comments for Botnet Clicker
sort: go backHi everyone, first off I would like to thank everyone for holding with me while I fix the bugs in this game.
- I've read all of your comments and feedback so far and am working on
fixes for everything.
- This is my first game and everything is coded in JS so give me some
- So if you could avoid leaving a low review until the next update that
would be much appreciated.
- Also if there are any changes / features you would like added to the
game, comment here and let me know!
- Thanks again for understanding and I am so glad that some of you are
enjoying my buggy first game!
Fair warning : there is NO auto-save implanted, or is not working on Brave Browser at the very least.
Also, the upgrade that make "all hacked stuff to give 35% more" is bugged, reducing my total production by 66%, which made me reload the page to try and fix the bug.
I got to the point I could purchase every upgrade and bounced around with a save state to test some of the upgrade bugs other people mentioned. I really like the style and theme of this game, so I wanted to collect things in a single post for the dev.
I tried all the upgrades in every way I could. Individually, groups, complete sets, etc.
The GPU and CPU upgrades for your own machine seem to be fine. I watched my outputs when purchasing them and they seemed to exactly as the upgrade said. However, when purchasing GPU upgrades I noticed that I would have to stop my miner, and then start it back up for the upgrade to take effect. Not sure if this is a bug or a feature, with the hacker theming.
Broken upgrades are present in nearly every upgrade path though.
1. The first "Each target requires x% fewer attempts to crack" upgrade seems to work, but none of the others do.
2. All "+x% to all compromised devices' CPU and GPU output" upgrades are bugged. 20, 50, and 75 do nothing, and 35 actually multiples .35 instead of adding .35 to the multiplier, meaning it actually cuts your outputs by over half.
3. I tried looking at every stat I could and did not see "Increase overall output" upgrades do anything? I might have overlooked something, or maybe it's changing something that doesn't have a hard number attached, but I couldn't find anything different after purchasing them individually, or collectively.
4. I have the worst luck in the world, but I did my best to test the "auto complete" upgrades. I purchased both upgrades, saved. I would load the save, buy a target, and then load back. I did this 50 times (I'll bill for my playtesting later) and didn't get an auto complete once. I can see if things change at any point in the future, but my progress is getting slow from the lack of intended upgrades, so it's taking awhile to hack targets now.
I did all this testing around in an attempt to be helpful. Hope it does something for you, lawlessguy.
Every game has issues. The feeling of the game is really immersive. Your UI is awesome. There's alot of little details that really bring the whole thing together. Even though there are some features left to be desired, you obviously put alot of thought and effort into making your first game. I think alot of commenters here forgot what makes so great. I'm eager to replay it after you fix the major bugs.
To add on to Zeforas' comment: not only is there no autosave, there is no save at all.
All there is is export your save string and import it later. Which is not something I want to bother with.
oh and it would be nice if you could sort the upgrades by like price and such
this is a very fun game so far! it is however very buggy, for instance all the upgrades that increase output either don't work or actively reduce the multiplier instead. this should be fixed in a future update I hope as I'm quite enjoying this otherwise! so far the only way to fix the damage of buying these broken upgrades seems to be to reset the game by refreshing the page, so make sure you save often
pov: you bought an upgrade and it didn't do anything. you said meh maybe i didnt get the mechanic. you did it again. and again. maybe it is bugged? let me reload the page. oops! you start from the start. now you are looking at the comments.
cool and stylish game but obviously very buggy. i kinda wonder how it got released with these game breaking bugs while it is otherwise so beautifully made. i don't know how it would normally run to say anything about the game flow but it wasn't too slow to make me lose interest even in this state. one of the better incremental games i played these days.
looking forward to the next tier of stuff.
Agreed on this being real buggy. The "% improvement" upgrades of various sorts vary from "actually does nothing" to "divides your CPU/GPU power and just nerfs you a lot". The best route is to export a save before buying an upgrade, then check to see if it actually does anything, then reload if it didn't but... Why should I have to work around incredibly punishing bugs like this, as a player?
Obviously others have commented about the bugs that need to be addressed. The core of the game is really fun though, and I'm really eager to see the next tier of the game!
First you just need to verify all of the upgrades work as intended, and add a save button to chuck that save string into localstorage instead of leaving it to the user to store it.
developer response: Thanks for the feedback! I'm glad you like the non-buggy parts of the game. Hopefully today I will push out an update fixing the upgrades and the save functionality.
buggy as hell
none of the upgrades work bro
Good premise. The upgrades made me quit as it instantly made my progress grind to a halt instead of helping.
aw man I tried rm -rf ./*
'ing the computer but it didn't work!!!!
I should've read the comments first, my production was completely gutted after the 35% upgrade...
i really dig this and how you can move around the windows but i think it would be nice if you didn't have to buy the devices...
You should play your game to see if its basic functions work before uploading it publicly.
all hacked stuff gives 35% more actually sets your multiplier to 0.35 instead of 1.35