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comments for The Solitree [ON HIATUS]

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milo verifier July 26, 2023
+8comment score: 8


developer response: clovers
after all this time i finally get the joke
its called clubs not clovers

vvc donator July 26, 2023
+6comment score: 6

Short and sweet so far, looking forward to more stuff in the future.
Also best cover on the site!

QwQe308 gamedev July 26, 2023
+5comment score: 5

ok i admit i play it because of the cover lol

celloman1 July 26, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Is this an idle dice reference?!?!

developer response: well yes, but actually no, but actually yes

Shinwmyste gamedev July 26, 2023
+5comment score: 5

4 cards
Unlock the forge

unicodes gamedev June 18, 2024
+3comment score: 3

me: sees the requirement of 1e45 steel
also me: "holy sh*t that's too much steel" & "WHY DO YOU NEED SO MUCH STEEL?"

developer response: i freaking LOVE STEE,L,,,

Leninus countest August 11, 2023
+3comment score: 3

Card milestones dont save between resets. Also you should add buy max for cards, it takes a while to manually buy 1k even with holding c.

Hyggyldy August 2, 2023
+2comment score: 2

I have reached the end for now...

Unexian gamedev April 14, 2024
+2comment score: 2

also the card autobuyer doesnt work well with pokerchips milestone 1

developer response: i have no idea how the milestones broke, also "forge resets nothing" does not mean forge is no longer reset

Hyggyldy August 7, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Could really use some automation for the Card upgrades. Gets tiresome buying them over and over.

Trebar November 22, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Some quality casino content there!

(Okay, but actually all it unlocks is a button that says "content" and doesn't seem to do anything. Probably a bug; TMT can be very tricky to work with)

developer response: this is an early release of the casino update so not much content is available

RomanQrr July 29, 2023
+2comment score: 2

I'll be brief.

1. I'm flattered.

2. This is a a step in the right direction.

3. I was hoping you wouldn't default to the Tree, but this framework did produce good stuff in the past, so potential is there.

4. I am a bit disappointed cards ended up being just upgrades. I can see how one could build upon this foundation for more of what you made in your previous project, but for now it's a bit bland and a tiny bit of a let down.

5. I am excited to see what your creativity might bring. Keep going and may your muse be kind.

LavieTheDaed1 May 21, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Reached Endgame of v0.11. here's my review:
The beginning was kinda slow, but after unlocking forge, it went way faster. The card upgrade autobuyer doesn't work properly (it also buys already bought upgrades, so your cards still decrease. Never thought i would say that sentence.) Also, the 2nd pokerchip milestone didn't work until i reloaded the page. Overall, i'd rate this game a 7/10.

Unexian gamedev April 14, 2024
+2comment score: 2

second pokerchips milestone doesnt work

Shinwmyste gamedev August 8, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Cost: format(number) steel

developer response: try refreshing
wait no im stupid i thought you were telling me about a display bug
wait uhh what is this supposed to be i forgor

creyol June 18, 2024
+2comment score: 2

no escape

yeyes September 1, 2023
+2comment score: 2

yoooo copper is out

developer response: copper,

Shinwmyste gamedev August 14, 2023
+2comment score: 2

You need to use format(number) to display scientific notation

developer response: ok thanks

otterlocks November 2, 2023
+2comment score: 2

Great game, excited for the Casino Update :) I'd recommend putting an autobuyer for cards in around 1e30 steel, going through the upgrade cycles got pretty tedious since you can only reset for one card at a time.

chunkysalsa August 9, 2023
+2comment score: 2

automation please, otherwise i was well entertained by your work