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The Plant Tree

developed by Thenonymous gamedev
rated 4.4 stars, 187 ratings
rated 4.4 stars, 187 ratings

Posted May 27, 2023. Updated March 2, 2024. Played 12898 times for a total of 35747 hours.


A Prestige Tree Mod about Plants, Gardening and the Environment

latest update

Interlude 13- March 2, 2024

Quests - Added with 3 minigames and a total of 9 buyables.
Navigation - Added with 2 clickables.
General - Added some extra touches to various parts of the game and improved the Emoji Symbols option.

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newest comments

shinno July 1, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Very nice game! I reached the end so far ("6 quests - coming soon"), but I'm still doing quests (I got 12) while waiting for the next update

Anonymous69 June 24, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I can't get a single bug. Can anyone help me?

developer response: you have to be in the challenge and reach a certain threshhold with at least one of the bugs active. you also might just need to wait longer

ashton June 19, 2024
+1comment score: 1

sooooo i clearned my browser and then hopped onto here and now my progres is reset in all games what do i do

developer response: there's a savebank in the achievements layer

sanyaa June 17, 2024
-9comment score: -9
[this comment is unfavored]
vote_chthulu June 12, 2024
0comment score: 0

can't get enough gardens or points at ~e37 points. nothing else to buy or do and numbers just stop increasing. discord is completely deserted so no way to get help. probably best to just seek out another game.

top comments

new42ur3jeans countest May 27, 2023
+15comment score: 15

plant game is finally hereeeeee

SlaXoriuZ countest June 4, 2023
+12comment score: 12

Beat the game! (now I'm qualified to leave a review as of v5.1) >> Amazing game, truly a good TMT mod in my eyes. I love how you go back to previous layers you thought were completed a lot, and the progression seems really nice (outside of some research timewalls, the challenge timewalls are not too bad; mostly <1hr timewalls in general). I can see you put a lot of work into balancing this and it pays out well! Hopefully this keeps getting semi-regular updates, I'll be stopping by to keep grinding on every one. 9/10 game!

developer response: I will try to keep updating it but as the content I've been trying to add is getting more complex updates will slow down (new rows will be especially slow), I have also tried to keep making unique content for every layer and I will keep expanding upon all (or at least most) of them, thank you :D
(by the way, the next update is in 5 hours)

ratsci October 27, 2023
+5comment score: 5

just finished the game (v10), pretty fun! on the shorter end of incremental games i play, but still a decent time investment. good progression, pretty well balanced and i don't remember there being any egregious timewalls. i'll def be coming back for future updates :)

Diskont July 13, 2023
+5comment score: 5

i am now at tree layer, quite good so far.
the only concern is scrolling, it is annoying and i do not see much possibility to fix it.
would be so much better if all upgrades could fit on screen, but even with fullscreen most tabs have scrolling.

developer response: I also do not see much possibility to reduce scrolling with this amount of content either lol
Also, I've taken this into account and I've added a QoL to the next game so there's more prestige buttons for layers to reduce scrolling

milo verifier June 24, 2023
+5comment score: 5

if you garden reset then zone reset, you dont NaN!!!

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