Crystal Evolution

57 ratings
Posted September 28, 2023. Updated October 6, 2023. Played 1335 times for a total of 1963 hours.
Crystal Evolution is an active-playstyle incremental game about mining crystals inspired by classic idle games such as Synergism, Clicker Heroes and IMR
latest update
Prestige Fix 0.1.1 October 6, 2023
Major features
• Majority of current functions has been rewritten to break_infinity.js
• Added scientific notation that applies past 1e9 (1 billion) (applied to most of numbers than can achieve it)
• Added 13 icons for upgrades (all relates to pre-prestige content)
• Added tooltips for resources and improved existing ones for upgrades
Test features
• Added list for Patreon supporters (there will be mentioned “Cinnabon” and better persons who endorses my endeavors)
• Added Patreon support progress bar
• Gypsum:
o Base cost has been reduced from 5000 to 2500
o Multiplier has been increased from 1.35 to 1.4
• Miner slave:
o Base cost has been reduced from 7500 to 5000
o Base cooldown reduction has been reduced from 10 to 8%
• Crystal bootleg: base cost has been reduced from 8500 to 7500
• Now “Crystal prestige” is always kept on prestige reset
• Wholesale purchase:
o Base cost has been reduced from 2 to 1 gem
o No longer unlocks “Crystal prestige” keeping
• First and second dust boosts has been swapped
• Second dust boost: formula has been changed: x^1.25 -> x^1.2 + x
• Third dust boost: now takes into account one decimal place
• Added message that shows when next dust boost will be available
• Dust resource has been moved to main resource container
• Now you can convert gem to dust pressing the dust resource container
• Main resource container has been tweaked: now resources counters are built-up into a table
• Now main upgrades have colored cost in tooltips
• Now tabs can have separate colors
• Mine and convert buttons became bigger
• Framerate has been increased
• Fixed incorrect outputting of gems gain with upgrades
• Fixed some numbers and their “tail”
• Upgrades’ effect outputting got more precision (e. g. “Miner slave”)
• Fixed some typos
• Dust boosts now update in some situations like buying “Increased ash density” upgrade
newest comments
miner slave is crazy
I'm enjoying :) thanks
they pulled a polytoria and reset everything for a new update
Then someone reached all prestige upgrades in first version: why no more layers/upgrades?? ;(
I believe you prestige by clicking on the image next to the crystal currency
top comments
Why is "click and hold mouse button on mining" a separate PRESTIGE CURRENCY upgrade, especially when I can hold enter after clicking once? And why isn't this basic functionality? And how are the people who make games not sick of this mechanic yet?
The "wholesale purchase" prestige upgrade does... nothing? Those two crystal upgrades don't seem to do anything on my end.
A second prestige upgrade like "Better contractors" wouldn't be bad, not having to repurchase the other crystal upgrades every time.
So in the current version there's TWO prestige upgrades that are essentially worthless. Maybe 3 given how little the auto pickaxe adds and its limited use in general. It also doesn't help that it's way better to just keep prestiging for 1 gem rather than try and get more.
I believe you prestige by clicking on the image next to the crystal currency
the biggest problem with the game I see is making the auto clicker late into the game
It really needs images.
images aren't there, but really fun.