comments for Rain Collector
sort: go backGame is overall fun but gets stale pretty quick. General gameplay of collecting rain is quite fun and relatively unique compared to other incremental games.
Upgrades don't have much variety and prestige gives such a small boost that it doesn't really speed up the gameplay. Adding upgrades to buy with raingold (while keeping the 1% permanent boost) would make prestiging feel much more involved.
Also, I don't need a notification every 5 seconds that the game has saved, it's quite distracting and annoying.
developer response: thanks! as for prestige not speeding it up much, it's very much doable to get >300 in the first run, which does give you a noticeable difference. and the 2nd prestige currency has upgrades
yeah... gotta agree with some of these other guys, it definitely feels pretty repetitive, and i don't really know when the next stuff is coming.... also the timed buffs kind bug me cuz i feel like i need to save my coins... but the change from having to click them to just having to hover over them is nice
As of even the short time I've played, it seems like a well made game, but the only issue is the collecting raindrops, sometimes they will just fall too fast to collect.
developer response: thanks! I will make them a bit slower
Raindrops fall. And then you click on them. For hours. If there's anything to be unlocked beyond that, news to me; this is far too boring.
That's a big problem with user feedback. It's hard to properly analyze where the strengths and weakness of something lie, and what specifically about something a person likes and dislikes. That's not to say the feedback is bad, but you often need to play around and try to see if the problem is actually what's stated, or if the issue is something else that impacts the user experience.
If your curious, People Make Games did a video on how a gun in Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory was "nerfed" by changing the sound effect tied to it. Another famous example is how World of Warcraft originally had the Rested XP system; it was a penalty for playing too long instead of a bonus for taking a break.
I can't speak for anyone else, but what I personally find unengaging about this game is the lack of any variation in the gameplay loop. At least as I experienced it, there's nothing to really hold a player's interest after the initial trial period, nothing to make them want to see the next unlock or mechanic. The upgrades also don't feel particularly substantive; there is a fair chance the player could be discouraged during early prestiges if the boosted rate feels underwhelming. Or to put it another way, your Skinner Box should have a stronger early positive feedback loop.
developer response: great comment! I watched the video, and it's pretty funny what happened there, but also interesting. I shouldn't have followed the feedback in such a straightforward way. (and understanding what people want is difficult for me in general)
I think the lack of variation is the most common complaint now, and I totally see why. I did a new run with a friend right after it was released here, and even though it has a few currencies/features now, it's still very repetitive. Some people like that, but some don't (and I guess nowadays people tend to be on the don't side). Making the gameplay more diverse is a big plus for the people who don't like repitition, while those who like it generally don't mind. I will try to think of such ideas and implement them in the following updates. If people have any ideas, I will read them of course. Thanks!
ok knowing you can just drag makes it a little better but the auto collect is still feels very weak unless you want to leave it running for what feels like hours in order to get to a point of regularity cz 1% per level isnt very effective
developer response: you can get to 5-15% in no time, and I think that is pretty fair. if you want faster progress then you play more actively
If you make your browser window really tall and thing it gets a lot easier.
This also feels like a take on Smashing Simulator.
make it RAIN
i also feel the more of the graphics could benefit from outlines, its kinda muddy looking... maybe just clean up the graphics and make them look less, noisy, i suppose?
developer response: maybe, but isn't a muddy style fitting? and I guess that stems a lot from the dark background and overall dark color theme
AAAAA why is this game rated so bad? I really enjoy it, ofc its a little slower than most idle games, and theres some room for improvements. But seriously, people should rate the game better! dont be too harsh, this is created by a single person, it might not be perfect, but hell no a 2 star rating? Try to build it yourself maybe before rating other projects badly. I know how much work the developer put into this game and a 2 star rating imo is simply not justified. Give others some love!
developer response: thank you sooo much, your words are so kind <3
@ Snekrot
Effort is not correlated to quality, unfortunately. Ask anyone who's poured their heart and soul into a failed project only to have something with minimal effort take off.
The game might get better. It might stay functionally the same. It's not necessarily bad. Personally I don't think it's particularly engaging, but rating this a 2/5 as it currently stands doesn't sound unfair to me.
developer response: that "minimal effort take off" part is very much true (sadly). what confuses me is that I made this game based on the feedback that I have received for my other games on this very website, with the things that people like in mind (such as idle gameplay being possible, and multi buy unlocked early). I have just released an update addressing the current feedback, including hover to collect
When I click something by accident that I don't have enough raindrops to collect, it kicks me out of fullscreen to put a message saying that I don't have enough raindrops to collect. This seems very unnecessary. You don't need that message, simply having the button not do anything until you have the proper amount of raindrops is more than enough to let me know that I haven't unlocked it yet.
developer response: whether it kicks you out or not depends on the browser I think, but yes I can change that later!
New Game, We likey :)
Small problem with the game on iPad, can’t click on any drops in the middle anymore
Collecting raindrops feel very inconsistent on PC(i.e. sometimes you'd click on it and it won't count), I suppose this game was designed for touch screen in mind? It's fairly also annoying that you have to actually catch the blue powerup point and it's not added automatically to your tally.
developer response: it was made for both pc and mobile in mind, the not counting thing can be if you hold and then your mouse leaves the window (that makes it stop), and the reason why water coins are not collected automatically is that I think it would make long AFKing too powerful, they are also meant to be a boost for the more active players
It looks like sometimes the rain drops just fall through your cursor without being collected. You need to move down to try and collect them.
Also why does the music reset when you got back from the upgrade menu. That makes the music not even useful to enable.
could use a reduction in falling speed and\or removal of need to click at current feels like an impressive creation of a non clicker game where an autoclicker can almost be needed if you want to catch more than every other drop
developer response: you can hold instead of collect, and an autoclicker REALLY isn't needed because auto collect is unlocked and becomes useful very early
i got to 32470 rain drops a nd then the raindrops just stoped dropping
Save to clipboard doesn't work properly. I had saved a game on another galaxy tab and then opened a new tab to play this game. I clicked export save and it told me that it saved to clipboard and gave me a file size of 1800. When I clicked overwrite save and pasted the save in, it gave me a save file of 11k which was the exact file size of the save of the other game I was playing. I then had to reload the tab of this game and just hope and pray that it saved what I did this session. I then tried export to clipboard again and finally it actually worked right. But this means that the export to clipboard doesn't always work on your game, and sometimes it refuses to replace what was on the clipboard before it. For anyone saving your game, make sure you check to see if the file size that pops up matches what is shown when you click export to clipboard.
developer response: weird, usually it works perfectly fine. certain devices may handle the clipboard differently, I use a pretty standard method, but I guess the size display helps
I think you shouldn't have to click or drag to collect and you should just be able to move your mouse and get the raindrops.
developer response: Good idea - and it seems like many would prefer if just moving is enough - it will be changed soon! :)