30comment score: 30


Akami January 25, 2025
+23comment score: 23

wish there was a way to play in 2x or 5x speed the game feels rather slugish

Singlerarity January 25, 2025
+13comment score: 13


Biroulik January 26, 2025
+10comment score: 10

could we get some sort of notification that quests have been refreshed? Even then, it is quite slow, and it does suck a little not being able to sell any crafted items unless it is with a quest

Trebar January 26, 2025
+9comment score: 9

Contributing to the conversation about expiring quests: I agree that it doesn't do much... given what I had already determined about the drop rates, what it did was keep me from taking a quest until I already had the items for it. Which is fine if that's the intention, though if the intention is to only take quests when they can already be completed then maybe having a separate step to turn them in is unnecessary. Though I do like the idea of turning them in at the counter; it feels more immersive for some reason. What I might recommend instead is getting rid of the expiration, but then the penalty is that that 'slot' is used up and another quest won't respawn until the quest is complete. That way there's still incentive to be selective in your quest choices but the strong disincentive to avoid quests until they're already complete is gone.

developer response: There is one singular reason to take quests without having the materials - and that is if the quest is something easy (there is one quest that item for it can be gained instantly and only 1 is required) and the quest reset is near. This way you can lock the quest and complete it within 3 days, despite the reset happening in 1 hour.

It is however something marked for reconsideration, and the option you provided seems quite solid. Although locking it would cause player frustration if they found the quest hard to complete, so I guess abandoning a quest will have to implemented together with it.

Thanks for the feedback!

nutshell January 27, 2025
+8comment score: 8

I'd like to be able to mouse over the achievements that are greyed out so I can see what their requirements are.

Quietus February 1, 2025
+6comment score: 6

There is lot of potential, but it's little more than a Beta with a lot of implied future features, some very unbalanced growth and drop rates, and errors with importing the save from the "original" back to here.

Good if you want to kill a few days at most, but not worth touching until it's much further along. You'll likely to be unsatisfied at the end unless the act of playing itself is enough for now.

For context: I have a full collection of Monster Card Drops, I've spend the time to collect every asinine thing the game can drop. It's not actually worth investing time into as of the writing of this review.

awWhy January 26, 2025
+6comment score: 6

Minor complaints:
- Not being able to see requirements for unobtained achievements is a little bad
- No way to see general stats for achievement related tasks (drinking/eating and etc.)
(I don't think that drinking should be counting towards eating, but whatever)
- Money making is somewhat slow at the beggining, without free stuff I don't see how one would even be gaining money
- Not being able to see crafting ingridients until bought and fully read diagram is really bad, I spent all money I got early on bow only to be blocked by needing string (which I still can't get after killing like 100 spiders)

developer response: 1) Understandable, some people love it, some would prefer hints. I stand undecided for now
2) I will most likely show player all statistics I am gathering, regardless of whether they are or are not linked to achievements. Also drinking does not count towards eating for achievements. It only counts towards to the "Gluttony" skill, which is about consumption, not food.
3) Indeed, by design. This is one of the "hate it or love it" things
4) Indeed. This will be rectified in the next version update.

Thank you for trying the game out and the feedback you provided!

awWhy January 26, 2025
+5comment score: 5

A bit weird that there is no achievement for , I would have kinda prefered to have it increase drop rates (because they are so small; cards and thing for runes being 1 in ~10000 is abysmall). Also weird that there is no pickaxe, and that you can't create/buy axe, not everyone wants to beg for free items

Kejmer January 27, 2025
+5comment score: 5

It would be nice to select which log messages you have, for example i'd like to have both items and other log active without combat log

Imhoden January 25, 2025
+5comment score: 5

Would be nice to warn in advance that quests could expire and damage your reputation. Or remove the expiration mechanic altogether.

developer response: Thanks for trying the game out!

The expiration information is present on the quest card, together with its requirement and rewards. However, reputation cannot go below 0 and the maximum usable reputation is 10. So missing a quest is not an issue.

I might, however, remove it altogether. Still undecided regarding that.

