comments for The Plant Tree
sort: go backBeat the game! (now I'm qualified to leave a review as of v5.1) >> Amazing game, truly a good TMT mod in my eyes. I love how you go back to previous layers you thought were completed a lot, and the progression seems really nice (outside of some research timewalls, the challenge timewalls are not too bad; mostly <1hr timewalls in general). I can see you put a lot of work into balancing this and it pays out well! Hopefully this keeps getting semi-regular updates, I'll be stopping by to keep grinding on every one. 9/10 game!
developer response: I will try to keep updating it but as the content I've been trying to add is getting more complex updates will slow down (new rows will be especially slow), I have also tried to keep making unique content for every layer and I will keep expanding upon all (or at least most) of them, thank you :D
(by the way, the next update is in 5 hours)
i am now at tree layer, quite good so far.
the only concern is scrolling, it is annoying and i do not see much possibility to fix it.
would be so much better if all upgrades could fit on screen, but even with fullscreen most tabs have scrolling.
developer response: I also do not see much possibility to reduce scrolling with this amount of content either lol
Also, I've taken this into account and I've added a QoL to the next game so there's more prestige buttons for layers to reduce scrolling
if you garden reset then zone reset, you dont NaN!!!
just finished the game (v10), pretty fun! on the shorter end of incremental games i play, but still a decent time investment. good progression, pretty well balanced and i don't remember there being any egregious timewalls. i'll def be coming back for future updates :)
Wow, replayed this all the way from the start due to the new content and a new laptop...reached the new content and I'm just....lost, completed lost. Otherwise a fantastic PT mod.
am i just supposed to wait out volcano, or is there some trick or something im missing? i cant get plants fast enough to break even when spam buying.
developer response: There's a trick you're missing. (and spam buying is pretty much the opposite of the trick you're missing)
Overall a very well-constructed TMT game, solid theming that the developer finds new ways to play into, with each mechanic feeling balanced and interesting, and progression that's tightly balanced to keep the ball rolling even on new layer resets. While I see why people enjoy other types of games, this is definitely the platonic ideal of a tree-like to me. It also helps the dev is pretty fast with the updates which is no mean feat as the layers add up.
Neffdigity, (deleted other comment cuz it looked like the spoiler tags didnt work
Finally reached Tipi-- effectively beating v8.0. The game's really nice, the progression feels good enough in my eyes post-Ecosystems! However, I feel like certain timewalls aren't able to be broken by Ecosystems, which is what I presume the point of the 1st Eco buyable is to do. Besides that, "Americas Inspired Zone" still says "Coming soon..." even though it still leads to Reclaimed Ecosystems when it's purchased. I presume that the description is just outdated ._.
developer response: 1: yes that description is outdated
2: I have started making The Plant Tree: Rewritten due to bad framework and many more possible bugs to come up in the original (this version) and the gameplay in the early-game isn't as good as the original in my opinion but I hope that the game works better and I'm able to make updates faster and have the game generally be better quality and also having stuff for more varied audiences. (for example the achievements in tptr are geared towards an AD news ticker audience) anyway, here's the link lol:
Correction from coming back here later: no I am not finished developing this game lol and I have abandoned the rewritten version because I prefer the original
1. For anyone complaining about flickering at ee38 points: It's due to Conservation milestone 1, so turning it off solve the issue.
2. @TheGoat, how did you beat it in 5 secs?
I definitely do not understand the polluted reef challenge. I buy upgrades which should be increasing my wildlife production above what it is currently, and then it starts dropping?
Still managed to force my way through to completion, still no idea what suddenly handicapped wildlife production.
developer response: explanation: you keep your wildlife but you don't generate the same amount inside the challenge so you continue losing it at the normal rate
I can't get a single bug. Can anyone help me?
developer response: you have to be in the challenge and reach a certain threshhold with at least one of the bugs active. you also might just need to wait longer
I know this is a twitch in all Prestige Tree Mods, but after getting conservation, it might be worth force-switching Research to the Main tab. Was stuck for a while with no way to progress before I finally decided to click it, as Research was on the "lotto" type screen, instead.
yo dont tell my teacher but im playing this at school
Getting to 50 plants in the first disaster sure is taking a minute...
developer response: grind outside of the challenge
ALL of my progress is gone, is there an easy way to get it back cuz I was all the way to 3 ecosystems :skull:
developer response: just added a savebank to the next update lol
cool theres an update
Anyone have tips on how to pass Hurricane? I've finished Eruption and Earthquake but Hurricane slows to a crawl at ~270 gardens.
plant game is finally hereeeeee