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all updates for Idle Isekai - An Idle RPG

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Update 0.1.17 **Backup Server Configuration** vs 0.1.17 September 10, 2024

Update 0.1.17 Backup Server Configuration
Sorry for the down time but i just rebuild an entire server from scratch to backup save files. This should greatly improve stability as i have a server i an switch to if the main one failes. it will take tosme time for everiontto sign in and copy over there saves. If you are missing your save due to the last update issue please send me a message on our official discord Thanks!

Vs0.1.16 Hotfix 3 and 4 September 3, 2024

Vs 0.1.16 Hotfix3

vs 0.1.16 Hotfix 1 and 2 and Gem Rebalance Vs September 2, 2024

Vs 0.1.16 Hotfix


Vs 0.1.16 Hotfix2

Version 0.1.16 Simulation And Chest Overhale Vs 0.1.16 September 1, 2024

New stuff


Vs 0.1.15 Quality of life & TLC Vs 0.1.15 August 29, 2024

Version 0.1.15 Quality of life & TLC
Expected Release date: [live!]

Quality of life impartments:


Version 0.1.14 Potion Update Hotfix 1 August 25, 2024

Expected Release date: [Live]

Vs 0.1.14 QOL and Potion Shop Upgrade August 25, 2024

Version 0.1.14 QOL and Stability Update
Expected Release Date [live]

Confirmed Content

Stability Improvements


Goup Event Hot Fixes - August 20, 2024

Expected Release date build [LIVE]

Expected Release date build [LIVE]

Expected Release date: [LIVE]

Global Grup Event! Vs0.1.13 - August 19, 2024

Bunch of Hot fixes XD

Hi Guys its been a rough few days! but were back up and running. kinks are bing worked out and the first Global Group event is scheduled for 24-08-18:00Z
For all your inconvenience over the last few days here are a few Rewords!

Code: SorryAndThankyou!
250 Gems
Code: Oops!
3 Shards!

Remember to be signed in before attempting to use input the codes. they will not work unless you are already signed in!

Version: 0.1.13 Shady Shop And Global Events!

The Shady Shop:

Group Event:

Version Miner QOL update
Release date for game build: [Whenever Login is Fixed]


Release date for game build: [Live]

Hotfix 2 (oops lol) vs 0.1.12 Hotfix 2 August 7, 2024

Just a quick hot fix with a few bug fixes

Fixed Reword retention issue
Fixed wrong number of units displayed in unit selection
Fixed bug were sommoned units woudln't be added to vault
Fixed bug were units would summon with wrong Qualty

Vs 0.1.12 Unit Summons and Free Gifts! Massive update! 0.1.12 August 6, 2024

Hi, Huge update here! 9 new units and complete rebalance of the summoning system! Doubled the number of units that can be unlocked though summoning! Giveaways are now a thing!

Version: 0.1.12 Character And Gifts!
Confirmed New Content

Confirmed Bug Fixes

QOL update and Save Stability. 0.1.11 July 25, 2024

Vs 0.1.11 is here!

New Stuff

Changed sign-in to now require a username and password. This change is because I ditched "unity cloud save" which i was using to store game files for people in an anonymous way problem was that when i have to many payer i will be charged for this service and also in web browsers it was incredibly unreliable and people would lose saves. anyone without a usernames should create one before updating to the new game version or you may lose your progress.
Link to Discord page added to game for easer access to help and bug reporting
Information popups now scale with screen size
Help Buttons have been added to various locations around the game to give better explanations as to what things do. In coming updates many of the places with lots of text will be cleaned up and replaced with help buttons. this will make things cleaner and easer to see as well as making more detailed descriptions possible to explain more complex mechanics. integrated discord button with Help Button to allow quicker assistance if people are havening trouble.
Conformation button programmed. Added to large purchases. So far Story changing, relic ranking up.
Created Function to store Gift acceptance data to keep record of clamed Rewords
Improved save system to save more often an more persisly save exactly needed data so that when closing at unexpected times it will more acuratly pick you up exactly were it left you off.
When loading mid battle units will now maintain the state they were in when the game ended.
Game will now save weather you were auto reentering or not.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Bug were new games started with shortcut to floor 75 unlocked this is meant to be a later unlock in the Gem shop and can be a source of confusion for new players
Fixed Bug were you were able to enter PT1 of stories that were not unlocked yet
Fixed Golden Hands Exploit
Fixed Extra Syldove on World 2 Exploit
Fixed Bug were wrong equipment would be selected after Isekai (Not fixed will need to look into further)
Fixed But were Daily streak was not being loaded from save file properly
Fixed Potential Runoff text
Fixed Improper Character images in start of world 2
Fixed Chest appearing and disappearing during story
Fixed Bug were you could go negative by purchasing at the same time as auto purchase is running
Fixed Bug were you can prematurely purchase an Frank Relic
Fixed Merge Calculation not properly taking account for highest merge value.
Fixed Bug Were Auto reenter would start battle while story was progressing in the Town.
Fixed AI Issue were character would be stuck in attack loop with AI option "Same Enemie"