TacticalFail January 26, 2025
+4comment score: 4

An interesting an slick looking game. There is a bit too much menuing in going between locations even just when reaching the mine, but that's a smaller complaint when compared to the seemingly low drop rates on everything. Even just some kind of transparency in the drop rates might be helpful since herbs, for example, seem terrible to grind for (to say nothing of the mysterious Cards). That said, the dev did indicate that there was 5-10 days worth of content and with how slow progression seems to be, it's an effective way to pad things out. That said, I'm not sure lots of people are willing to grind that much to get there.

But that's the game the dev wants to make.

And lastly, this game is designed around the idea of idling for 20-30 minutes where you can, use those gathered resources within a short active period and then resume farming elsewhere, if you managed to power up enough to idle a new zone.

developer response: Every enemy has an entry in the bestiary which shows their full drop list, including the chance. This bestiary is unlocked by getting a card (as mentioned in the training grounds). There is also alternative way to unlock the entries by spending money after clearing out the Cave in forest.

Thanks for checking the game out!

KingOtakur January 31, 2025
+4comment score: 4

oh fugg i sat here switching between sleep and rats for hours before I noticed I could leave the home

Termt January 25, 2025
+3comment score: 3

While it makes sense that I'd need some firewood to cook meat, trees have a relatively ridiculous amount of health for the early game while only giving a SINGLE wood. Are you telling me that I've been chopping away at a branch? What'd I do with the rest of the tree for it to only give me a single piece of wood?
And trees only give 5 xp, which doesn't even feel like a pity prize.

developer response: Thanks for checking the game out.

I'd recommend reading the training grounds, especially the entry about getting equipment, it should lead you to a felling axe.
Other recommendation is to get some levels first, the first few points of strength will make a large difference.

Furthermore, you don't always need to eat the food, the game is designed around using consumables mainly for pushing, not grinding. And during the pushing you don't need much at all, 5 to 10 pieces will suffice.

And lastly, this game is designed around the idea of idling for 20-30 minutes where you can, use those gathered resources within a short active period and then resume farming elsewhere, if you managed to power up enough to idle a new zone.

It is also a bit slower compared to some other games.

C00LB0R1S gamedev January 26, 2025
+3comment score: 3

the description says that brave browser deletes your save file, while this is true you can easily bypass this by disabling your shields for You can find these shields on the right of the search bar by clicking on the brave logo.

developer response: Thank you for pointing this out, I have edited the comment accordingly.

Sovereign January 26, 2025
+3comment score: 3

Been farming chickens for days. No feathers, quest failed. Sad. Resetting I guess, waste of time.

Restive654 February 1, 2025
+3comment score: 3

The amount of time i've sunk into this game already is kinda scary. 5/5

unicodes gamedev January 27, 2025
+3comment score: 3

On my 1920x1080 monitor the game takes up around 60% of the screen in fullscreen mode. Please fix this

epicm3 January 25, 2025
+3comment score: 3

Pretty well made RPG, haven't played much but from the amount i've seen, it looks very good.

Cliff3988 January 25, 2025
+3comment score: 3

Im sorry but making money takes so long to do you should really make it where you get some coins from killing enemies or something

developer response: I will not be adding any option for unlimited money generation via unlimited actions. That would simply result in players farming single enemy for hours to no end until they had enough to afford everything they can. It would also completely invalidate earlier items when the player progressed further within the game. Furthermore, the player NEED a finite amount of money (diagrams), later income is spent on QoL (buying potions instead of crafting them, etc).

The way it is handled now is that the players have a pool (that expands by getting reputation) of available quests to them every three days. Some quests require easier to gather items, some more difficult to gather, but all quests are completable within reasonable amount of time. What this does is that player, when they want to gather more money, are lead to explore the world more and visit other zones as well. It also keeps early-game items relevant for longer.

An example would be three quests: gather rat meat x60, feathers x25, wool x30. Rat meat would be the easiest and fastest, player would pick that and be rewarded with money. If they wanted more money, they would either have to go do the feathers or wool, and will have no instant benefit by farming more rat meat.

Thanks for trying out the game and the feedback :)