all updates for The Silly Caverns
back to gameJanuary 10, 2025
Hi everyone, this is the final update I will be making to the game! I appreciate you all being here, you've been an amazing community. ILY all <3
There will be updates if someone else takes over development, just dm me if you want to.
As I mentioned in a previous announcement, I will be shifting to developing for Portgee's Caverns on Roblox full time now, please consider playing!
If there are terrible game breaking bugs, ping me and I'll fix them but that is all I will do
- 1 New Pickaxe
- 1 New Gear
- Changes to an orb ability
- 6 new ores
- Buffed Cat Eye rarity (4m -> 10m)
- Implemented intercept revamp
- Variants now have a hue shift applied to them along with their glow, making them truly unique now (apart from black, white, or gray ores, the hue change does nothing to them lol)
(for some reason, the glow for normal ores doesn't apply unless you have the base emojis, or your screen is smaller than normal LMAO im so confused) - Bug Fixes
November 16, 2024
Silly Caverns Anniversary Event!!
- Accessible through the Worlds menu!
- 3 Different milestones to accomplish in this world!
- Each milestone grants its own reward in the main game, given when you load into the game with a completed task.
- This event lasts until December 31st, 2024, enjoy it while you can!!!!!! THANKS FOR PLAYING :3 :3 :3
November 15, 2024
- Fixed variant rand inconsistencies in logs
- Fixed text flashing green in logs infinitely
- Fixed cavern capacitator text overflow
- Fixed TOL luck display
- Fixed World 2 index buttons showing infinite depth
- Clicking on an ore to go to the index for it's layer shows the layer and world
- Current index layer indicator
- Fixed luna2 and goober rarities in variant inventories
- 6 New Ores
November 10, 2024
UI Changes
- Revamped Entire Game UI
- Merged all messages into the topbar
- Message indicator to display if the current message is an event or an ore spawn
- Easy access to toggle the display
- Auto/Single mining toggle
- Made mine reset progress look cooler
- Redid variant inventories, also increases performance while looking better
- Redid crafting UI to allow you to view recipes and item information more easily
- Added a button to change what world items in the crafting list are from
- Added indicators to latest finds (mined/unmined/voided)
- Added the Silly Lounge to replace the menu (it's kind of like a budget afk mode, deletes lots of elements and stops lots of element updates)
- Redid game settings UI
- New setting, accurate speed, that should get most people up to their max speed with simulated rng on.
- Redid Data UI
- Redid Logs UI
- Heavily shortened log verification
- Redid Statistics UI, now includes all tiers and has x% and x/x for completion
- Redid Ore Index UI, easier to switch between worlds and select layers from said worlds. More accurate rarities with Simulated RNG, locked layers say [Research Required] before you are able to view them
- Redid Worlds UI, world information included, unlock requirement, and what works there (probably inaccurate)
- watr portal
- Added Milestones to replace the trophy room
- This serves as a kind of progression guide, and the old trophies are found at the end of their respective paths
- Redid Forge / Variant Conversion UI. Merged them into one page.
- Added more conversion options, should be helpful
- Tree Of Life now uses normal crafting!! yayayay!!
Other Changes
- Stop on rare will not stop if the ore is automined, wont be 100% consistent depending on overlapping abilities.
- 8 New Ores
- Multiple new pickaxe icons
- Gave Gamblers Fallacy a new ability
- Added seeded generation
- Changed the webhook to be server based, learn more in the discord server!
September 25, 2024
- 1 New pickaxe in Galactica to ease the way into Endgame!
- Added ore favoriting, just click the star to favorite the ores you like!
- Added ores that weren't already in Abysstone caves to the cave, and made the cave spawn in more worlds!
- Added a new Abysstone cave exclusive!
- Noradrenaline event in Galactica!
- siiiiiiiiiilly bug fixes mrrp meow!
September 18, 2024
- 10 New gears, 3 in World 1, 7 in Galactica!
- 1 New pickaxe!
- New World 1 layer!
- 1 New ore craft!
- 2 New events!
- Some new pickaxe icons!
