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Idle Isekai - An Idle RPG

developed by NoobsGames gamedev
rated 2.9 stars, 46 ratings
rated 2.9 stars, 46 ratings

Posted June 2, 2023. Updated July 25, 2024. Played 499 times for a total of 2622 hours.


<Note form Dev> - please note that save file may brake as I update. This game is in very early development ALWAYS backup your saves before updating. If you run into an issue please please please let me know i am here to fix all and every bug and problem you may run into!

In Idle Isekai, one of the keyways to progress and take on stronger enemies is by upgrading your equipment and reincarnating your characters to get new and better stats. As you battle monsters, you'll earn gold and God Energy that can be used to enhance your gear or Enchant your relics. Reincarnating your characters not only improves your character's stats but can also provide special abilities and bonuses that give you the edge in battle. With each reincarnation you'll feel the sense of accomplishment and see your character become more powerful and capable of taking on even greater challenges. With this RPG there are no level caps and not even the sky or the Univers for that is the limit

latest update

QOL update and Save Stability. 0.1.11 July 25, 2024

Vs 0.1.11 is here!

New Stuff

Changed sign-in to now require a username and password. This change is because I ditched "unity cloud save" which i was using to store game files for people in an anonymous way problem was that when i have to many payer i will be charged for this service and also in web browsers it was incredibly unreliable and people would lose saves. anyone without a usernames should create one before updating to the new game version or you may lose your progress.
Link to Discord page added to game for easer access to help and bug reporting
Information popups now scale with screen size
Help Buttons have been added to various locations around the game to give better explanations as to what things do. In coming updates many of the places with lots of text will be cleaned up and replaced with help buttons. this will make things cleaner and easer to see as well as making more detailed descriptions possible to explain more complex mechanics. integrated discord button with Help Button to allow quicker assistance if people are havening trouble.
Conformation button programmed. Added to large purchases. So far Story changing, relic ranking up.
Created Function to store Gift acceptance data to keep record of clamed Rewords
Improved save system to save more often an more persisly save exactly needed data so that when closing at unexpected times it will more acuratly pick you up exactly were it left you off.
When loading mid battle units will now maintain the state they were in when the game ended.
Game will now save weather you were auto reentering or not.

Bug Fixes

Fixed Bug were new games started with shortcut to floor 75 unlocked this is meant to be a later unlock in the Gem shop and can be a source of confusion for new players
Fixed Bug were you were able to enter PT1 of stories that were not unlocked yet
Fixed Golden Hands Exploit
Fixed Extra Syldove on World 2 Exploit
Fixed Bug were wrong equipment would be selected after Isekai (Not fixed will need to look into further)
Fixed But were Daily streak was not being loaded from save file properly
Fixed Potential Runoff text
Fixed Improper Character images in start of world 2
Fixed Chest appearing and disappearing during story
Fixed Bug were you could go negative by purchasing at the same time as auto purchase is running
Fixed Bug were you can prematurely purchase an Frank Relic
Fixed Merge Calculation not properly taking account for highest merge value.
Fixed Bug Were Auto reenter would start battle while story was progressing in the Town.
Fixed AI Issue were character would be stuck in attack loop with AI option "Same Enemie"

Thanks again everyone for all your help! I hope to see you all in future updates!

Next Update (Character update!) Shouldn't be too far off!

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newest comments

tristan countest July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

A lot of unused space. And I mean a LOT. Game feels the wrong aspect ratio; I'm not too well-knowledged about Unity WebGL but I do think if you made your game support a free aspect ratio and scaled the player up to fit the whole webpage, you should be able to have a lot more screen real estate. If you can't do that on Itch, I recommend trying GitHub Pages.

gnta July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Theres a lot of black screen so far, im about an hour in? but an enemy stats box on the right side would be pretty cool

developer response: Shady shop will take up a bunch of that on right when open, But having Boss image and stats on right side during boss fights would proably be pritty cool. Also later maps will take up more of the screen and have intractables (even enimies that will show up in unstandard locations) :) still learning to use all the relistate of the screan ;)

galaxyuser63274 countest July 26, 2024
+1comment score: 1

developer response: Thats a very good point! I'll add that to next update!

If you have an account you would like me to remove now i can Manually delete it.

Please terminate idleisekaiplayer

developer response: Done

galaxyuser63274 countest July 25, 2024
+2comment score: 2

I don't like that you can't terminate your account in this game

developer response: Thats a very good point! I'll add that to next update!

If you have an account you would like me to remove now i can Manually delete it.

Termt July 21, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Seems like the online backup doesn't do anything at this time? I've tried manually saving a backup several times, but the online save thinks I'm still at the start?
Sounds like a good time to ask for an export/import function again.

developer response: Since 7 19 2024 i have been reseiveng (on every game vertion) an error when trying to push saves. even on the onece that were working before that date. When I have a downloaded version available that saves a physical backup to your PC. (and the backup option is supposed to do the same but web browser permissions seems to be getting in the way. not sure why) im currently working with the save host compony to figure out the issue

EDIT!: Saves are back up now. PS new update is just around the corner.

top comments

Ben June 13, 2023
+6comment score: 6

Cool concept but needs a ton of work. Targeting needs to be changed ASAP, and I recommend getting someone to help with grammar and spelling. I see a good amount of potential and will come back to it in the future. Try and avoid bringing accounts into this, it would be way better if it could be saved locally.

developer response: I have a story writter already slated to check spelling grammer and proof/rewrite most of the story that is in place right now. as far as saves go the game saves localy to the browser already and if you want a downloadable vertion that will save to the computer itslef that is already available. The problem is that if people play in incognito mode or clear browsing data all that is lost. to be clear you can play and can have save data when you come back without an "account" but with links braking every time i update offten times the saves don't carry over.

