Antimatter Dimensions

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Posted May 10, 2023. Updated May 10, 2023. Played 51760 times for a total of 121586 hours.
Do a reality and a bunch of other stuff!
Posted May 10, 2023. Updated May 10, 2023. Played 51760 times for a total of 121586 hours.
Do a reality and a bunch of other stuff!
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did you know you can find the 9th antimatter dimension in EC7. in fact, there's even 10th, 11th, 12th dimensions and more! they are the infinity dimensions actually
the real 9th dimension was the friends we made along the way
I found a major bug with attempting to do a Reality: It won't let me select a glyph on an attempt to do so.
the message appeared on the news ticker that said it'll never appear on the news ticker
1.79e308 out of 10!
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everyone's talking about the 9th antimatter dimension, but i'm wondering if the 0th antimatter dimension is antimatter itself
when will the grinding end WHEN WILL THE GRINDING END
The best idle game ever made. There has yet to be one that matches it as far as I can tell.
i actually got rickrolled by the news ticker💀