comments for Idle Mine: Remix
sort: go backOh hey, this game. I hope somebody mods it.
Good old idle from kongregate, nice!
Lets go gambling!
dud Aw dangit!
dud Aw dangit!
dud Aw dangit!
good pickaxe Oh, oh my god! I won! I actually won!
more good pickaxes I can't stop winning!
This game is finally on here! i love this game
The story is annoying, it gives false hope. “What’s next? Reach the next object”, and when you reach it, the next step is “now reach THIS other object”, with no rewards for the task/s that you did (only very occasionally).. like what’s the point of it all? You’re always unsure if you’re at a timewall or just around the corner.
Also the game seems to be aimed at just AFK idling (which is the whole point I know), but I wanna do other stuff with my mobile.. I ain’t gonna leave the device open for hours just to upgrade the blacksmith for like 10 times and that’s it.
5/5 played through 3 times.
finally this game got added into the clicker website :pray:
If my homework could be sold for 10$ for each page, i'd be a billionaire by now.
This game gaved me a gambling addiction
anyways 10/10
i'm fighting... dirt?
i love spending all my gems for a pickaxe just for it to be a dud
too grindy
Grinding gems is very boring
how 2 craft pickaxe
pretty addicting
One of the very few games I was invested in the story as much as the gameplay. I finished the story but will continue playing for some time to come! 5/5
I love this game!
me when 400%:
I used to play this back in like 2021 with a autoclicker, 10/10 game on pc and 8/10 game on mobile
Lets make a new pickaxe!! (Crafted a dud) aw dang it, (Crafted a dud) aw dang it, (Crafted a dud) aw dang it, (Crafted a dud) aw dang it