Also the "Account" isn't really anything except a direct connection to a save file. its just a way to make it so i can recover peoples saves or they can back them up and have confidence that they wont loose there many hrs spent You don't even need to put in a real email address and no emails will ever be sent so [email protected] woudl work as long as you remember it.

PS im glad you like what you see so far AI (user defined attack priorities and customization) is high on my feature priority list and will probably be out within the next 2 to 3 updates (so end of week or mid next week probably)

meowingatgames June 6, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Favorited it, will come back to it. I had fun! The writing needs some proof reading and editing on spelling, both in the dialog and in the GE book. I had to drag my browser window down larger to see that there was a bottom row of buttons for Church Blacksmith the book I think it was and something else that was coming soon. You also note in your info about the game to back up saves but I can't see any where to export saves no matter how big I make the browser, so wherever that is, I can't find it through this site.

developer response: thanks for the feedback! i have a proof reader working on spell (im dyslexic so there's only so much i can do on my own) also the backing up you game was for the downloadable vertion i have at there is no way currently to export your save from the web browser vertion. it should be backing up to the cloud automatically though i havn't had extensive testing on that yet. im worrking on a better wayto back up saves. if you don't mind what reselution were you playing at were you coun't se the bar on the bottom?

UnheardPope June 8, 2023
+3comment score: 3

I played to Wave 100 to check out scaling and all that.
here's a few things I noticed:

• The speed bar overflows after getting high enough speed/ same with underflow for character hp
• Not having info for RP and God Point gains when reincarnating makes it a guessing game if you should do it
• Wisdom scaling should probably be softcapped, since after 100+ you regen more than you need for infinite heals
• Diversity of sustain abilities like DEF should probably be implemented (like HP reg or lifesteal) to make it feel more impactful
• Golden touch has not really enoguh impact
• more god upgrades like ability cooldown or gamespeed would be neat

overall solid scaling, even if it still is rather dry for now. stage 50 may need to be a bit adjusted unless other upgrades are added. every other wall felt good.

developer response: Thanks so much for all the info just wanted to address a few things.

Speed will be adjusted to do multiple attacks simultaneously after speed hits ceran amout.

Im not capping wisdom but i will cap the heal at a certen amount (it is not a hard cap as your hp gose up the hel persentage after hitting "cap" will slowly decrease for 10% total hp hel to 3%) and rhe heal will need to be upgraded to go past that. Upon upgrade heal will cost 3-4 times mana essentially increasing the amount of wisdom you will need in order to get that cap again.

I have sooooo many more plans for god abilities :)

Also life steal will be a thing eventually. As I create more units more difficult enemies with higher defense or attack will be found in later stages which will amplify the importance of having more Diversified units.

Again thanks for the feedback! Look forward to hearing from you more as i add LOTS more content

Termt June 14, 2023
+2comment score: 2

I like it so far, bit of a soft spot for retro graphics.
A couple of things though, some of which I've already seen pointed out by others.
1. The forest area after beating the well REALLY impacts the game's performance, most likely due to all the sprites flying around. A setting to turn them off would be appreciated.
2. The motivation ability counts down while attacks are happening, but the "turn counter" gets frozen while attacks are happening. So if you're facing a lot of enemies or if your team's just plain fast then motivation gets weaker. It also means that the upgrades for it are probably weaker than intended.
3. A screen indicating how many rebirth points characters would get as well as how much god energy you'd get on rebirthing would be great, and a clarification on what influences it. I ASSUME character level influences rebirth points and highest floor influences god energy, but I don't KNOW.
4. Might be a decent QoL thing to have players start at a higher wave, or allow them to overkill weak enemies (so the extra damage spreads to the rest)? Having to start from the 1st wave every time gets tedious, particularly when 90% of them will have next to no impact on my progress so they just become a time wall (with random duration because random number of enemies, could be all 1's or it could be a full team every time).
5. Targeting. It might make some of the bosses too easy as they are now, but then again right now you're either gambling or farming till you're OP.

developer response: Thanks for all your feedback! Yes forest performance (as stated in the update log) is a known issue and will be way better in the next update. As for 2 i have juggled with having it pawsed or unpused but in the end i whent with unpawsed and incresed its duration (might make the upgrades increse its duration as well so as you go longer and have more units an enemies it counterbalances that) also there is a capp attack speed for units of 60 attacks per min so it will not get progressively wars in later game as the amount of time caps out hen all friendly and enemies have a cap of 60. the only way to attack more than 60 times per second is with the Motivate skill which is why it remines uscefole even in really late game. it will probably also as i necrose the time be a good way to blow though lower levels. (ballancing will be a constent thing over the next few moths but comments like this are very helpfule!) 4 im thinking of making the jup satages every 50 floors in the futer (as i don't really have any new content after floor 50 at this point i haven't messed with that yet) also when i get the Thief Charactor made it will give you gold enven from lower leveled apponents making long runs more profitable but he is till a wase off. 5 AI (attack prioritys) will be unlocked in tears with more spesific costomization in the latter tears. and will need RP to unlock so for the charactors this makes earlery bosses easer and with proper design can steel keep later bosses hard. AI attack priority is comming out soon!

Asenath June 6, 2023
+2comment score: 2

some feedback: the font of the upgrade in town isnt very good to read (maybe use it just for the title), there should be an option to go back to town and spelling as already said. Besides this: nice start so far I like it and I hope this gets polished.

developer response: There should be a back button on the top right to go back to the town, however that was just a place holder. i plan on adding an actual town butten soon (don't know if it will be in 0.0.8 or not)

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