The Rebirth Tree
43 ratings
rated 3.5 stars, 43 ratings.
Posted February 11, 2024. Updated March 11, 2024. Played 5021 times for a total of 4481 hours.
An incremental game centered around rebirths
note: this game is abandoned. i may still add some small fixes though.
latest update
Fixes v1.3d March 17, 2024
- fixed a bug
- fixed another bug
- buffed a few lategame upgrades
newest comments
i beat this a while ago it was really fun :D
developer response: Thanks :D
so bit of a bug that needs fixing but milestone 7 plus should be changed to milestone 8 + since its effect is for milestone 8 and not milestone 7
funny tree
challenges should tell you that you cant reset in them
developer response: Idk why you would reset in though
You get less points and it takes longer
I genuinely can't tell if I'm just stupid, but I cannot figure out CP01 at all. I get to e20 SP and then it softcaps no matter what i do or what combination of upgrades i use. Am i just supposed to spam the low SP gain until i reach e25?
developer response: you should probably get more energy tokens.
that or your upgrades are bad
top comments
Fun game, great start! Just a couple notes:
- The Challenge seems broken, it doesn't finish at even e100+ PP, and no upgrades seem to be unlocked
- Milestone 2 seems to also keep Challenge 1
- The upgrade shuffle is a bit awkward and annoying to find the "magic combo" to progress
developer response: I forgot to make The Challenge hidden, it was a piece of content that I scrapped.
Edit: This should be fixed
Upgrade section is just annoying. If I wanted to fiddle around to make optimum builds, I'd go back to MMOs.
1e18 pp ms is earned at 1e9
developer response: I will fix that next update.
Fun game but trying to find the right upgrades to progress gets a bit tedious
you do realize that 1^0.15 is still 1, right? so i literally just had to wait 35 seconds to beat the very first challenge. still, not bad, man
developer response: Yeah, that was intentional.