all updates for Terraformental
back to gameBugfixes & Minor Additions v0.3.1.0 March 23, 2025
- Remove Power Cell now available in Talos after repairing power systems (and discovering rover power)
- Unique death message if you lie in your pod after waking up
- Reduced base time for inspecting the dam control booth
- Added combined action for driving to the lost rover, getting supplies and driving back.
- Added alt logs for reaching the dam on time/too late and with/without the codes
- Added an alt death message if you die at the dam after being too late
- Added alt 'rover out of power' log if you run out while trying to find the Talos-Dam route
- 'Gather Supplies From Outside' action is now hidden if you already manually left and collected them
- Added an 'Inspect Rover Charger' action to Talos after you discover rover power
- Parking in Talos now only requires either finding the tunnel or discovering rover power, not both
- Resource hover tips no longer say 'lasts forever' when the resource is full but draining (went into negative but immediately paused)
- Fixed potential crash when loading saves in a certain format
- Typos
Bugfix v0.3.0.15 March 20, 2025
Bugfix v0.3.0.15
- Do Not Use icon is now black instead of red
- Added to Combined action tooltip mentioning the expand/collapse
- Altered logs around the Santorini dam to explain how you get the exact timing and why you can't drink the water
- 'Repair Rover Power System' combined action now includes 'Unlock Admin Office' and requires you to 'Hack Admin Office'
- Double click to manually consume no longer accepts right-clicks
- Fixed rover out of power log ignoring Full Power Cells in inventory
- Fixed rover out of power log ignoring Fuel Cells if you started adding them to the installed generator
- Fixed crash when repairing rover if you saved in the 'wrong' state
- Fixed potential crash late in current content
- Fixed combined actions sometimes showing incorrect Time Remaining when they had multiple copies of a sub action (Repair Rover Hull)
- Fixed Wait and Pause buttons not resetting their state when you loop
- Fixed the 'This obelisk is fascinating' death message getting stuck until you restart the game
- Fixed combined actions not appearing if you completed them, then loaded a save from before you had them available
- Typos
Bugfix v0.3.0.14 March 17, 2025
I've tried to fix most of the 'significant' issues in this patch. Still have a list of minor issues/additions, but I'd like to get some of these out sooner than later.
- Added log of
- Initial events are now hidden on 2nd loop until you Explore Facility (when you know you're in a loop)
- Resource hover tips no longer say "lasts forever" on resources which are empty
- Removed
- uses 10% familiarity.
- Emergency suit is now grabbable at 25% Inspect Rover when the log shows
- Events for are visible again
- Tweaked how Repair Rover Hull combined action works internally to avoid some issues
- Action type icons (Travel/Persist) keep same size if action text covers multiple lines
- One-off load fixes for two invalid game states caused by version migration glitches
- now drains area air before personal
- combined action now hides itself if the is already closed (used to have to expand and press the 2nd sub-action to progress)
- Fixed combined action on the way to cancelling itself after first sub action.
- Fixed issue which disabled action if you saved/loaded while standing
- Park in Talos requires either or
- Fixed being able to load the if you'd already installed the
- Driving back to Talos is only available after you
- Optimisations (might help with the 'possible memory leak' errors)
- Typos
Santorini [Major Content] v0.3.0 March 14, 2025
- Added the second chapter of story (~10k words of logs), covering the Santorini facility and starting to branch into mutliple future directions
- Added light hints/suggestions in known difficult areas
- Minor additions, changes and balances to the previous content
- Replaced skills with per-action familiarity (
- Rewrote the resource drain/gain system for reliability and visibility (
- Proper support for combined actions with collapsible sub-actions (
- Consumption priority selection, unlocked when you leave Talos after reaching content where priority is useful
- General 'Wait' button, unlocked once you reach content where waiting is useful
- Double click on resource items to manually consume them
- Disabled/Locked actions which are visible but cannot be performed, with the reason for why on the tooltip
- Effects may now be triggered at a certain percentage of an action, rather than only at its completion
- New hover tip on the Personal Resources title showing which resource will expire first
- Hover tips how show breakdowns of their modifiers
- Improved mobile support
- Downloadable version
- Lots of minor UI improvements
- Pickup actions now list the items they give
- Importing a save overwrites last action/checkpoint save
- Events are now only visible in the area(s) they apply to
- Completing any travel action will reset progress on all other travel actions
- Lots of typos
- DeathMessages are more reliably correct now
- Export/Import saves between languages work now (, vs . decimal point)
- Actions draining resources now updates resource hover tips
- Player draining resources from area supply now updates resource hover tips
- Event effects no longer applied multiple times if you save/load
(Proper) Tidy Up v0.2.6 January 18, 2025
Well, it definitely took longer (and a lot more hotfixes) than I hoped, but I'm now very confident that this will be the final minor update for this chapter. For anyone who missed it, I now have a Discord server (, which helped me round up a few awesome individuals to help me test this update before I released it. So big thank you to all of them for running it through its paces and finding some lingering issues. There are still one or two known bugs, but they'll be difficult enough to fix that they'll have to wait until the next major update in March.
