
Posted May 15, 2023. Updated May 15, 2023. Played 1296 times for a total of 1082 hours.
A game about getting milestones every so often.
Posted May 15, 2023. Updated May 15, 2023. Played 1296 times for a total of 1082 hours.
A game about getting milestones every so often.
newest comments
Just real quick heads-up to everyone! I've stopped working on this game, but I plan on trying to remake it, recreating everything from scratch. I will try my best to make this version a lot more interesting. I had the idea of augmentation points which may just appear if I do this right. Sorry to everyone who thought this game was going somewhere, but again, a new version of it may be made.
developer response: This version of the game will still stay up for archival purposes.
has anyone noticed the wordplay in the title??
why is the save 3k characters there is like 3m of progression
@snowbank seems like a year or more has gone by and yet I see nothing changed since the last time I was hear. More milestones would be good, since this game has everything to do with milestones. I doubt it'd be that hard to add in more milestones and a rebirth type thing.
i beat the game in 2 minutes now what
top comments
Just a heads-up, there's nothing past level 15. However, I am planning on adding a new feature soon... Would love to hear any feedback you guys may have.
I like the main idea, but it's far too short
i think its a good idea just make sure there upgrades that change the gameplay like "keep upgrade 1 on ascend", "auto lvl up" or unlocking new things bc it will get old fast just ranking up
developer response: Of course!
the game can go on for a surprisingly long time (i am at level 791)
Just real quick heads-up to everyone! I've stopped working on this game, but I plan on trying to remake it, recreating everything from scratch. I will try my best to make this version a lot more interesting. I had the idea of augmentation points which may just appear if I do this right. Sorry to everyone who thought this game was going somewhere, but again, a new version of it may be made.
developer response: This version of the game will still stay up for archival purposes.