Antimatter Dimensions
developed by Hevipelle | rated 4.8 stars, 242 ratings.
242 ratings
rated 4.8 stars, 242 ratings.
Posted May 10, 2023. Updated May 10, 2023. Played 29884 times for a total of 73665 hours.
Do a reality and a bunch of other stuff!
newest comments
@yeet Thanks that make so much more sense now
@ThatGuy The percentages explain how much of the dimension is being produced proportional to the amount of that dimension there already is. ex. If you have e10 of the xth dimension and it shows 10% you are getting 10% of e10 (which makes e9) xth dimensions per second.
I'm playing matter and antimatter dimensions at the same time whats gonna happen?
I don´t entirely understand the percentages underneath the amount of AD´s you have. if anyone can explain that would be great! :D
You can still tick speed auto buyer on in 4th infinity challenge
top comments
everyone's talking about the 9th antimatter dimension, but i'm wondering if the 0th antimatter dimension is antimatter itself
when will the grinding end WHEN WILL THE GRINDING END
The best idle game ever made. There has yet to be one that matches it as far as I can tell.
i actually got rickrolled by the news ticker💀