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The Solitree

developed by pixelperfect12 gamedev
rated 4.1 stars, 45 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 45 ratings

Posted July 26, 2023. Updated November 21, 2023. Played 599 times for a total of 1212 hours.


A TMT mod about cards.

latest update

The Solitree v0.11 November 21, 2023

The SoliTree: Casino Early Update

  • Added a new Forge milestone
  • Added new Pokerchip milestones
  • Endgame moved to Casino unlock

Note: This update has released early due to risks involving my MacOS being infected. Please note that this is NOT the final update and things are subject to change.

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newest comments

creyol June 18, 2024
+2comment score: 2

no escape

unicodes counter June 18, 2024
+2comment score: 2

me: sees the requirement of 1e45 steel
also me: "holy sh*t that's too much steel" & "WHY DO YOU NEED SO MUCH STEEL?"

developer response: i freaking LOVE STEE,L,,,

LavieTheDaed1 May 21, 2024
+2comment score: 2

Reached Endgame of v0.11. here's my review:
The beginning was kinda slow, but after unlocking forge, it went way faster. The card upgrade autobuyer doesn't work properly (it also buys already bought upgrades, so your cards still decrease. Never thought i would say that sentence.) Also, the 2nd pokerchip milestone didn't work until i reloaded the page. Overall, i'd rate this game a 7/10.

JanexTheHero1 May 4, 2024
+1comment score: 1

Guys I think there's conent in casino

developer response: content

Unexian gamedev April 14, 2024
+2comment score: 2

also the card autobuyer doesnt work well with pokerchips milestone 1

developer response: i have no idea how the milestones broke, also "forge resets nothing" does not mean forge is no longer reset

top comments

milo verifier July 26, 2023
+7comment score: 7


developer response: clovers
after all this time i finally get the joke
its called clubs not clovers

QwQe308 gamedev July 26, 2023
+5comment score: 5

ok i admit i play it because of the cover lol

celloman1 July 26, 2023
+4comment score: 4

Is this an idle dice reference?!?!

developer response: well yes, but actually no, but actually yes

vvc donator July 26, 2023
+4comment score: 4

Short and sweet so far, looking forward to more stuff in the future.
Also best cover on the site!

Shinwmyste gamedev July 26, 2023
+3comment score: 3

4 cards
Unlock the forge

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