Thanks again everyone for all your help! I hope to see you all in future updates!

Next Update (Character update!) Shouldn't be too far off!

0.1.11 progress July 13, 2024

Update 0.1.11 is well on its way! Since daily login bonuses were broken i will give everyone that has an account before the update the first 5 Streak days ready to be claimed regardless of how long it is that you started before the updated came out. Everyone will also receive 250 Gems on their first login after the update as a thankyou for helping bug test!

For a complete list of all know bugs and which ones have been tackled before the next update as well as Confirmed features of the next update please check out My discord page!

One Final remainder please, if you have not created a username and password, create one before I Push the next update, or it is likely that you will lose all progress! I have dropped unity saves due to inconsistencies and without an account there is no place that you data will be saved when plying in a web browser.

Thanks For playing!

Major update. Pre-Release Test Beta out! 0.1.10 July 7, 2024

Major update!
Hello everyone! Its been a long time since I last posted but just as I promised back then, tones of new progress has been made! I'm not going to go into detail in everything just give a wide view of what was added because the change log would be "7 days to die" level of update and to be honest I don't 100% remember what was in the last up date either so here a smidgin the stuff that was added.

We have new units,
New Relics,
New maps,
Overhaled Equipment upgrades,
Quick saves during gameplay,
Additional Automation options,
New Relic ranking system as well as ways to "Rank up" relics,
Permanent upgrades from the Shady potion Shop!
Intractable secrets in the backgrounds of the maps!
Many Many More achievements.
Nearly 20 new enemies and a handful of bosses.
Endless mode (still a work in progress)

For all of you who have played my game in the past, thankyou from the bottom of my heart! This game is my pride and joy. Hundreds maybe even thousands of hrs. have been put into this. All save accounts from previous versions of this game have been wiped. But to be honest its almost a different game now so for the best experience a fresh game should be made anyway. At this point i am quite confident in the stability of the save system. That being said I still can't 100% guaranty that these saves will work when the game is officerly released but i will do everything i can to make it so they do work. The main purpose for this is to get feedback on balancing and issues to make full release smoother and better so please let me know what you think, what you want added, and what might be missing!

A brand new discord for the game has been created. I will be monitoring that daily and will be available to answer questions, take suggestions, discuss bugs, and even just chat if you want.

thanks for your time.

Update Notice! N/A September 17, 2023

Hello everyone! Just wanted to start by saying thankyou for all the advice and trying out my game while it was still in very early development. I have some good and bad news, lets tart with the bad news to get it out of the way!

Due to health issues I will not be posting any new updates for this over the next few weeks while I work though said issues. Rest assured I am still programming and the game is still being developed ive just cut the building and sending off for testing portion (You guys have been great testers so far!) To make matters a little worse, while I was away for a bit over the last few weeks the Company I set up save files with, updated from a “hobby” to an actual company but sadly in the process all online saves were lost. (i have been reassured this will not happen again and it was just due to por data migration setup on the old server) As such all online saves are gone, and until i push out a new update you will not be able to save from this location.

If you wish to continue playing you can go to and download the windows.exe version and that will create offline save files. I Will do my best to ensure those save file integrate with the new save system i am create so that not all data is lost.

I expect that the next released update probably won’t be till the end of OCT.

OK! Enough of the bad news!

In short, I am still continuing to program the game and it is continuing to improve during this time. As a measure of good faith I will list a few things I have already done and several things that will be here once the next update does come!

