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Midnight Idle


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developed by accuratecat83 gamedev



144 ratings

rated 4.2 stars, 144 ratings.

Posted February 14, 2025. Updated February 14, 2025. Played 7236 times for a total of 20901 hours.


Midnight Idle is an incremental game with a flavor of old-school Choose Your Own Adventure game books. It offers a unique story about an amnesiac ooze (first of its kind!), featuring 7 unlockable classes with unique skills and upgrades. There are multiple layers of prestige mechanic to discover. The game is mobile optimized, and you can switch between PC & mobile with export/import features.

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OldSloth today
+1comment score: 1

On a more serious note, besides loving the game, i feel like there are some suggestions if i may.
1) Pop up blocker upgrade, it says that it skips story, but i wanted to verify, if it blocks everything, or just the parts you already saw? Probably better be the latter, since there are chances of discovering new things. Also, switching it off works at any time, even in the middle on the walkthrough, but can't turn it back on until another reset. Kinda weird.
2) Blood gargoyle - well, there is a reward for defeating it, sure, but... what is actual point in getting it more then once? I feel like it could be better if after the first time it would be an upgrade to different one, or a new reward alltogether. Well, not that there is much rewarding stuff at that point, but still.
3) and yeah, sometimes it feels weird, that, like i was saying on previous commen, i managed to defeat some of the timed monsters, someone closer to end i think, upgraded attack and armor piercing for the next run and couldn't defeat it in next run, despite trying a few times. How unlucky one could get really? But that's minor point, as i said, just my lack of luck with RNG.

Still, thanks for the good game. Really enjoy running it through the day in background. Maybe one day i will beat it, although there is always a chance that i won't, but still, hope it will continue being updated and will get more things added. And one day will make it really big. Totally deserves that for all the fun i have with it.

solistus today
+1comment score: 1

Very cool game, glad I pushed past the rough edges. Took me a while to make much progress in chapter 2, but once I started getting some of the later upgrades unlocked I went from losing on the 4th challenger at the end to beating the final (for now) boss in like a day. Still have no idea how to open the doors at the end of each path, and I'm pretty sure I didn't find every last upgrade/unlock/optional encounter.

A few notes after beating the game:

* Top of my feature wishlist is definitely some in-game system for keeping track of things you've already found. A full map and quest journal / inventory UI would be great. A quicksave/quickload feature would also be a nice QoL addition, AD can already autoplay to get you back to the same spot again but if I'm on the verge of finding a cool new thing the last thing I want is to be forced to idle for a few minutes instead of doing the interesting new thing.

* Later on, when all the basic upgrades are maxed, things go so fast that it's damn near impossible to get to the settings, check the spirit upgrade shops, or even to switch between blood and sanity or manually use skills. It would be a lot easier to navigate the game while autorunning through the early game if pause stayed active when switching tabs, and combat putting you back on the previously selected tab afterwards would make it less frustrating to try and use (or even look at) sanity skills.

* It can be frustrating to get stuck, there's little to direct you toward the key unlocks and there are a lot of class/alignment/route combos to try. A couple times I felt like I had to grind out every available upgrade and beat some previously unbeatable monster, only to discover a big upgrade I could have easily unlocked without all the grinding. Some in-game hints, an NPC that offers advice about key options you've missed several times, maybe something like color-coded hints under specific paths and choices if you've previously made it to the room a new unlock is in but haven't found it yet?

* Would be nice to have a little 'new!' badge for upgrade tabs so I don't have to check all of them for new stuff, and removing or changing the messages telling me I unlocked an upgrade if I already had it.

* Oh, and it would be nice to get a reminder of which paths I've already cleared before deciding to take the portal back - or at least to disable the portal option if I've done all 4 paths, since you can't progress past the 'pick a path' room if you go back.

* ok last one I swear - the spirit drain mechanic is frustrating and makes any minor gripes with the UI become more annoying. It sucks to feel penalized for using the fully upgraded gamespeed boosting skill I spent a while grinding SP to buy because it makes me waste a bit more spirit every time I have to click 'journey ahead'. You can still pause anyway. I would much prefer if spirit only drained after I chose an option, during its timer, with balance tweaks as needed. It basically just punishes players for slow reaction times, reading speeds, or for their browser or device being laggy or unresponsive. Why not just let me take however long I want to read my options? If the idea is to have another source of variance so players can feel good when they pull off an efficient run with minimal wasted spirit, it needs to be based on a more engaging skill testing mechanic than 'how fast can you pause?'

I know that probably sounded negative, but I wouldn't have so many longwinded ideas about minor UI issues and QoL features if I didn't love the game. It captured the charm of oldschool choose your own adventure books, while having the addictive gameplay loop idlers and incremental games are known for. Although I must say, this one pushes the meaning of 'idle' in its name more than most :P

OldSloth March 16, 2025
+2comment score: 2

Good game. bad thing Rngesus as always so full of love, that after i upgrade things, i end up losing more often. Weird, but that's my life.

developer response: hmm ... what did you upgrade that made your game/cycle worse?

GigaGold March 12, 2025
+1comment score: 1

This is a great game!
Not happy at all with AI usage.

Ivanisdabest14 February 26, 2025
+2comment score: 2

the guy below me is having low memory,
he better clean some files that take space and do not to be needed

top comments

eyerhymes February 14, 2025
+27comment score: 27

Loved the game, but there's a frustrating element: You can't win by knowing the puzzle solutions if you don't have enough upgrades, and you can't win by brute force even if you have every upgrade. Often I would mentally rule out what turned out to be the correct solution, because the game showed me that it didn't work, or I would be confident in the solution but have no realistic way of knowing how long I should go back and grind my skills before it was also an effective solution.

At a certain point I had all the upgrades that increased character strength and saw that it was turning into this really granular puzzle where I'd have to map out the whole decision tree--which requires turning off QoL features, ugh--and try all the reasonable traversals, or just look up the solution. Those both feel pretty bad, and experimentation that has a few minutes of unavoidable wait time stapled to every new trial feels worse worse, so I unfortunately chose option three.

That's all to say, it's still incredibly clear how much love and care went into making this, and I still had a ton of fun with it before it became something that I, myself, couldn't enjoy anymore. Thanks for making this and sharing, best wishes.

developer response: Thanks for playing and thank you for your feedback. In earlier version players complained the game was too simple and linear, where choices/branches did not have significance. Thus in 2nd part I built deep branches each carrying their own unlockable classes and unique encounters. I'm currently working on the next part of the game, which includes an achievement table that unlocks additional bonuses.

Skits February 15, 2025
+13comment score: 13

the concept is GREAT but all the images being ai suuuuuucks it honestly takes me out of the atmosphere a bit

developer response: Thanks for playing. There is an option under settings that you can enable to disable all story art.

Bingus February 14, 2025
+9comment score: 9

the rat killing grind never stops. its all or none.

developer response: You can activate Animal Planet skill and let it auto-farm in the background as you continue to your journey.

BDS February 14, 2025
+6comment score: 6

Very well made :D

chahinee February 14, 2025
+4comment score: 4

easy S tier.

developer response: Thanks for playing!

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