comments for Midnight Idle
sort: go backthe concept is GREAT but all the images being ai suuuuuucks it honestly takes me out of the atmosphere a bit
developer response: Thanks for playing. There is an option under settings that you can enable to disable all story art.
the rat killing grind never stops. its all or none.
developer response: You can activate Animal Planet skill and let it auto-farm in the background as you continue to your journey.
Very well made :D
Unlocks for the classes should not be random. With three existing classes and the huge branches in the new quest tree, if a player tries something and it doesn't work, there's low chance he'll come back trying the same thing. For example, I've stumbled upon the to unlock the new class, but couldn't beat it, so I crossed off that path as yet another unwinnable fight among many others and moved on. Turns out, this specific battle was essential to make any further progress, but without reading spoilers I would never have guessed it and would not come back multiple times till RNG lets me beat the monster and unlock a new class.
developer response: I'll admit the 2nd chapter is a lot more trickier and requires some experimentation to figure things out. This is because the original 1st chapter players collectively feedback the game is too easy/linear to play. They want to see more hidden/unlockable features as well as deeper branches.
Anyway I hope it did not take you too long getting stuck. Spirit and Soul path are dead giveaway from the combat difficulty gap. Only Spirit and Body paths are viable at beginning.
Having recently found a use for recall stones and at least one of the new classes (werewolf), I think I can finally see the overall shape of the "second chapter". That said, I have to agree with other comments that while the first portion of the game was easy enough to mentally track, there are now too many combinations of traits and branches to conveniently keep track of even by note-taking. Yes, I'm seeing how things finally start narrowing down again, but due to having been trained by the earlier part of the game into following the "keep changing traits between runs" strategy and not being able to just dismiss something as a bad choice simply because at the moment it looks like one there ended up being a massive amount of information to filter before I finally just decided to stick to bat+good and echolocated an initial "map" sketch. While I do realize how much of a pain UI design is, I'd like to suggest an in-game "map" page - either flowchart or sketch - that gets filled in as areas get visited and item locations and specialized shortcuts get found.
Other than that, while the toggling of bought QoL skills isn't usually important once players are past where those skills matter and I can understand why it's a potential source of bugs to mess with them in-run (even though for a lot of them that's excessively restrictive, it's simple), needing to completely buy a progressive skill just to toggle it off again was at times an issue early on. And it would be nice if "things you start automatically doing passing the altar" included cleaning up rats and bats and filling up to your maximum blood and sanity. I'm willing to say it's fine to not auto-grab the magic dagger and (for goblins) bombs on the grounds that in future chapters the story may grow more complex and so there may actually be good reasons to not want the dagger or bombs (mimic form, or choosing to leave the stuff for somebody else) but by the point that a player can reach Jezebel there's no longer any good reason to make sure they can turn the crank.
developer response: Thanks for playing and your feedback. There's some sort of a sketch flow chart/diagram currently being drafted by the reddit community. Will see how to convert that into a map. If not I might just link to it from the game when it is ready.
The damage of the mobs in the death quarters is TOO high while your damage is so low..
developer response: Go with Body/Mind path first, until you can unlock class upgrades to fight better.
Really great game, I remember playing an earlier build and I'm happy to see it's been improved since!
I have a few small gripes with it, (it would be nice to know beforehand that you can go back to the crossroads after getting the tome/killing the spider) but my biggest by far is efficiently farming soul points. As far as I can tell, the intent is that if you want say, Ooze traits, you should do an Ooze run - hence why you get a discounted price for doing so. The problem with this is Goblin's 'straight-forward' trait. Rather than meticulously choosing the right path for the best xp or buffs for weapons in each run, I can just rush through as a Goblin at 5x the speed of any other species with almost no input from me. Tack on the xp buffs and these quick runs don't even finish at much lower of a level than a manual one.
The way I see it, you should either have an equivalent trait for the other species, or add in a 'loadout' system with all the choices baked in. i.e. When finishing a Bat run, you have the option to save your choices from that run in your Bat loadout slot. Upon starting a new run, you're asked if you want to start fresh or to load your Bat/Wolf/Goblin/Ooze loadout.
That being said, I'm looking forward to more updates! There's still plenty of potential here. :)
developer response: Thanks for your feedback. A little further into the game you will get to unlock Ancestral Dreams upgrade that allow you to fine tune your automation run (not class dependent) base on actions taken from previous cycle.
the combat shouldn't kick you out of every tab, give it it's own tab. trying to read stuff while farming sp is painful.
developer response: When story or notification popup appears, the game is paused. It should not be triggering/automating combat until you dismiss it.
I like the game so far. The story is great and i like the semi-grim setting.
developer response: Thanks. I try to be teen-friendly, so no excessive gore or violence.
very good game
developer response: Thanks for playing!
kinda funny seeing that all comments are writed today bc game is out on galaxy today
developer response: Not sure, as I'm new to galaxy as well. How frequent do new games get listed here?
Everything got reset but none of my cookies have been deleted?
developer response: What @milo said is correct. Game data is saved in local storage, which is persistent even offline, unless you changed browser, or were playing in different browser modes (normal vs private/incognito)
At Level 5, after defeating the designated number of Dark Imps, no new buttons appeared afterward, and I couldn’t progress with the game. Is this the end?
developer response: You just need to defeat 1 imp to proceed with the game. If you are stuck and have completed at least 1 cycle before, you will see a Reset Cycle in the options. If this is your very first and already reached citadel, you can use can restore from this save code: UGD9KJ0T
saves are usually kept in local storage and not cookies (including in this case). your save may be gone due to the browser you are using.
This is a great game. Played and beat the original version on reddit. Hmmm ... it seems like there's more content release now.
developer response: Yes, a new chapter has been added to the game, adding roughly around 3x more content compared to the Legion chapter.
I remember finding this on a post on Reddit, got addicted after first play through. And now it’s on Galaxy? Huge W
developer response: Yes, that was a few months ago. Am currently working on expanding on content and new mechanics. Thanks for playing.
Epic game!
developer response: Thanks for playing!
Loved the game, but there's a frustrating element: You can't win by knowing the puzzle solutions if you don't have enough upgrades, and you can't win by brute force even if you have every upgrade. Often I would mentally rule out what turned out to be the correct solution, because the game showed me that it didn't work, or I would be confident in the solution but have no realistic way of knowing how long I should go back and grind my skills before it was also an effective solution.
At a certain point I had all the upgrades that increased character strength and saw that it was turning into this really granular puzzle where I'd have to map out the whole decision tree--which requires turning off QoL features, ugh--and try all the reasonable traversals, or just look up the solution. Those both feel pretty bad, and experimentation that has a few minutes of unavoidable wait time stapled to every new trial feels worse worse, so I unfortunately chose option three.
That's all to say, it's still incredibly clear how much love and care went into making this, and I still had a ton of fun with it before it became something that I, myself, couldn't enjoy anymore. Thanks for making this and sharing, best wishes.
developer response: Thanks for playing and thank you for your feedback. In earlier version players complained the game was too simple and linear, where choices/branches did not have significance. Thus in 2nd part I built deep branches each carrying their own unlockable classes and unique encounters. I'm currently working on the next part of the game, which includes an achievement table that unlocks additional bonuses.