Already Completed

= **All new Gem Item shop **
== The shop allows you to spend very small amounts of gems to get boosts for your units during battle.
== Spending gems at the shop increases its level wich in turns unlocks more and better types of boosts
== The shop also introduces new story elements and new characters
== This also give players more control over the fight going on before them and makes them less of a stander by

= Story 1
== Story one has been rewritten (still the same basic story) with new characters all new jokes.
=== As many of you suggested, the entire first story has been spell checked by my actal story writer! (trust me i'm just as excited about this as you are!) Thanks for all your patience as I work through all of my dyslexia spelling problems!
== All main characters have multiple expressions now! This helps to add a little more emmertion and helps with the delivery of some jokes!

= Story 2
== Yes! The long awaited story for world 2 has been entirely written and is currently under development!
== New Characters, new Isekai awesomeness, and even the start of some cool plot twists!

That is all stuff just since the last update! Some new stuff thats still on the horizon and (should) be included int he next update

= New and improved save system
== The new save system will include manue new features!
== Faster game saving
== Partial game saving!
=== This is targeted saving for spesiing things, insted of saving your entire game this saves just the part that have changed most recently, this will make it so that very little data will ever be lost as it will be pushing small saves often!
=== This saving technique allows me to set up so that when you log back in instead of being back at the town you can be loaded in directly were you left off with the wave level and units exactly as you left them (or within seconds of when you left them)
=== Allows for save so be MUCH more reliable then before. Do to uploaded files bing much smaller the likelihood that the packet is dropped or data is lost is much smaller.

= Story 3
== Stoy 3 is already being written and some of the sprite and characters for it are already made! But by the time the next update gose live i expect story 3 to be completed and playable!
== Many of the upcoming updates will be more story related with new units enemies and collectable characters being in relation to the world and story!

= Offline Rewords
== As an expansion to my new daly reword system i added in the last update, there well be offline rewords granted to you apon login
== not to much to say about this yet except that your units will receive up to 8hrs of equivalent gameplay when the game is offline (not sure if they will progress or you will just receive XP Gold and Loot baced on your DPS and GPS of the last few waves your on)

= Several New Characters
== There will be several new collectible and story granted units and enemies by next update (probably a minimum of 5)!

Stuff that will (probobly) not be in the next update but will (probably) be coming!

= Event baced collectible units and challenges
= Fun minie game to use your vaulted units to get cool and fun rewords
= Leaderboard and Chalenges were you face off against other players to get higher scores and win rewords!
= Many many more relics
= Shop were you can perches permanent boosts to your units and characters with Gems
= many more ways to get gems!

Thanks again for all your support feel free to message me with any questions ill still be checing the comments section every now and then incase you want to ask how things are going! Sorry for the delay, and i look forward to giving you all a much superior version of the game in a few weeks! (probably like 6 but could be less if i get some good news form my next few test results)

Vs 0.0.22 August 9, 2023

New unit and large number optimization.

HotFix 2 Vs August 2, 2023

Hotfix vs vs August 2, 2023

Defense Relics and Equpment Vs 0.0.21 August 2, 2023

Update 0.0.21 More Defence Equipment and Relics Defense Rebalance is now complete! - Defence is no longer linear, the higher the % of defense blocked the more defense is needed to bock it. Basically every 50% requires 6 times more defense -if attack is 100

-geting damage to 50 would take 50 defense

-getting damage to 25 would take 25 * 6 defense

-getting damage to 12.5 would take 12.5 * 36 defense

Equipment New late geme equipment has been added! A new attack, defense, and HP equipment has been added.

Relics Rounding off the main stats relics i have added 3 new relics, Defense, Attack, and HP Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed bug were Defense Buff was not being applied properly

  2. Fixed Bug stating wrong quality for summoned Legendries

  3. Fixed Bug for stating wrong number of days in a streak

  4. Fixed Integer rollover for RP points on load

  5. Fixed bug were RP cost would rollover for upgrade cost of Church purchases

Major Update vs 0.0.20 July 30, 2023

Biggest Update Yet!

You can read just the punch notes but here is the detailed change log for this update! Sorry it took so long. as i am getting closer to actual release updates may start be a little more sparce and a little larger like this one. However, the gabs betwean shouldn't be as long as this one as some of this time was due to a trip and minor health issues that got in the way of programming. I hope you guys like all the new content and as usual feel free to leave any comments and also check out my Discord as a place to post bugs and ask questions! Or if you even just want to chat about the game! Its been a lot of fun making so far and i hope you all enjoy playing it as much as i enjoyed making it!