- New impossible ore in Silly Layer!
- Ability to save some logs to browser data on pc!
September 4, 2024
- Made Terrestrial Terror work with Simulated RNG
- Fixed normal generation not using summed probabilities
- Added setting to hide completed ores in recipes
- Made Luna unobtainable with Simulated RNG
- Fixed crash with pressing enter in the forge (this is so stupid)
- Also includes a few previous updates that i forgot to mention that added some things but i forgot what i added :3
August 23, 2024
- Added 2 new gears, 1 pre Undersea and 1 post (recipes in Water World)
- 1.2x luck event for a little while because we hit 2k hours played in a single day tysm chat <3
- Changed simulated RNG to match normal generation rarities (surely not too OP)
- Added recipe locking, enable on a recipe by pressing the button in the description title of a recipe. Makes sure (hopefully) that the recipe can't be closed by any means.
- Buffed Abyssal Leaper
- Added 1 new Galactica ore
- Fixed Abyssal Leaper ability being activated when using single movement keys
- Fixed layer not properly being set in Water World
- Increased Webhook requirement to 1/2.5b
- Fixed Luna with Simulated RNG
August 15, 2024
- Added new Galactica Pickaxe
- Added Bell fission
- Fixed incorrect recipes
- meowed
August 2, 2024
Dimensional Update
- New Simulated RNG setting, view information in the FAQ! (will be added to the Discord FAQ soon)
- New World! Mostly used for crafting purposes but has many very rare ores.
- New Pickaxe! Uses the power of alternate dimensions to mine an insane amount of blocks.
- 2 New Gears!
- Added offline progress, stacks up to 8 hours and you get a percentage of what you would normally get in that time.
- Revamped right side of the display, added ore placer and offline progress buttons there along with the ore tracker.
- Added new ores and replaced Wavaderg with Goober for personal reasons.
- Changed estimated time to use all ores in a layer and take the average instead of only the rarest.
- Bug Fixes :3c
July 23, 2024
- Rebalanced the commons (and some rares) for all World 2 recipes
- Added 2 new World 2 gears to hopefully make it not feel so slow
- Bug Fixes :3c
After claiming your prize from the depths of the oceans, you get the feeling that the God you've always known might not be the true God of this world... it is imperative that you find the true God, as it will be needed for the continuation of your journey...
July 14, 2024
- Added 1 new world
- Added 1 new pickaxe
- Added 2 new ore tiers
- Image ores from the 2 new tiers will be larger than normal in the mine, inventory, and latest spawns/finds
- Changed Log RNG to be an input instead of a toggle (make sure to set this so your logs aren't flooded)
- Added webhook section of settings, input any webhook link to get an embed for 1/1b+ ores (apply for webhook whitelisted to gain tracker access for the discord server)
- Added limited event ore section to the index
- Silly bug fixes
- New world and pickaxe will be added to FAQ soon, I wanna see if anyone can figure out how to get to the new world (sneak peeks contains some hints)
- I think this is all i'm still not sure lmao
July 8, 2024
Summer Event + Powerup Revamp!
- 9 New event ores found in a few World 1 layers. (Available yearly from now on during June, July, and August)
- 1 New celestial.
- Overhauled Powerup UI.
- Changed a few powerup effects.
- A few QOL changes with crafting.
- Bug Fixes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YAYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!
theres probably more but my silly cat brain only stores the word "meow" and nothing important for some reason
July 4, 2024
World One Revamp!!!
- 2 new early game pickaxes!
- 3 new World One gears!
- 15 new Commons in World One!
- Redid EVERY World One pickaxe ability!
- Redid all the World One recipes
- Tried to fix ETA on recipes.
- Removed most ability descriptions in favor of images.
- WOG and Cavern Capacitator increase cave size!
- Misc. changes.
- Bug Fixes!! YIPPEEEE!! :3
June 27, 2024
- Added the Trophy Room
- 3 Obtainable trophies for all the world completions
- Final Subrealm 1 gear
- New ore in Subrealm 1
- Bug fixes
- idfk anymore i got distracted after publishing like 30 mins ago
June 19, 2024
- Added the Portal Room in locations, do all your world switching here!
