The Communitree!

Posted May 12, 2023. Updated October 2, 2024. Played 35217 times for a total of 75171 hours.
A TMT mod about TMT mods
latest update
I lost my game save after 1 year of not updating this game so I'm releasing v0.5 early October 2, 2024
- Added thepaperpilot layer
- Added a news ticker
- Idk anymore
newest comments
its a bit confusing to me to have 10 fold mean x10 rather than x2^10/x1024
couldn't they have just said "multiply Self-Conversion and Self-Prestige speed by ten."
why do I gotta play the entirety of the prestige tree bro
It's a fun game, but I think there's a bug during candy tab questing. I can't increase the difficulty anymore after drinking the candy tab.
giftcode hunter is probably the most fun minigame i've seen in an incremental, such a shame it ended this fast :(
this game should totally have an achievement system
top comments
Once I reached the candy tab, I knew I had to give this game a 5/5. A bit grindy, but quite fun.
candy tab feels like a different game entirely
Feels like what TMT modding has been building up to for the past few years. Easily in my top 3 incremental games of all time
good, and i hope more updates come, eventually
Definitely a great game. Though it is a bit frustrating that the merge game gets stuck at a certain point because there's simply not enough room on the grid and it gets filled up, unable to add more blocks.