~~- Offline Rewords (Delayed till next update)

Unit Managment And Rebalances 0.0.19 July 15, 2023

Today's update is a mix update. Some visual improvements and a few QOL stuff mostly revolving around the unit vault as we get more units it was only getting messier and messier and since there was no way to get rid of units without mering unit cound was getting stupid high.

Unit Managment:
Vault: The unit vault has gone from a bare bons proof of concept to a much more cohesive interactive screen.
-Units filtered by unit type. Simply click on the unit you want to look at and it will witch to that unit
-By default all units are sorted from highes quality to lowest quality (more sorting options to come in the future)
-Relinquishing units. You can now Relinquishing a unit to resive gems. Gems are equal to the quality rounded up 0.8 = 1, 2.2 = 3. ext

-Lore Friendly Cabbages hot a huge boost. Effect boosted from 2% decrice in price per level to 7% decrice in price per level
-Motivate: Leveling became kind of useless after level 15 (your units all prity much attacked instantaneously) I have made it so Motivate now increase units attack speed (compounding with any other speed boosts) starting at level 15. it has a 20% increase + 20% Growth rate from that level on.
-Decreased cooldown for Steal from 8s to 5s
-Decreased cooldown for Assassinate from 8s to 4s

New Units and Super Summons! Vs 0.0.18 July 13, 2023

Today we have 2 new units, some save file optimization and bug fixes, and a new Summon Option call Super Summons.


  1. Thife: High DPS, high attack, high speed, low hp unit. Grate for clearing floors quickly do to his increased attacks per second.
  1. Assassin: High DPS, Very High Attack, Above average attack speed, Very Low Hp. With this untis ability it is by far the hardist hitter in the game so far. His extreme base attack makes him a formidable enemy and also having the highest attacks per min he will clear though week enemies quickly. Howver his Attack Multiply will be smaller than others do to having a higher rate of attack.
    -Ability: Assassinate. As it sounds this is a murderous attack dealing 10X normal attack damage to a single enemy and if this unfortunate unit somehow survives, he will be stricken with a blead effect that deals a percentage of units Max HP over a few seconds.

The new Super Summons will only draw units of Quality 2 or higher and has increased chance to get the new more rare units. It also has a decent chance to summon units over the Quality 4 mark!

Unit Merging Rebalance , Equpment Rebalance 0.0.17 July 6, 2023

Both Equpment and unit merging have gotten great boosts!
short ansere for both

  1. Equpment not boost bace stats as well as give a flat rate so even low leveled equpment helps
  2. Mergered untis now double in strength every Qality point

Long anser For Units

1-2 X1 so at 2 (1+1) you will be twice as perful as you were at one
2-3 X2 but at 3(2+ (2-3 = 2) so 4 total) you will be twice as pwererfull as you were at 2
3-4 X4 (3 = 4x (3-4 = X4) = X8 ) At 4 you will be twice as powerful as you were at 3
to try and make this any more clear lets say your at a quality of 3.15 (becase you are)
qualtiy of 1 = 1
3.15 -1 = 2.15
the next point is worth X1 stats bescas 1 to 2 is worth X1
1+1 = 2 so at 2 you are twice as powerl as 1
so 2.15-1 = 1.15(now is when things get fun)
2-3 is worth 2x
so total of 2+2
1.15-1 = .15
.15 X4 = .60
so total mutliplyer = 4.6X vs Normal strangth
with current formula ti would be 3.15
at 4.15 it would be
4+4 = x8 at Q4
.15 X8 = 1.2 so X9.2 stranght


For each level of equpment the assosiated stat on that equpment get a 1% boost.
so if you have an equpment that boosts Def and Att at level 20
and a equpment that boosts Deffece and HP at level 15

you would have a deffec boost to sats (befor taking in equpment bonus) of
Def = 35%
Att = 20%

Chests have been reduced in rarity and increased in gem quantity also removed popup for chests.

Hotfix + Rebalance Vs July 3, 2023

Hi nother opdate here.