- New message system so I can tell you all very silly stuff whenever I want
- Added a few new statistics
- The game will save the last world you were in and load that world
- Added animation to switching worlds
- Added a few new events
- Added more pickaxe icons
- Nerfed Tree of Life upgrade 2
- Bug fixes!! yay!!
June 14, 2024
- Changed Stop on Rare and Spawn Message settings to allow you to select which tiers instead of being limited to a range (will reset old preferences for those, sorry!)
- Added 3 new ores:
Pixel by @derp428602
Apatite by
Matrix by - Lots of silly bug fixes
June 11, 2024
- Right clicking the meter display under the 'Teleport' button will now rotate backwards through the layers!
- You can now view pickaxe abilities by clicking on 'View Ability' in some pickaxe descriptions!
- Added 3 new celestials
- ignore how everything imploded last night.................
June 9, 2024
- 2 New Tree of Life Levels
- 2 New Subrealm 1 gears
- Added estimated time until completion to most recipes
- New World 1 pickaxe for early game
- Rebalanced a lot of pickaxes, mostly buffs!
- Added pickaxe stats to FAQ
- Added event information to FAQ
- 1 New event ( )
- Changed structural service to add a lot more blocks mined per second, lowered the ms it removes
- Added average speed and expected speed to statistics
- Added convert all but one to variant conversion, this converts all but one of all variants of an ore.
- Added a lower bound of 250 blocks for mine capacity
- Changed the game font, fixed alternate font not working on some devices
- Gave image ores titles
- Made the mine update every 25ms while automining instead of every movement
- Fixed cave rarities in latest spawns/finds
- Suffixed more things in latest spawns/finds
- Buffed event durations
- Bug fixes
- Added the whitelisted ores:
Bismuth by @hulfe
Various Minerals by @tetrati0n
Watermelon Diamond by @tetrati0n
God of The Mine by @etherealelysia
Mushroom Cats by @milo_mew
Magical Jellyfish by @doctordinglebob
Kaleidoscope by @tetrati0n
QR Code by @tetrati0n
Mutated Growth by @hulfe
Silly Miner by @wrab
Starglint by @tetrati0n
May 25, 2024
- The Tree of Life has received its next level!
- Each level will also decrease mining speed by 1ms so that Subrealm 1 isn't always so slow.
- Redid Crypt Smasher and Labyrinthian Tide abilities to be less laggy and perform better.
- Made Abysstone Cave ores be 10x rarer than usual.
- New gear released!
- Fixed display issues with different emoji fonts (i think).
- Fixed mobile issues with crafting and main display (tell me if it still doesn't work).
- 2 new Silly layer ores (the first 2 image ores)
SUBMIT REVAMPS OF CURRENT FLAWLESS+ EMOJI ORES AS IMAGES IN #ore-submission IN THE DISCORD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - Added the FAQ channel to the game
- Added an option to see the FAQ page once on load. (will only happen once, never again dw)
May 21, 2024
- Redid energy siphoner (now it should work??) (also check the new description to see how it changed)
- Redid the mine reset, it now has 0 downtime.
- Redid mine reset ore collection, you'll now automine any ore spawned at 90%+ capacity (subject to change)
- Fish craft
- Fixed mine capacity not properly loading if a different value was saved
- Fixed Abysstone caves
May 19, 2024
- 6 New cave types for Subrealm 1!!
- 42 new ores :3
- Fixed a bunch of silly bugs and visual issues
May 17, 2024
- Tree of Life max level increased to 2
- 1 new gear
- Redid cave generation (less lag, larger caves)
- bitcoin
- Made imaginary sound actually play
- Fixed problems with cave rarities in logs
- Attempted some small optimizations
- wait did she say bitcoin wtf
May 15, 2024
- Added variant colour glow to spawn messages
- Multiplied rarity in spawn messages and latest spawns by variant rarity
- Fixed Subrealm 1 spawn messages not having a typewriter effect
- Fixed The Workshop closing recipes too early
May 15, 2024
New Additions:
- Subrealm 1!!!