- Travel actions are now visually distinct.
- Added icon when actions are planned to stop before completion.
- Added new DeathMessages for Laurion being various stages of 'finished'.
- Events panel is now scrollable.
- Added Discord link in Options.
- Loading a save which has an action in the queue will trigger a manual pause (empty queue won't pause to save some annoyance).
- Queueing/cancelling actions while manually paused causes the pause button to highlight for a second.
- Pause button is now grey when auto-paused (still red when manually paused).
- Run (unpaused) time is now saved/loaded and doesn't reset on loop.
- Changed first death message.
- Moved a small amount of food and water outside of Laurion (with a tiny new action/log to find it).
- Added explanation of VTOL.
- Allowed adding power cells to the rover while parked in Laurion.
- Reduced the speed boost from having power while mining the obelisk.
- The Water Recycler (it's no longer unlocked from the start of the game, and it now enables instead of disabling when you install it).
- Fill Air Tank/Water Bottle actions no longer increase their cooldown speed every time you exit/reenter the rover.
- Save games should persist between versions on Itch now (from this version onwards. I'm afraid that any saves from earlier versions are lost)
- Actions with resource boost (mining) now drain at the speed they say, instead of a fraction of it.
- If you saved/loaded immediately after completing "4th Layer" action, the event kept applying until you died.
- Once you learn that any actions in a group are persistent, you learn that all the actions in that group are.
- The 'Tunnel' action is no longer available if you take the original route.
- The 'Extending' event is now only visible from the first time you reach it to when you no longer need it.
- Admin video log in Talos should now play correctly.
- Tooltips can no longer go off screen, regardless of UI Scaling.
- The starting events (hunger and air drain starting) no longer dissapear sometimes.
- Save Import/Export box won't overlap the validity message on Itch anymore.
- Fixed several typos
Tidy Up v0.2.5 January 10, 2025
- Fixed the hardlock better (if someone had saved in the locked state on v0.2.3 then the v0.2.4 fix didn't work. Now it'll work for everyone). (Thanks to uselessentity)
- Fixed a softlock where someone with a v0.1.2 save could be at Laurion, but still have the infinite resource actions from Talos available, so they're stuck at Laurion with inifinite resource but no power to progress the story until they die. (Thanks to EpicLiamPickle)
- Fixed a hardlock where someone somehow managed to have 0 power in the rover, despite not having left Talos, and was on loop 2 so didn't have a Loop Now button. (Thanks to James_the_Mighty)
- Fixed being able to install the water recycler at Laurion twice - once parked, once not. (Thanks to Sehva)
Hotfix v0.2.4 January 10, 2025
- Fixed potential hardlock which could cause people to be able to reach Laurion then have no actions other than filling an airtank. (Thanks to several people for reporting this, and Acamaeda in particular for sending me an exported save showing the issue!)
- Fixed a crash if you tried to import a save when your current game was past the first loop.