Reballace Vs 0.0.16 July 2, 2023

God Energy: increse rate of gain for God Energy

from SC_BattleEngen.TopWave - 5^(1.37f)
wave 150 = 712
wave 170 = 856 (only 124 more for 20 floors)

SC_BattleEngen.TopWave - 5^(1.37f + (.001f * SC_BattleEngen.TopWave))
at wave 150 = 1837
at wave 170 = 2534 (800 increse for 20 floors)
so that should help the GE grind

RP Points:
im going to do somthing similar for RP as well
my change for RP was a bitt diffent. I just changed it form 7.8% gane per level to 9% so after 10 levels you gane 2.36 times more RP than the 10 levels before up grom 2.11 after 10 leves (dosn't sound like a big change but it really adds up in the 100s range for charactors)
in addition to that i am decreseing the amount of incres for XP needed per level by a small amount and incressing the gain of XP per level that an aponent gives you.
this makes levels after 100 easer to hit and much more rewording

Stat Blessings: Stat blessings have added a exponential growth scale for higher numbers Every 20 levels the blessing ammunt doubles
0-20 x1
20-40 x2
40-60 x4
60-80 x8

Wisdome: slightly incresed wisdome grwoth rate to make move multiplyers suck up a little less MP in comparison

Skelleten mage: HP Decresed by 20%

Fire Mage: will now only use attack when it hits full mutiplyer making it alwasy an extreamy powerfull attack but take longer betwean attacks (unless youdump a lot of wisdom into it)

Fixted roudning issues: For RP points Equpement and relic perchases

Optomized save cleanups: Should halp lag spikes at time of save

Added Chests: thay spawn around the map you can click on to get extra gems

New Unit And Relics! Vs0.0.15 June 30, 2023

Here we have the rest of the stuff i coun't get into 0.0.14 when i pushed it out. I Had been planning to add all this at the same time but some lingering buggs held me back. A few things have changed as well as the large ammount of content added;


Tank Unit!

Total of 5 new relics

New Quests

Hotfix vs June 29, 2023

fixed intriguer rollover bug for equipment in version 0.0.14 - also fixed game not loading properly

Unit Sommoning! vs 0.0.14 June 29, 2023

Hi again everyone! Un like my last update this is a big one We have new unit, a new currency and a character merging system! Lets get right into the nitty gritties!

NEW UNIT: Pyro mage named. Explosion Murder God. This is my favorite character to date! He has low HP, average speed, average defense, High Attack, and Above average Wisdom and Mana. And boy dose he needed because unlike Groug and the Healer, He has a move that costs 15mana at level 1. his new move (EXPLOSTION) deals 1.5 times (his already high) attack to all units indiscriminately. but with great power comes great... penalties...? after using the attack, he has a 4-turn delay where he can no longer fight. Combine this with his low HP and its clear you should have a good suport team for him.

NEW UNIT: Tank was planned for this update but got moved to next due to amount of time this next portion took.

NEW CURRENCY: There is now a Gem Currency you can get from completing achievements. Oh I forgot to mention achievements! well to that in a second. This new currency is primarily used to Summon new units. It will also be used for other boosts and think you can purchase later!

ACHEVMENTS: Achievements can be found in the Brand new Tavern there are currently only 3 but MANY more will come in the future. there are 2 kill quests (rats and skeletons) and 1 Mile marker quest. (Top Wave) After hitting the listed targets you can clame your reword. these quests can be repeated indefinitely so there should be no shortage of gems!

UNIT VAULT: The Unit vault is a location where you can store unneeded or duplicate units. there is currently no cap to this storage but there will be one in the future with options to upgrade space.

UNIT SUMMONING: You can use your pressios gems to summon new units! this can also be found in the tavern. when a unit is summoned, The will appeared in the Vault. Every unit how has a Quality level. (Well technically they had it before you just couldn't see it anywhere) Groug by default has a quality of 1, healer has a quality of .85, and the Explosion Murder God, has a quality of 1.45. as such their likelihood to be drawn is in a similar order. there is also a chance you Untis will be summoned at a slightly lower quality then default (these ones are still good for merging) all the way high quality levels if you are lucky (or simply summon enough times) there general quality level can be seen at a glance based on there background color however when you go to the vault or the Merging Menu, it will show more exact numbers.