- 50+ new ores.
- New pickaxe, can be upgraded in the new location titled 'The Workshop'
- Will include more upgrades in the future. (when i can have abilities made)
- 2 new gears, will also include more in the future, both in Subrealm. (more when more pickaxe upgrades)
- Variants for Antique+ ores are now generated when the block is generated, and can be viewed in latest spawns and the ore tracker.
- Variants have a glow on the map to indicate their differences
- Any secret layers in The Eternal Reflection will now appear in the teleport list (once per layer).
- New setting that lets you turn the ore tracker arrow into :nyerd: .
- New setting that lets you protect ores from being automined if you would like to be able to see your ores before collecting them.
- New music system, randomly selects one of 4 songs currently in the game instead of the old music that was terrible. (music by @etherealelysia and @mooing.)
- New log message that gives more information about the ores you find.
- Illogical Randomiser now shows what ore it buffs.
- Layer overhaul!
- Generated blocks now check which layer they should generate ores from instead of the layer the player is currently in. (so yes, you can grind 2 layers at once now)
- The Eternal Reflection changes:
- Now saves all The Eternal Reflections generated so you can revisit layers you have left
- Nerfed a lot of World 2 recipes to account for blocks generated instead of only blocks mined.
- Redid crafting.
- Made spawn messages a typewriter effect.
- Some powerup cooldowns lowered.
- Redid cave generation, smaller caves, more common, and layer caves use current luck.
- Silly gear now selects a random layer in The Eternal Reflection to turn into silly layer and adds the teleport to the list.
- Button and key press movement now has cooldowns
- Added commas to amounts in the ore forge (sorry chat myyyy bad)
April 28, 2024
- Completely redid settings, access each category by hovering over the new 'Menu' button! (The Forge and Variant Conversions can be found under 'Locations')
- Revamped audio settings layout
- Added new Latest Length setting, this will allow you to see more or less than the usual 10 latest spawns/finds.
- Added Ore Fissions! This breaks down rarer ores into less rare ores. Currently 2 exist.
- Added crafting recipes for all the hearts.
- Added log sorting, sort your ore logs by different categories! (Logs will only be sorted into a category once mined, any unmined ore with a log will only appear under 'All')
- Nerfed Gemstone Engraver
April 23, 2024
- Added spawn effects to the following tiers: Interstellar, Metaversal, Sacred, Ethereal, Celestial, Imaginary
- These effects change the main play area in some way (they also come with a toggle!!)
- Added keybinds:
"t" : Enables ore tracker
1-5 : Jumps to that # powerup - Small recipe changes
- Made The Spelunker add 4 caves to your stats
- Added a setting that only logs ores that are 1/250m+ RNG
- Buffed Coronary Catastrophe
- Fixed structural service
- Buffed Paradoxical Progression
- Fixed bug with muted music not saving
- Fixed text shadow being removed on multiplying/forging ores.
- Fixed text shadow being the wrong colour in the forge.
- Fixed hard reset not actually performing a hard reset.
- Fixed a bug with pressing Escape while in the Forge or Conversion area
- Fixed caves sometimes not generating when spawned
- Fixed an error caused by switching back to World 1
- Disabled being able to select unknown emojis in the index
- Fixed ore tracker ores not properly clearing on reset
- Fixed disguised chills overriding tier mutes
- Fixed music not changing volume
- Lowered save file size
April 17, 2024
- Powerups! These slightly boost the player in some way, and can be unlocked through special requirements!
- New ores to forge!
- More stats being stored, such as time played and caves generated.
- Changed how ore tracker works, it is now manual activation and points you towards an ore in the mine.
- Nerfed Amplifier from 10% to 5%. (it was too op)
- Nerfed Service from -15ms to -10ms because it was getting to 0ms speeds which I didn't intend for.
- 1.5x luck event for a while (ty for 800 hours in a day!).
- New save system, will auto convert current and imported saves to the new format.