Hotfix v0.2.3 January 10, 2025
- Skills don't reset on loop. (Thanks to Singlerarity)
- Typo in 'cabon filters'.* (Thanks to Singlerarity)*
Shortcuts & Bugfixes v0.2.2 January 10, 2025
Content & Features
- Added a few new shortcut actions when certain conditions are met. (Thanks to thePalindrome and EeveeSwordsman for the suggestions)
- Added a UI Scale slider to Options. (Thanks to Abnessor aka Findoff for saying it felt too big now)
Note: Currently the UI only scales smaller, because smaller than that and things start getting overly cramped and things don't lay themselves out properly. If people ask for it though, I can look into making it work.
- You can now continue to train your Destruction on the Ground Floor Door for as many loops as you want.
- Your visible skills are no longer cleared when you loop. (Thanks to Trebar for saying it was confusing)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed manually extending the dam not working. (Thanks to finndo and phantom_leaf)
- Fixed the game getting stuck if you died before starting the loop and loaded a save or checkpoint. (Thanks to Argroww and others)
- Fixed the save Import/Export text box not working. (Big thank you to bck356 for explaining it was a known Unity issue and linking a fix)
- Fixed a couple of death messages showing at the wrong times (e.g. it says you didn't make it back to the rover even though you did). (Thanks to thePalindrome)
- Corrected typo when revisting the derelict rover. (Thanks to goku90504)
NOTE: I did go back to my v0.1.2 saves and tried running through them from various points, but I couldn't reproduce the issue several people have reported of having no acitons once they reach Laurion. So if anyone could send me an exported save (now that it works), it would be much appreciated!
Chapter 1 v0.2.1 January 9, 2025
- Added the first chapter of story (~5k words of logs), covering the Laurion facility and setup of the big challenge for next chapter.
- Minor additions, changes and balances to the prologue content.
Features & QoL
- Areas can now have their own resources. Players will draw from the area's resources first when possible. Resources may also be non-vital (you don't die if they run out).
- Progress on certain actions can now persist between loops (e.g. if you're exploring somewhere new, you keep your progress because you remember where you've already looked). This is currently indicated by the action being blue instead of grey.
- Actions with limited completions now show their max completions and remaining completions on the action list.
- Right clicking to start/queue an action will cause it to auto-cancel just before it finishes.
- Holding ctrl/shift while starting/queueing and action will add 5/10 attempts to the queue.
- Pressing space will toggle the manual pause.
- Death messages will now be different depending how far you got.
- New actions are now highlighted until you mouse over them, and a 'new actions count' is shown at the top of the action list.
- Added a Loop Now button which appears on your third loop.
- Added Export/Import save to the Options.
- Fullscreen mode now scales everything up (text is bigger in fullscreen).
- Inventory now shows resource items at the top, grouped by resource type and sorted by amount restored.
- Leaving in the rover now properly locks all previous actions.
- Spamming to queue an action you can't complete no longer passes time (turns out this didn't even grant you XP or progress the action, it literally just wasted time).
- Buttons on the Game Complete screen now work.
- Loading a save where you're half way through repairing the rover now longer wastes your items, potentially leading to a softlock.
QoL & Bugfixes 0.1.2 December 15, 2024
QoL Changes/Features:
- Food/Water items which are unlimited (come from actions with no Max Completion) will now be consumed before limited ones.
This is probably the change I'm least sure about. The original idea was to reward people for getting to the unlimited resources quickly and deliberately gathering them instead of the limited ones. But I do agree it's frustrating if you lose because your character is dumb. So I'm making this change for now, but won't guarantee it'll stay this way forever.
- Item Pickup actions are now placed at the top of the Actions list.
Other than this change, all actions are in the order you discover them in for now. I do hope to find a cleaner solution to this in a later update, but for now this should help you find the most critical actions.
- When you try to remove the Food Synthesiser Power Coupler, it now asks if you're sure because proceeding will stop you getting any more food from that source.
I'm aware there are certain other actions which I'll likely want this warning on, but this seemed to be the one which caused annoyance most often.
- The Skills panel now has tooltips, showing your Xp, level, multiplier and other 'lategame' info once you get that far.
Bug Fixes:
- It was possible to lock the 'Start Action' button in the disabled state when it shouldn't have been.
- The 'Force Ground Door' action now remains visible until you open the door, one way or the other.
- A certain action is now removed correctly when you do the alternative.
- Typo in one of the later logs.