UNIT MERGING: This is were things get really fun! Merging units increase the quality of a units baced on the number and quality of the units you merge with it. It always takes the highest quality unit as the base by default and then every other unit merged gives an additional 5% which means it don't really matter which of the units you start with you will always end up with the same strangth wen mearing. After a unit is merged, All upgrades are reset, and you start from level one but with the new quality level. The quality of a unit determines the base stats before any church upgrades or anything. lower quality units will cost more RP points for any amount of upgrade. for instance, if a unit has 10 hp and the other has 20 by default it will cost Half the amount to upgrade the HP by 5 at the Church for the one with 20 as it did for the one with 10. What this means is that even if you have put a tone of RP points into a unit eventually it will be worthwhile to merge him with a bunch more to give yourself a better cap with the next run! Merging also costs RP points so you can't just grind up a bunch of units without doing proper runs. you must save up RP points for the unit you want to merge!

Things for the Future!

Next update I'll have the Tank Unit for sure! There will be more Achievements and there were 4 new relics i was trying to get out in this update as will that will be released in the next one! This update was a lot of fun and i hope you guys enjoy it as well!

Vs 0.0.13 Automation Update June 24, 2023

A few new features with this update!

Main feature After wave 50 you can auto upgrade equipment in the shop rather than needing to click each item individually.

You can now also jump to the nearest 50 wave interval after reaching it in any given Isekai

Settings And Sound! Vs 0.0.12 June 24, 2023

So today we have a full quality of life update. Content wise there isn't a ton, but we have some very exciting new stuff none the less! First of Settings! Tons of customization options from toggling health bars, hiding shadows adjusting partials and volume and (form me at least) that's not even the most exciting part. I have partnered with an artist to compos an entirely original soundtrack! At this point every zone has its own music including the astral realm and the town! I have also added sownd effects for standard attacks, heals and equipment purchasing. There is also a new Notification system as ways for me to inform players of game mechanics without braking character with the story.

-Credit for Music-
vixen hayes [email protected]

Hotfix Vs June 20, 2023


-Fixed gold coloring issue making it not visible

-Fixed Formatting issue with Reincarnation points

-Fixed formatting issue with price of item.

-Fixed a Spelling error.

GUI an Isekai 0.0.11 June 20, 2023

The Isekai Update!

A tun of new stuff here so let's jump right into it. The biggest change here is probably the Book upgrades. References to “Reincarnate” have been changed to Isekai as that is more fitting to how the storyline rolls. In addition to this minor change 2 new sections have been added to the book where all the relics were stored. Heavens on the Action bar has been changed to Relics As to match the pages in the book better. There are now tabs on the book that you can switch between, Relics, Settings, and Isekai. Settings is where the settings and customization that are coming in later updates will be. The Isekai tab tells totals for gold, the reincarnation points each Character will get and also how much God energy you get from relics and other sources. Since this was a huge section to add and a lot of functionality to integrate some of the features of these are not fully implemented yet.

Now for the nitty gritty change log! Lets start with the new content cus there is a lot of it


Bandit: These have a difficulty rating of just over 1 (rats have a rating of about .65) The higher rating gives higher gold and xp when killed. They have a lower defense and a higher attack speed.

Goblin: These guys are a bit more hearty having a higher HP and Def. Once you start seeing these guys you know you're in for a tougher time. They have a difficulty rating of about 1.4

Skeleton Mage: The new (Temporary) boss for the 100th floor With a difficulty rating of 2.16 and a load more HP you're going to want to be bringing some high damage for this bad boy! They can also be found on floors over 150!


World Egg: An egg formed dering the creation of the planet. It give a boost to Reincarnation points for your units

Tablet Of Destinies: This tablet boosts God Energy Received dearing reincarnation (its effects can be seen in the Isekai Tab of the Relics book)

Seven-League Boots: this is the first of the stat increase relics that will be coming in the near future, this relic will increase the attack speed of all your units

Map Changes:

There are now more unique units spawning in specific locations. This is to help feel more progression while the story and plot are being worked on. Also as a result the further you go not only are you enemies higher levels but not your fighting stronger ones all together!

GUI Changes;

Many GUIs have been updated to match a common theme and several buttons have been moved to new locations. Isekai buttons are now on a scroll bar on the top, Text has been updated and characters and text box have been pixelated to match the pixel art theme throughout.
Under The Hood Changes:
Lots of under the hood conversion to prevent Integer rollover on ints larger than 2147483647 Now can go to 1.8 × 10^308. This makes the unit cap well over level 650 and I have in the works to raise the cap much much higher.