Make sure to check that your settings properly loaded, they were being really annoying but I think I got them to work.
i probably forgot a lot of stuff lol i got distracted with github KILLING the update smh
April 10, 2024
- Added The Silly Caverns Forge
- Currently, only one (highly requested) ore craft exists, but I will be adding many more.
- PLEASE give me suggestions for this, as I want to improve it a lot and it is in the very early stages of its existence
- You can find the button to access it next to the variant conversion button
- Added Galaxy cloud autosaves (there might be problems with this, pls backup your data)
- Endgame recipe changes
- Fixed certain celestials not working in logs
- Fixed clicking on a latest find not scrolling to that ore in the inventory
April 3, 2024
- Changed ore index navigation to include more layers.
- Replaced all outlines with one that should display properly on every device.
- Added outline to inventory and latest spawns/finds.
- Added variant conversion area, button under the inventory.
- Added a % to crafting recipes, uses ore rarities to determine its % (a rare ore adds more to the % than a common)
- Celestials no longer mined by infinity collector (not my idea pls dont get mad at me)
- Added titles to anywhere an ore would be displayed for better accessibility.
March 29, 2024
**Additions **
- Added the final pickaxe, good luck. (It is hidden, and cannot be accessed until everything is owned).
- Added an Imaginary tier ore (lol)
- Added an Ethereal tier ore
- Added two high Sacred tier ores
- New cave type (though it's not like the rest..)
- A new layer..? (have fun finding it)
- 11 new Celestial tier ores (I'm not sorry :3)
- New inventory updating system for increased performance, updates ores at 500ms intervals.
- New recipe updating system, also on a 500ms timer (will revert this one if the majority think it sucks)
**Changes **
- Slightly changed the colour of all things in the "red/green system"
- Given the tiers in recipes the usual fade to black
- Nerfed book count in Stormseer's Superspark Sceptre (yw bot)
- Slightly redesigned the discord invite
- Optimised Planet Buster & Staff of Binding
- Cave gen optimised maybe (i hope)
- New sfx for some Celestials being added to layers, but not all
- Ore index revamp (it's so cool ikr)
- You can now touch grass (and actually collect it instead of dirt yipee)
**Bugfixes **
- Fixed false 'falses' in ore logs (true)
- Fixed sugar rush not working with w2 pickaxes
March 25, 2024
Added 6 new Celestial tier ores.
Added 1 new Mystical tier ore.
Fixed a lot of display issues with the last UI update.
Added a new setting that controls spawn messages, latest spawns/finds, and infinity collector (will make infinity collector its own setting)
Changed all unoriginal tier names and colours to brand new ones.
Changed inventory display, and slightly optimized inventory updating.
Gave Flawless+ ores spawn message priority so people can read the messages.
Fixed going to index on crafting/inventory click not working properly.
A few balancing changes.
Many other bug fixes.
Deleted pregnant man emoji from the code entirely, sorry nerds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
March 21, 2024
New Features:
- Added tier colors to all ores in the inventory, latest spawns and latest finds, audio sliders, and stop on rare.
- Multiple new ores.
- Added a progress tracker for crafting.
- Added gradients to all recipes, which will be displayed instead of the progress tracker when you craft something.
- Added 2 new pickaxes and 3 new gears.
- Added a new limited ore system.
- Added a new tier, which is comprised of ores with weird spawn conditions.
- Added a cave toggle.
- Added disguised chills.
- Added a setting to switch emoji fonts if the display doesn't work properly.
- Added a console command to view a 300x300 area around the player.
QOL Changes:
- World 1 pickaxe common requirements balanced.
- Some World 2 recipe changes.
- Revamped ore formatting.
- Redid block generation.
- Changed how Infinity Collector works (again).
- Complete UI overhaul.
- Revamped the crafting menu.
- Made commons unaffected by luck (the RNG function is flawed, and 5x luck was enough to only generate commons).
Misc Changes:
- Redid how layers are created, and how luck works.
- Disabled custom colours until i can find a better use for them.
- New play screen.
- Made inventory ores bold.
