comments for Sequence Game
sort: go backThis game is hard enough to make you think better.
Two Down sides :
- The biggest one : Skill needed for some level are overwhelming some people, while level right after doesn't need all theses skill. Reverse the order of certain levels ?
- The time it takes to understand all at. I took 5 minutes to understand the Sequence game mechanics, and 15 minutes to notice the 1/3 sequence number and what it means.
+ Better sprites maybe ?
5/5 for me
Good sides tho :
- Unique Gameplay
- Many level tough impossibles were really possible, and when winning these make you feel damn stong.
- Some effects and sprites are cool.
- The amout of time you can spend on it.
I think that's all !
P.S. : Omg my biggest comment
no coyote time
how to do stage 11
Im only placing an 3 on this because i really this sites reviews to be in such a way that not all games are an 5. Other than that great game and good difficulty, criticisms are that it doesnt go to deeply into the mechanics(puzzle games usually get really complex without being that difficult at lates stages) and an lack of coyote jump.
10/10 would recommend
this is too hard
cant get past lv4
how to stage 15
how to 12
why is this game so hard at level 4
11 makes no sense
i haven't died yet please explain how it helps
i beg of you to add coyote
stuck on level 15 as i can't control my jump hight. i must be doing something wrong, but i like it.
im strugling on level 2:(
it's so wierd
Bro there is nothing wrong with this game just get better incremental players this is an example of a game that requires skill
at the level "dying is important" you can softlock yourself
what the fuck do i do on level 30
A pretty damn good platformer without a really neat twist. However you badly need a single undo button. It is way too easy to make one mistake and have to redo all your progress. I am specifically talking about the first "power" you are given.
Also I think you're getting downvoted because most people expect to see an incremental game on this platform! Not really your fault but I would guess people enjoy it more than the rating would indicate.