all updates for LORED
back to game0.1.18 March 24, 2025
- Added
- Welcome Screen (required once per save)
- Difficulty
- 3 presets: Easy, Normal, and Unpleasant
- 6 LORED attribute sliders
- An option to begin the game with all LORED autobuyers
- Stretch scale x2 and x3
- For the HTML version, a better method of exporting your save
- For desktop versions, a button to open the save folder
- Loss source tooltip for resources in the Currency Window
- Preview of affected resource rates in the LORED purchase tooltip
- Ability to change Upgrade window tabs with the arrow keys
- Alternate jobs to the Growth and Malignancy LOREDs
- Changed
- Combined safety and job tooltips
- Fixed
- Ugly text for 1.5 or higher stretch scales
- Rate calculations after obtaining Malignant Upgrade Purpose
- Autobuyers able to spend resources which weren't marked as Shared
- Autobuyers able to spend resources which would result in soft-locks
- Softlock when speaking to Tenant
- 1 typos
- Verbose patch notes
- Other
- Reduced save file size by over 90% and fired original implementer
- Merged with Nathan Hoad's Dialogue Manager 3.4.0
0.1.17 March 1, 2025
- Added a check in the SaveManager script which validates that the data it is about to save to file can be loaded. If it cannot, it will not save. Hopefully this will prevent anymore corrupted saves.
- Changed the layout of the Cash Shop, and added a last Squirtling received indicator.
- Purpose's Juiced Haste multiplier has been increased from 0.1 to 0.9, while its primary effect has been reverted to what it was pre 0.1.16.
- Added an Import from Clipboard button for desktop versions in the Load Menu.
- When starting a new game, if the DPI of the user's main screen is greater than 96 (magic number), then the stretch scale will default to 1.5. This will assist high DPI peeps who be playing the game like that one Ken Jeong gif.
- Removed the Quit buttons from the HTML version. Dat no make senze.
- Tanks no longer increases the Juice Drink Amount before Metastasizing.
- Occasionally, after Metastasizing, some players were unable to purchase the level 1 Tarball LORED, making it so they could never produce anymore Malignancy (there were workarounds, but that's besides the point). I made it so if the LORED is at level 0 and you can afford the Iron price, it will allow the purchase even if you cannot afford the 10 Malignancy.
REMAKE Update! All-new Stages! 0.1.16 February 23, 2025
The game has been updated to the REMAKE version, which is akin to a new game. There has been ongoing updates since 0.1.0 leading up to this version, 0.1.16.
Here are all of the patch notes since 0.1.6.
- Possibly?? fixed a bug which was preventing crucial Juice Pot Upgrades from being purchased.
- Purpose has been buffed from 2 to 5 times the number of 0.1s less than the maximum Juiced Haste rolled. This will continue to receive buffs until it is verified to synchronize well with the molasses Upgrade.
- LOREDs can no longer roll for a crit on the first Job following being woken up.
- Standard and letters notations were bugged. Whoever originally wrote the code for these notations has been fired.
- Progress bar animations
- Added an option to disable them.
- Improved the performance. Details for nerds:
- Before, each animation would create a new panel which would run its animation and then delete itself. Now, there is only 1 panel per bar, and it is hidden instead of deleted.
- Additionally, it will now check if an animation was already playing when it starts. If there isn't, there is a delay of 0.15 seconds before the animation starts. If there is, then there is no delay. This should eliminate the problem that many might not have noticed where two animations in rapid succession looked really shit and lame.
- Related: Flying text labels are still created, but when they are done flying, they get marked as available for re-use. They are not deleted. So, flying texts are only created if there are no available labels ready to go.
- Watching Currencies should now work as expected.
- Free Cash level has been reset again. Whoever wrote the code for the previous reset didn't do it right and has been fired.
- Streamlined the opening minutes of the game. It is now impossible to fail in this period.
- Added standard (M, B, T, Qa) and letters (a, b, c, d) notations.
- Cash Shop - Free Cash Upgrade
- The cost now triples per purchase.
