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Prestige Fix 0.1.1 October 6, 2023

Major features

• Majority of current functions has been rewritten to break_infinity.js
• Added scientific notation that applies past 1e9 (1 billion) (applied to most of numbers than can achieve it)
• Added 13 icons for upgrades (all relates to pre-prestige content)
• Added tooltips for resources and improved existing ones for upgrades

Test features

• Added list for Patreon supporters (there will be mentioned “Cinnabon” and better persons who endorses my endeavors)
• Added Patreon support progress bar


• Gypsum:
o Base cost has been reduced from 5000 to 2500
o Multiplier has been increased from 1.35 to 1.4
• Miner slave:
o Base cost has been reduced from 7500 to 5000
o Base cooldown reduction has been reduced from 10 to 8%
• Crystal bootleg: base cost has been reduced from 8500 to 7500
• Now “Crystal prestige” is always kept on prestige reset
• Wholesale purchase:
o Base cost has been reduced from 2 to 1 gem
o No longer unlocks “Crystal prestige” keeping
• First and second dust boosts has been swapped
• Second dust boost: formula has been changed: x^1.25 -> x^1.2 + x
• Third dust boost: now takes into account one decimal place


• Added message that shows when next dust boost will be available
• Dust resource has been moved to main resource container
• Now you can convert gem to dust pressing the dust resource container
• Main resource container has been tweaked: now resources counters are built-up into a table
• Now main upgrades have colored cost in tooltips
• Now tabs can have separate colors
• Mine and convert buttons became bigger
• Framerate has been increased


• Fixed incorrect outputting of gems gain with upgrades
• Fixed some numbers and their “tail”
• Upgrades’ effect outputting got more precision (e. g. “Miner slave”)
• Fixed some typos
• Dust boosts now update in some situations like buying “Increased ash density” upgrade