every word you say in your post will not be able to be used for later posts, and can not have already been used by an earlier post. also, all words in your post must be unique (punctuation and this post excluded)
removing a post is allowed and that will free up the words used in that post to be used by someone else
(also don't just make lists of words you can think of)
once spoken, never spoken again

i wonder how far this will go, or what words may be used as to compensate for the lack of important letter combinations

and she knows of god sky city tree must how when seen perfect loss win bad good long short


ok so what is your thoughts on incrementals. me think its very good at adding the posibilities of doing stuff while waiting

eerosiuh says:
and she knows of god sky city tree must how when seen perfect loss win bad good long short
I don't think this message should be canon (nor should this one be) because that is just what i said not to make

Canned Foil

Fanned Coil

Coiled Fan

wait a minute... following rule, nobody would use quote?

another question: does speak other language allow?

Can't talk much
Also ctrl + f coming in clutch

can we utilize non-english lexicon things

forum thread do limit word
pro tip: plural, singular

estoy hablando español

honestly ill let that slide

seven is extremely AWESOME!!!!!!!

("is" has been already used)

Saya love geometry dash


I don't understand

spamming long unicodes, ﷽𒐫𒈙⸻꧅﷽𒐫𒈙⸻꧅

According two all known laws about aviation, there no way bee should able too fly.

italic text

b c d e g h j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z exists now
weeeeeee forgor lookin last ruleeeeeee

Jeno47 says:
b c d e g h j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z exists now
Reread 1st message

who wood win maxdesignpro gadagadegadagado nugget vs vegeta

Never gonna give you up

pu uoy fvig annog reven

put a hampter in a microwave for free robux!

he kook hamster

fre bobuc wher?

get better guys

based post

bold writing

Intense thinking intensifies

caveman thinks hard

hundred. hungryㅤ


23 45 67

Coind Foe

boing booing boooing booooing boooooing booooooing boooooooing booooooooing boooooooooing booooooooooing
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