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my very good tree


developed by

developed by CheeseOverlord gamedev



142 ratings

rated 3.9 stars, 142 ratings.

Posted July 5, 2023. Updated September 15, 2023. Played 3106 times for a total of 5309 hours.


You know what they say. The more the merrier... And boy, does it get bad- i mean good real fast >:]

Besides that, this TMT is an overgrown parody of generic TMT mods and NG-X modes with more twists and layers than i admit to tell, few neat modes to bend the pacing of said mod to your will and probably the best mobile support you can find amongst other TMTs.

If you found any bugs, have feedback or suggestions, please tell me about them in a comment section or chat.

check out jacorb's other games btw

latest update

September 15, 2023



  • Added Time Dilation


  • Fixed few small bugs and nuances
  • Added "Goofy Ass Assistance" mode
  • Added Tera Prestige Layer
  • Changed first five achievement's names
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newest comments

AzureBlareGamer March 11, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Pro Tip: Go though settings, for better incremental experience 👍

quick_beastboy February 11, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Uhhh... was I meant to grind ng---- to the point of getting terra prestige

quick_beastboy February 10, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Keep getting metal pipe, I want to die

Gokaynu donator February 9, 2025
+2comment score: 2

I hate this game so much(in a good way)

Harry24 January 30, 2025
+1comment score: 1

Haha I love this silly bad g- oh god it's evil

top comments

SlaXoriuZ countest July 6, 2023
+44comment score: 44

take time to consider the description of the game

Jokes aside, this is a parody/joke tree based on TMT usually consisting of a single prestige layer and NG-X modes. It has multiple...
This is supposed to be bad, don't judge this on the same scale as other things. Unlike FAIIG (if you know you know) this game is supposed to be bad to be funny in a sense, not just downright horrible like FAIIG.

Technokaguya gamedev December 21, 2023
+10comment score: 10

I loved it when CheeseOverlord went 'It's CheeseOverlord'ing time' and CheeseOverlord'd all over the NG- mods

Omegacore2023 July 5, 2023
+9comment score: 9

based ahh game

Jeremymia July 27, 2023
+6comment score: 6

The Hall of Fame warning is insufficient. A constant problem in TMT mods is that new tabs are not noticeable, and so a lot of people will miss the warning before it is too late, myself included.

Trebar July 6, 2023
+5comment score: 5

Hmm... the start of the game makes it seem like a total shitpost of a game... but actually some interesting mechanics start to unfold. Still not a top 10 game at least where I'm at, but I will keep playing a little more.

developer response: Fun fact: I planned to add an additional Prestige layer called "Tera Prestige" as a part of the barebone base of what would become a huge mess. If you know how prestige upgrades work exactly, you can probably tell why Tera Prestige and further tier-based Prestiges weren't added.

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