- Made latest spawns/finds a table so they look better together
March 16, 2024
- Replaced most spawn sounds, check them out!
(Big update soon!!)
February 22, 2024
World 2 has released!
To enter, craft The Key and press teleport! A new adventure awaits.
World 1 gears and pickaxes will not work in World 2, but many World 2 gears will work in World 1, along with all the new pickaxes!
Also, please don't completely ignore the pickaxes after The Key in World 1, I spent a lot of time on them and they're still cool :3
New features:
11 New pickaxes. (More to come!!)
8 New gears. (will release the last 3 and maybe a new one after I create more pickaxes)
4 New main layers in World 2.
2 "hidden" layers in World 2.
2 New, exceptionally rare ores that can be found anywhere in World 2.
Out of layer ores. (the ability for certain cave types to spawn layer ores out of their original layer, will allow for some World 1 ores to be found in World 2. More will be added.)
Sadly no new cave types, lack of emojis hits hard </3, but I will try to have some out soon!!
Misc. Changes:
Removed a secret ore for reasons and replaced it with a new one.
Redid how recipes are displayed and updated to allow for more customizability and optimization.
Made a system to easily hide ores in the index :3 not sorry
Luck gears are now applied when generating a block, allowing for normal mining to have a luck boost.
QOL Additions:
Clicking an ore in the "Latest Finds" section will scroll to that ore and highlight it in the inventory. (the highlight will NOT look good if the inventory background color is changed)
Made all scrollbars invisible.
Ores in the index will show as found or not found.
Keybind to open and close settings. (escape)
Special Thanks To:
@a fossilised cat inclusion for helping so much with ideas for World 2, including all the layer ores and special gimmicks!
@pengu and @spooky spooky HAAIRCUTTT for helping with spawn messages!
Bug fix and QOL updates will be happening regularly, make sure to post any suggestions you have!!
New pickaxes and their corresponding gears will be released every few days until the final, and very broken, World 2 pickaxe is released.
February 2, 2024
- Total settings overhaul, lots of new things to mess around with
- Winter limited ores removed
- 3 new ores, 2 limited, 1 secret
- Bug fixes and performance changes, along with a lot of QOL things people wanted
January 25, 2024
Caves are now released, along with pickaxe 12!!
- 1/750 chance to generate a cave when mining (they do not synergize well with pickaxes that mine a lot of blocks)
- 4 cave types; 20 new cave exclusive ores ranging from 1/275m to 1/500b
- Each cave has an enigma -> zenith tier ore
- You will be given the adjusted rarity with the spawn message and latest spawns, but the ore will be listed in your inventory under base rarity
-Cave ores mined by infinity collector will not show from reset
-Caves currently have no way to boost luck inside of them but there will be pickaxes for that. - Changes to how infinity collector mines ores.
- Bug fixes and performance fixes
January 18, 2024
- New pickaxe, Pickaxe 11 (good luck lol)
- New secret gear!!
- Many QOL changes, most notably the ability to set custom mine capacities!
January 9, 2024
- New UI!!!! YIPPEEEEEEE (you can complain about changes in the discord)
- 2 new gears!
Energy Siphoner: Temporarily increases your movement speed upon mining any exotic+ ore (1/750k+).
Sugar Rush: Increases ability proc rate by 20% - Option to disable map updates for performance
- New silly layer ore, very rare
- Fixed troll ore being unobtainable despite being able to mine it (oops)
- Changed log formulas again (yay)
- Fixed a few gamebreaking bugs
December 27, 2023
2 new gears; both are upgrades to previous gears!
New ore tier! Ores in this tier range from 1/1.5b to 1/5b to lower the distance between Otherworldly and Zenith. Each layer has one!
Removed the mining speed anticheat because js sucks when it comes to anything relating to time!!!!!
Minor optimizations!
December 21, 2023
Added a new pickaxe (pickaxe 9)
Added a new gear to collect layer materials faster
Added a limited time ore available until January 1st
December 17, 2023
Added a new gear that automatically mines all rare ores spawned when the mine resets!