Bug fixes:
To many bug fixes for me to list here so ill just highlight a few:
Fixed targeting issue for Speed
Fixed relic buttons showing disabled when selected for purchase
Fixed potential save issue when loading form


There have been a lot of things going on under the hood and a lot of unforeseen bugs. We have come a really long way in just under 2 weeks! And I have soooo much more planned for this game. We are just barely scratching the surface right now! I want to thank all of you who have tried my game and especially those who have helped me find bugs! If you want to report any bugs you can do so on my Discord Channel!

Thanks again for your time all i'll see you all at the next update coming probably very soon!

AI Upgrade! Vs0.0.10 June 15, 2023

Character Ai is here. Many people were saying how they wanted unit attack priorities and now they can have it! To customize unit Ai Click on the head and gears on the units display image. The higher your units Intelligence level the more customization you will have. (This is just the beginning much more customization to come later)
Currently you can


-Same Random Unit "selects a random unit and continues to attack that unit until it is dead"

-attack by stat "define a stat and attack based on highest or lowest unit with that stat"

-Attack by difficulty "Attacks unit with Highest or lowest difficulty ratting"


(Group Heal plans in the work)

I know this may not be the most extensive list of options and i assure you more are coming however, I want to focus on additional content before spending to much more time on AI. -Note AI preferences not currently saved so you will need to set those back each time you load the game-

in addition to this a couple rebalances

New Content

-Groug Parry: Groug now has a special ability, Parry where he has a chance of attacking opponents back when hit. this can be upgraded in the church.

-Inelegance: upgrade available in the church.

Optimizations, QOL, and bug fixes

-Several spelling mistakes fixed (many more still need to be fixed)

several more unlisted bugs squished

Thanks again for your time. Storry righting is now in progress so you should be seeing more of that (as well as better spelling and grammer in it) in the near future!

Visual Overhal! Vs June 13, 2023

Huge visual update! From death animations to partial effects the general visual side of the game has been hugely updated along with several more quality of life improvements. However, there is one important thing to note. There was a very bad server side bug in regards to removing and adding save files that caused a server clint side mismatch, long story short when the game was supposed to be saving files it was actually deleting files form other people's account (which wasn't even supposed to be able to happen) so as part of this new update i have once again (for the 3rd time now) put a huge amount of time into redesigning the save system. now the cloud save will store up to 1000 save files for you and will only do a "cleanup" were it will remove a huge chunk of the save files once the saves go past 1000. i have also been assured by the website that they are looking into the save issue and it should be resolved within the next few days. However, until i am 100% confident in the reliability of the saves i will continue to store a tone of save files per person so even if a save somehow gets removed you have many many more backups. ok now to the change log!

So much much more to come and many more bug fixes not listed here. Its been a busy week but I am going to keep this momentum going and keep the content rolling. a large portion of my time was spent on lighting and save issues this weak so i didn't get as much content out as I wanted to but with this issue once again behind me you can look forward to a lot of new content int the coming days!

PS. again if you have screenshots form lost saves please let me know i could rebuild them for you!

Save data stubilty Hotfix V2 June 8, 2023

-removed bug were it might loos standard save on shudown
-removed bug were it would report saved when not

Vs 0.0.8 SAVE AND BACKUP! Vs0.0.8 June 7, 2023

Vs 0.0.8 is now live. Please take screen shots or whatever you can befor updateding and let me know if you data transferred properly and i can do what I can to help

changes for this update
see previous dev log for details.

Other things of note

Update info saves and backups June 7, 2023

hellow i wanted to thank everyone that has tested and played my game. I have had multiple people come with issues regarding saves and loosing data. Because of this i have delayed 0.0.8 build in order to add additional features in regards to save files. With this comes some cool stuff.

Save files have a 3 way backup.

  1. Unity Anonymous saves. This is what currently is in place. There are however a few issues with it

-if your file doesn't load correctly it will overwrithe the file permanently damaging it.

Thus feature will still be kept around for those who want to use it.

  1. (What i will be adding) Authenticated login. You will privide an email username and password. Than the email and password will be used to log in to load save files.


  1. It will auto save a secondary backup file. This file will not outo overwrithe and will only backup when the user dose it this way even if an update brakes a save i can make changes to the program to fix them and then the user can force load after the bug fix

As an added bonus web saves will carry over to the download version of the game as well and you can jump betwean web and download versions.

Again thank for your time and i appreciate all of your feedback!

Updated to run in browser June 5, 2023

Idle Isekai 0.0.5 June 2, 2023