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comments for Incremental Math

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tristan countest February 20, 2025
+18comment score: 18

The save button should not be so close to the hard reset button, especially when the hard reset button has no confirmation.

Pyrocon February 20, 2025
+17comment score: 17

Needs a dark mode badly.

Biroulik February 20, 2025
+12comment score: 12

so, uhm, I think there is no offline progress, which makes the twice 20ish min timewalls to the first Y a bit tedious, but I'm unable to get the first Y, the first purchase of the 2e equation. Is this the current end?

eyerhymes February 21, 2025
+9comment score: 9

It's pretty bad practice to have an upgrade that offers no benefit except to unlock a new feature which is also gated behind a second cost (especially a much steeper cost). There's no gameplay reason to need to unlock the same thing twice. There's no way for the player to know what the real cost of the feature is before they make their decisions. It just feels unfair and frustrating to find out you saved up for nothing.

Also I noticed that the upgrades appear purchasable even after you spend your resources elsewhere and can no longer afford the upgrade.

Tech_627 gamedev February 20, 2025
+8comment score: 8

alright tommorow is v0.2 of this game, and Imma add confirmation to hard reset and just change where it's located, make light and dark mode in options (dark mode is default), overall more content to keep you entertained.

Robokitty77 February 27, 2025
+5comment score: 5

yikes, for the record, trying to do my third linear essence reset NaN'ed everything, and refreshing the page did nothing for me

developer response: if you are patient enough to wait just some time soon v0.2.1 is there

new42ur3jeans countest February 21, 2025
+5comment score: 5

I finally found someone who likes Algebraic Progression as much as I do XD
Also game is not mobile friendly

developer response: I love that game lmao

rajakyoza February 21, 2025
+5comment score: 5

if you need dark mode, open side bar > game tweaks > invert

developer response: it will be in options in v0.2 so you all don't have to worry about it

tristan countest February 21, 2025
+4comment score: 4

The update is extremely broken. I don't get points. Resetting for Linear Essence sets my points and points per second not to 0, but to NaN, I can't spend my Linear Essence, and the Linear Equation upgrades are all free. I had to do a Hard Reset to even be able to obtain points. I'll work my way back to Linear Essence and see if it works this time.

developer response: because the game was updating so it broke a lil, but now it's fully updated I suppose

thenoobsuper1 February 24, 2025
+4comment score: 4

why do i have NaN points?

developer response: it's a bug, and I am fixing all of them don't worry

Peconpie10 February 22, 2025
+4comment score: 4

naned resetting for linear and now i have to restart.

developer response: I am fixing all the bugs

Tech_627 gamedev February 21, 2025
+3comment score: 3

A message from the developer, for some reason, the game bugged out hardly as all of you can see, and I am deeply sorry for that, I am trying to fix this issue, also I tested the game before updating none of this happened

Ivanisdabest14 February 27, 2025
+3comment score: 3

uhhhh this game is harshly broken, i tried to hard reset cause well...
(the post under me)
and when i did...
prices reset, but nothing else.

developer response: soon enough v0.2.1 will arrive and fixed a lot of bugs ;-;

fredansu February 27, 2025
+3comment score: 3

classmate is significantly more expensive than teacher.

developer response: I fixed that bug in v0.2.1 (it will prob soon be released)

mlr223 countest February 23, 2025
+3comment score: 3

Got NaN'd after suddenly getting 1e15000 essence, it's a great game, I'll come back once the bugs are fixed.

developer response: well I am making a beta 3 version of the game, it's more balanced, and surely fixed half of the bugs. But yea v0.2.1 will fix everything will also give a good amount of new content.

tristan countest February 21, 2025
+3comment score: 3

I was able to gain 5.838e2472 Linear Essence in one reset by getting Y and N to cost around ~1e50 (I wasn't paying attention to the level, just the cost). This NaN'ed me, and now all my producers are producing NaN points!

developer response: I fixed the formula in the beta now you get decent amount of LE

jacpa2011 February 21, 2025
+2comment score: 2

i have found a workaround for this buggy mess, not perfect but it fixes your save, export then hard reset, then import it, it will reset your buildings, upgrades and equations but keep your points. theres no nan issue after that

developer response: just wanted to explain that, but thanks J, appriciate it.

lastata February 21, 2025
+2comment score: 2

broke this game within 2 minutes without devtools(f12/Ctrl+Shift+I). how, you might ask? as simple as that. fix this

developer response: you got NaNed cuz the boost was NaNed due to you having 0 points and the boost is based on points but I am fixing it

aiueon February 21, 2025
+2comment score: 2

You mentioned, "but now it's fully updated I suppose," but even now, when I refresh the browser, the points still do not increase, and when I press the newly added "Reset for 1.000 Linear Essence" button, the points become NaN.

xoriav February 21, 2025
+2comment score: 2

waited for 2h to buy 2nd equation upgrade. Can't buy because it's not implemented. no mention anywhere 0/10

developer response: you do realize this is more like alpha version? and soon is v0.2 which fixes that