the gwarnament tree
developed by downvoid tester | rated 4.1 stars, 20 ratings |
20 ratings
rated 4.1 stars, 20 ratings
Posted May 13, 2023. Updated May 13, 2023. Played 662 times for a total of 611 hours.
A tree made for Christmas 2021
newest comments
a gwa is a gwa
gwarkup gwarnaments :3
the meaning of 42.
90 extremely scaled gwarnaments is the endgame and 91 is the limit
top comments
90 extremely scaled gwarnaments is the endgame and 91 is the limit
this game would be better if it had gwarkiplier in it
the meaning of 42.
I don't undertstand what the "stars" are ? +clickable's base ? I does not seem to do anything
this game would be better if it had markiplier in it