195 ratings
rated 4.5 stars, 195 ratings.
Posted June 29, 2023. Updated June 29, 2023. Played 9368 times for a total of 24140 hours.
Harness the juicy power of cancer to collect as much stuff as you can with the help of lil stickdudes!
This is an idle-incremental game.
Development of LORED began in 2019. In 2021, I released version 2.2.27, which is the latest public version. I have been working on 3.0.0 since then, and it's quite close! I hope you look forward to that :D
Until then, enjoy LORED!!!
newest comments
I want to keep playing, but I just got Growth and it seems to be bugged. It produced on receiving it, but didn't eat any of the iron nor copper, and now it's just sitting there not doing anything. I can't progress.
it would been neat if the tasks and i quess main tasks would had timers on them on how long it takes to complete that.
check steam
this game is too hard for my puny brain
it says i should be using itch.io, how do i get past this?
top comments
Just unlocked growth, I need to rethink how cute I find this...lmao
Very good and very high quality.
developer response: You are very good and very high quality
Is 3.0 still being worked on in 2024?
is this game still in development
I liked this, kept me entertained all the way through, and even through all the comlplecity I never got a sense of "A bunch of bars are filling but I have no idea of what's happening"