comments for Progress Mage
sort: go backyou so badly need to add in an option for buy max
I dont mind if you have to spend an elemental core for the buy max either I just need the option
I agree with the early consensus that this is a good prototype. There were already a couple of game balance suggestions so I'll make some theme/feel suggestions instead.
Investing cores into elements feels more like upcasting the same spell rather than actually unlocking a new spell. I think something like either "Super mana flow", "hyper mana flow", etc and establish those adjectives as tiers within the game's internal logic, or something that sounds a little more wizard-y like "Mana flow Class II", "Mana flow Class III", etc. Plus then you could save those alternate names like Droplet or Pebble for spells with different utility (especially if you were thinking of having the game eventually shift into a combat or wizard tower building sort of phase). Orb of Creation is also a wizard-y incremental game I really like if you want some inspiration for stuff that sounds cool and magical.
Looking forward to seeing how this one develops!
developer response: My main thinking behind the names was that i wanted them to be a lil more interesting than 'antimatter dimension 4' or what have you, but i understand that the mechanics aren't there yet to earn those names. if time comes where those names would be better served elsewhere, i will definitely consider moving them. Thanks for the feedback!
Desperately need a buy all button, or at least a hold action to keep buying without having to click a billion times T_T
there isn't that much content available right now, but i LOVE what is there
btw for
CORE 14 go 3 3 3 2
CORE 15 go 4 3 2 2
CORE 16 go 3 3 3 3
pretty good prototype I would have to say, challenges might be wanted before 12th elemental core though if or when you intend to expand on this
developer response: Despite challenges being the visible unfinished aspect, I actually have some new elements in the works before then, which will probably unlock at 10 (EDIT: or maybe 5?) cores. Thanks for the feedback!
The rate reseting is because the bar would go too fast for the game to register. Instead the amount per cycle is increased to compensate for this.
My only note given the obvious prototype state is that it would be nice to have some sort of buy max option.
TheTastyPi's "Progress Bar: The Game" but you are a cool wizard
I think this is really fun and would love it if you continues development of it and added more layers and made stuff more in depth. good work!
You don't have to click a million times. You can click one option and hold down 'enter' key and it will buy the rest. Sure a buy max button would solve that, but there is an option besides having to click a billion times :)
If you reload the game the upgrades reset but the mana gain per second does not, meaning you can scale infinitely due to this bug. Solid concept, but definitely needs more systems to support a game longer than a few minutes as this loop will get repetitive quickly.
developer response: oops, thanks for the bug report, it turns out i used the wrong keyword (array.size instead of array.length). fix has been pushed.
as for the repetitiveness, you obviously aren't the only one to mention that. i think i will put new content after the 5th core instead of the 10th core like i had originally planned
Buff Air after first upgrade, The first upgrade is good then anything after that loses to any other elements paths
Making first 4 cores was fun. Making the next 3 is not. For future updates I recommend keeping that in mind.
cool game
When i buy all 100 water spell one the mana rate resets to 1 and I lose all the speed. Please fix this.
It will not let me buy mana flow if I have exactly 5 water mana. It requires any amount more than 5.
The waters 3rd upgrade unlocking puddle has 75 max, I doubt this is intended.
Nice but repetitive
Good concept currently, but gets very repetitive with the current amount of content