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all updates for Algebraic Progression

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The Options Update v2.3.3 August 18, 2023

Note: This is the final official patch for Algebraic Progression. Minor fixes may be added to this changelog over time, but this isn't a guarantee.
-Added an option to change the autosave interval.
-Added an offline progress modal.
-Added 5 new notations (Engineering, Logarithm, Mixed, Hexadecimal, Blind). Not all values are affected by notations.
-Fixed a bug where having NaN points gave you all point-based Achievements and sometimes triggered the ending sequence.
-Fixed a bug where you can gain lots of Challenge Essence by unlocking Root Epicenter while in Square Root.
-Replaced the AP Classic link with a working one.
-Finally made Building buy max work correctly.
-Actually fixed Quadratic Formula display issues.
-Actually fixed the visual issue with Auto-Quadratic mode.
-Disabled modals on the version.
-Auto-Sacrifice now appears if you've bought Quadratic Upgrade 19.
-Numbers in Achievement descriptions are now properly formatted.

Hotfix Update 4 v2.3.2 August 8, 2023

-Fixed a bug with the Quadratic Formula solution display acting weird with values of a, b, and c less than 1.

-Fixed a bug where the Auto-Quadratic mode didn't reset to "Amount" mode before getting the 2 Complexes Milestone.

-Fixed the description of the 2 Complexes milestone.

-Increased the enter Square Root button contrast to make the words easier to see.

-Fixed the display for the 3rd Reduction Z-Collider milestone.

-Fixed some remaining plurality issues.

-Fixed a bug where the milestone description for 10 CC tiers didn't update after unlocking [DATA EXPUNGED].

-Fixed a bug where you couldn't arrow key subtab navigate to the Challenges subtab without unlocking Root Epicenter.

-Fixed a bug where you could generate Imaginary Power with a real solution after getting the 40 CC tiers milestone.

-Fixed a bug where the website's title would display the wrong version of the game after unlocking [DATA EXPUNGED].

-Updated the NaN detection system to be simpler and more user-friendly.

The Visual Update 2.3.1 June 4, 2023

I still don't know how to fix the NaN bugs, sorry :(