- The amount of Dollars earned is doubled per purchase.
- In lieu of this, the level of this Upgrade will be reset to 1 if it is already purchased.
- Gem Upgrades and Squirtlings are unaffected.
- Some progress bars now display incoming values.
- Fixed a null dialogue bug.
- Fixed a bug related to the autobuyer widget button dot.
- The link buttons in the menu were taking up too much space.
- Malignancy was able to receive offline earnings even if the Tarball or Growth LOREDs were not purchased.
- The Ghostbusters have been hired and they successfully removed the intruder.
- Rates after loading a different save via the Save Management window were not updating correctly.
- Steam Cloud enabled!
- Fixed the Safety Wheel's awkward offset.
- Added a resolution drop-down which the stretch mode will base its stretching off of. If this doesn't fix everyone's funky-lookin labels, I'm gonna lose it.
- Now using Godot Engine 4.4 beta 2 (from 4.3 stable)
- This fixed the lingering check button issues.
- Check buttons were not working!
- There are still some lingering issues, which I will address ASAP. For the time being, they are usable
- The price of Gem Upgrades has been nerfed again.
- Tooltips were occasionally appearing halfway off-screen.
- Gem Upgrades were not saving properly.
- The price increase of Gem Upgrades has been super mega nerfed.
- Towel of Life price increase has been increased.
- Instead of a flat x1.25 per purchase, the increase is set to 1.25 ^ (1.01 ^ times purchased). Hopefully this scales well with the Gem Upgrades.
- Fair Trade now gives 7 Coal (up from 5), resulting in an extra 200 Coal from the Upgrade, and the dialogue from Stone when you run out of Coal is less scolding and more friendly.
- Revamped the Cash Shop.
- Removed the Idle Pass, Loot Crates, and Loyalty Hearts.
- All Cash Shop related currencies and Upgrades will be reset.
- It has been brought to the writer's attention that Lorde did not sing Chandelier. The dialogue has been updated to reflect this vital information.
- Changed how the application icon set. If you cannot see the app icon, please let me know.
- Finished all placeholder emotes (whoops!).
- Fixed a really horrific game-ruining bug :) In the Big class, there is a static ONE Big, which is equal to 1e0. That is used for quicker comparisons for Big-related stuff. In 0.1.8, I added a line which took ONE and then performed operations on it, permanently altering ONE to something greater than 1e0 :) Life is wonderful :) I want to live forever
- The game was continuing to receive joypad input when it was not the primary focus.
- Added a second bar for resources in the Safety Wheel tooltip which matches the outer portion of the wheel.
- Changed the prices and purchase limits of the Gem Upgrades.
- Rearranged some Cash Shop elements.
- Moved the collapse Upgrade button into the Upgrades window.
- The collapsed Upgrade setting was not working as expected.
- The Jobs book on the LORED HUD was not appearing with the correct Upgrade.
- The Jobs tooltip was displaying misleading Output values.
- Radial check buttons were not radial check buttoning.
- Made it clearer when LOREDs are unable to work due to a non-shared Currency.
- Added a setting to collapse purchased Upgrades.
- Added an indicator to the Upgrade button when Upgrades are available for purchase.
- Fixed the Currency Watcher Widget missync.
- Removed a filename from the filename pool which prevented the save from being loaded. If your filename has more than 1 period in it, it will not load. It should only be "something.lored"
- Numbers in the tens and hundreds ranges will be rounded down when displayed in labels. 49.99 should never display as 50, only 49.
- Added a stretch scale slider to assist those with setups where the game was illegibly tiny.
- Added a dialogue response for Eugene.
- Added a dialogue text speed slider.
- Added a pin button to the Upgrades Window.
- Added an Offline Earnings toggle in the Settings Window.
- Sleeping LOREDs were remaining asleep when loading a save.
- The rate labels in the Currency Window will never display "~0/s".
- Scientific and Engineering notations were displaying double minus signs for negative values.
- Changing the number format was not immediately updating labels.
- The volume slider positions were not updating correctly after loading a save.